Apr 9, 2007 at 2:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
ShInInG PhAnToM said:Runelancer wasn't online for ages...
its also too bad the mod wasnt finished i loved this, especially the modded upside down flamer
ShInInG PhAnToM said:Runelancer wasn't online for ages...
TooManyBullets said:Wow, I didn't even notice....
Yes, I am dissapointed as well. As you said, the Ion Device was awesome, and those timed explosive charges were fast becoming awesome. It's too bad he didn't explain at least where the weapons are located in the code..
Well, the thing is, by saying that, he just assumes that everyone here is too stupid. Whereas, if he'd actually tried, he could surely have taught someone something before he disappeared.ShInInG PhAnToM said:It's way to hard for the people of this forum to understand it.
upthorn said:Well, the thing is, by saying that, he just assumes that everyone here is too stupid.
upthorn said:Whereas, if he'd actually tried, he could surely have taught someone something before he disappeared.
I know that's not what you said. I'm saying that RuneLancer often simply assumed that noone here would be able to understand if he explained something to them. And he usually did this without actually ever trying to explain that thing.ShInInG PhAnToM said:That's not what I said! Don't skew my words.
upthorn said:I know that's not what you said. I'm saying that RuneLancer often simply assumed that noone here would be able to understand if he explained something to them. And he usually did this without actually ever trying to explain that thing.
upthorn said:And I was talking about stuff like how to modify cave story weapons, which there aren't internet tutorials for.
upthorn said:Hell, I can't even manage to run cave story through a disassembler without it crashing to try and make use of my knowledge of ASM on it.
upthorn said:Which is actually kind of a good example. Runelancer didn't share his disassemblies because "noone here would understand them".
upthorn said:Even after several people here said that they knew some assembly and would try to learn.
upthorn said:Dude.
Rune did not share the locations of weapons in the code
and he specifically said that this was because people here would not be able to understand.
upthorn said:And he never did try to explain them before deciding that noone here would be able to understand.
And that is not a lie.
upthorn said:AND I said all this stuff when rune was around to defend himself. Or should I not express my opinion just because he abandoned this place?
OH! Sorry. I figured that you were repeating the reason he didn't share them.ShInInG PhAnToM said:He DID share the locations!
I have them in a textfile which is from a post of this forum!
ShInInG PhAnToM said:It's way to hard for the people of this forum to understand it.
upthorn said:OH! Sorry. I figured that you were repeating the reason he didn't share them.
I remember that it was difficult to get him to share many things.
Perhaps he became more generous after I left for a while because his behavior was making me angry.
upthorn said:By the way, if you have that text file, have you posted it somewhere useful?
It would probably be more helpful to give people who ask about it a link to the information, rather than saying
ShInInG PhAnToM said:It's way to hard for the people of this forum to understand it.
upthorn said:By the way, if you have that text file, have you posted it somewhere useful?
upthorn said:And, by the way, that's what I remember about runelancer. He knew his stuff, but he was very arrogant about it, and didn't really share his notes. He shared a few things he found, but it was by far the minority.
Like, he said he found out how bosses work in the exe, but then he never let anyone else know.
upthorn said:It always felt like he was saying "hey, look what I found! I won't tell you how it works, though, you're too stupid!"
upthorn said:And here you are, doing the same thing. "I have RuneLancer's notes on the weapons. But I won't link to them, because noone here could possibly understand."
upthorn said:Maybe it's not on purpose, but what it conveys is that you think we're too stupid to use it.
And maybe we aren't.
RuneLancer said:I could. But I won't. I'll keep my findings to the boards as I decide to release them so that everyone may have a shot at their own hacks or be inspired to do some searching of their own.I'm a bit of an elitist, but it's my belief that a hack should be the cumulative sum of the author's creativity and skill, not just their ability to make use of others' work.
Here's the demo.
If anything weird happens, unexpected bugs and whatnot, please inform me so that I may fix them. The demo ends shortly after the boss fight.
I have.andwhyisit said:Is there anyone who would have a copy of it lying around on their computer somewhere?