Mar 4, 2013 at 12:01 AM
No, keep it high enough so that it doesn't conflict with vanilla flags, unless you're completely erasing the old script. 3000+ is pretty safe.liammillay said:(i suggest having 100-200 for chests and stuff)
No, that would delete the open chest entity, which doesn't even exist on the map at that point. You want to <CNP the closed chest so it becomes open.liammillay said:<DNP(insert the chest open event number here)
No, you still need entity flags for the open chest; as I said in my previous post, you want the "appear when flag is set" one for the open chest.liammillay said:Oh and also, put an open chest object behind the closed chest (don't put the flags on this one)
Oh, and the "press down to execute script" flag for both of the chest entities, of course.