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Search results

  1. U

    Cave Story TAS

    Oh hi. I was just checking in to see if news of the TAS had made it back here yet. The TAS was made possible by use of a tool that nitsuja (who isn't Japanese) wrote to provide determinism, savestates, and input-recording to windows games. It basically works by loading the game as though it was...
  2. U

    Caved In

    okay, let me clear this up once and for all. What flag 100 does is make the object trigger when the player touches it. I think you will find, if you check, that H/V triggers don't work at all if they don't have flag 100 set... unless they have flag 2000 (the "trigger event on action" flag) set...
  3. U

    H E L P! No tow rope...???

    Actually I'm pretty sure I had to refight core because I didn't pick up the tow rope first, and it wouldn't let me after the fight...
  4. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    I've uploaded it to http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/75343/SeriousFace-Hard_Mode.rar
  5. U

    Best Boss

    Most fun: Monster X Most annoying (full run): Ma pignon (especially if you choose snake) Most annoying (normal): Curly Hardest (full run): Ballos, by far. Hardest (normal): Frenzied toroko is the only boss that I can't always beat on the first try with full health.
  6. U

    That's not right... - Some random questions

    <UNI0001 is responsible. This is also the triger that's responsible for you gaining the ability to swim, and losing the ability to turn around. So if you want to focus the screen on a specific point without causing quote to start flying around with the up and down keys, you'll want to place an...
  7. U

    Scratch on an Eight Ball

    I respect rune, but I disagree with his stance on sharing. I believe that someone who has that stance on sharing is being inherently elitist, and setting themself up to be in the elite. But that does not mean I do not respect rune's abilities. And it is not your place to decide whether or not...
  8. U

    Scratch on an Eight Ball

    I have made it no secret to RuneLancer that I disagree with his views on when not to share information, that does not mean that I wouldn't help him if he asked me. Whether or not he helps with my question is his decision, though, and he probably does not need you to help make it.
  9. U

    Scratch on an Eight Ball

    Hello, Rune Nice to see that you're sharing some of your notes again. I have a question for you, since you said way back that you had found some information about the structure that boss entities use in the exe. SeriousFace asked me for help trying to figure out how to change the starting...
  10. U

    So I started a hack.

    OH! Sorry. I figured that you were repeating the reason he didn't share them. I remember that it was difficult to get him to share many things. Perhaps he became more generous after I left for a while because his behavior was making me angry. By the way, if you have that text file, have you...
  11. U

    So I started a hack.

    Dude. Rune did not share the locations of weapons in the code and he specifically said that this was because people here would not be able to understand. And he never did try to explain them before deciding that noone here would be able to understand. And that is not a lie. AND I said all this...
  12. U

    So I started a hack.

    I know that's not what you said. I'm saying that RuneLancer often simply assumed that noone here would be able to understand if he explained something to them. And he usually did this without actually ever trying to explain that thing. And I was talking about stuff like how to modify cave story...
  13. U

    So I started a hack.

    Well, the thing is, by saying that, he just assumes that everyone here is too stupid. Whereas, if he'd actually tried, he could surely have taught someone something before he disappeared.
  14. U

    Lame Noobish Question

    Uh, take a look at basically all the scripts in seriousface's hard mode mod. They use event numbers higher than 1000 (or 2000 or 5000), and they all work. In fact, you could make an event #GRAR and it would work.
  15. U

    My Hell Mod(And a Problem)

    Uh, his post was a completely different suggestion about changing the height of the death event when falling into pits. It had nothing to do with the bug you explained the fix for.
  16. U

    Time of Faith

    Fixed. (Bowser doesn't make plans, he just kidnaps princesses.)
  17. U

    balrog sprites?

    I think he means when he was making the site layout -- before the forums took off.
  18. U


    You would only have to renumber the events on maps you want to call those events from, though.
  19. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    Wow, you've really touched stuff up since the last version I laid eyes on. I really like what you did with the teleport from sanctuary. But I thought I'd let you know I found a tiny little scripting error (which is probably actually my fault). In the altar of water, the Polar Star statue (event...
  20. U

    Cave Story maps in PNG format and more

    Some people have already responded with similar information, but if you remove the <UNI0001 from the beginning of that map's TSC, you can wander around and move the view and such, and you'll see that that actually is the map you fight ironhead on. It uses a trick with a locked viewport and some...
  21. U

    Stealing other peoples work.

    No, the dumb thing is that people actually DO refrain from making demos and and talking about their ideas because they're afraid someone else will use them. People who are modding are already "stealing" someone else's work because they aren't making a game from scratch. But then many of them...
  22. U

    Stealing other peoples work.

    There's where I feel differently. If it's your own work, you don't need to credit anyone else. But it's still polite to give credit for ideas that weren't yours to begin with. Suppose the author is working very very slowly (ie: mod may take several months before a demo is released), but an...
  23. U

    A Bug or a Game Futuare?

    As for number 2, in the original game falling spikes in ruined egg corridor can damage enemies. This is an easy way past a couple of the zombie dragons.
  24. U

    Stealing other peoples work.

    Actually there are several categories for this You have your own ideas and you build them into your mod You have the same idea that someone else before you had, and you put it into your mod, giving them credit for the idea You see a good idea that someone else had, but isn't putting to use, and...
  25. U

    Cave Story ~ The Eternal Chaos

    But he was the first one to make the life fragment system work. Even if someone else thought of it first. If mutliple people make implementations of the same idea, the whole community benefits (because they can choose the best one). If only one person is allowed to, the whole community is hurt...