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Best Boss

Nov 25, 2008 at 2:33 AM
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Don't know if there's already a topic for this, but I was just wondering.

Who do you think is the most fun boss, who do you think is the hardest boss, and why?

I'll start:
Nov 25, 2008 at 2:52 AM
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Most Fun: First Balrog fight

Why: It was actually very entertaining to see how long you could dodge him for.

Most annoying: Ballos

Why: ...Hell takes out a majority of your health, why do you think?!
Nov 25, 2008 at 5:35 AM
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Most fun: Balrog (obvious)
Why: Funny actions xD

Most annoying (not the hardest btw): Monster X
Why: By the time you reach him, your polar star is probably only level 2. If your polar star was level 3 before you met him, it wouldn't stay like that for long during the battle. You get limited retarded n00b missiles that are slow $#% and the fireball just sux here.
Nov 25, 2008 at 5:56 AM
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Easy : Excluding first Balrog, Omega in Sand Zone.
Comment : Now you should thank Santa.

Fun : Balfrog.
Comment : Whee let's leapfrog the frog!

Harddd : Ballos 2nd.
Comment : It's way too much easier to get damaged here, even if it doesn't take as much as 3rd or 4th.

Annoying : Sisters
Comment : If you're a noob, you'd have to wade through shit again. Probably at least twice.

@Metal : Are you sure you never even considered Blade?
Nov 25, 2008 at 6:33 AM
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Easiest: Balrog 1
Why: ... He's the first boss? >.>

Most Fun: Toroko+
Why: I don't know either. I like running around. =P

Hardest: Monster X
Why: This was the boss I was stuck at the longest. I still have difficulties with him.

Annoying: Sisters
Why: Sometimes I can't stop their fire in time, and I suck at dodging their fire breaths.

Ballos: I find him not exactly the hardest, he's still hard though.

My list only counts on boss events, not what causes you to hate it, you mainly hate Ballos because of the hard ordeals you have to go through before reaching him.
Nov 25, 2008 at 6:34 AM
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freezit4 said:
Annoying : Sisters
Comment : If you're a noob, you'd have to wade through shit again. Probably at least twice.
Seconded. But then I learnt later on that you could just pass though the room without starting the fight and save on the other side so that you didn't have to walk as far. Learnt that a bit late though.

So I vote for Core. Drowning sucks.

Easiest: Mutated Doctor
Fly up into a gap in the ceiling with the Machine Gun and stay there (infinite hover), the fight is pretty much over after that.

Then again...

Easiest: 1st Balrog
Has anyone seen XristosX's "0 second balrog" video? :D
Nov 25, 2008 at 12:25 PM
graters gonna grate
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Hardest: Ballos

Most fun: Undead Core

Coolest lead-in/storyline/music/mood: Core

Coolest graphics: Monster X
Nov 25, 2008 at 12:42 PM
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Okay, my turn,

Easiest: Curly
Why: Hop, spam, hop, spam, I dunno, its just really easy.

Most Fun: Miza
Why: Because she teleports! And makes minions! Awesome!

Hardest: Balrog 2
Why: Balrog 2 was extremely hard on my first runthrough. Really hard to dodge, and the terrain is abnoxious, because if you hide in that hole, he eventually lands on you... of course, now I know that you can just sit on him and spam the firebal...

I think I'm in a different time zone than you guys...

Nov 25, 2008 at 10:49 PM
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First time through Monster X was probably most annoying for me... now I find him one of the more fun ones.

I dunno. I enjoy most of the bossfights.
Nov 26, 2008 at 12:04 AM
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Funnest: Misery/Miza, because she was a lot easier than I expected

Most Annoying: Heavy Press after you've played through Hell +100 times and havent beaten him
Nov 26, 2008 at 12:15 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
Join Date: Mar 1, 2006
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Most fun: Monster X
Most annoying (full run): Ma pignon (especially if you choose snake)
Most annoying (normal): Curly
Hardest (full run): Ballos, by far.
Hardest (normal): Frenzied toroko is the only boss that I can't always beat on the first try with full health.
Nov 26, 2008 at 12:28 AM
I can has squidburger?
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Most fun: Ballos III. Also the easiest. Well, not the easiest, but the easiest considering the location. I guess you could say that he tied with Omega for easiest.

Most annoying: Monster X. >.>
Most difficult: Ballos II.
Nov 26, 2008 at 1:50 AM
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Most Fun: Ballos

I like the boss fight and it's kinda epic too :D
I also like to fight against the core.

Most Annoying: Sisters

I tried 23423593405348213590 times in Nators mod and that was just extremly annoying D: I hate the sisters. I can't beat them without taking damage.
Pooh Black is annoying too.
Nov 26, 2008 at 3:00 AM
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Easiest: Balrog 1
Why: sit at the edge jump over the block spam spam spam rinse and repeat

Most Fun: Ballos
Why: Most Developed Boss in my oppininion

Hardest: Balfrog
Why: dunno took me like 80 tries to beat him
Nov 26, 2008 at 11:20 PM
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I agree, Ballos and first core fight are EPIC
Nov 27, 2008 at 5:27 AM
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Monster X + Gaudis be suck. And his spam of projectiles be suck moar.
Nov 27, 2008 at 6:16 AM
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Easiest Boss- Igor. Just stand on the ledge near the forcefield and, as long as he doesn't jump up there, he can't hit you... Also, when he prepares that multi-shot blast, jump over him & shoot from behind.

Most Fun- Ironhead. It was a rather enjoyable twist to suddenly be able to move around & play in Shoot-Em'-Up mode, even for just a short while.

Most Annoying- Ma Pignon. I always got hit by those darn falling blocks... The island's blocks hate me... A LOT... The sudden 10 damage when charging instead of 1 was a rather hefty penalty, & the duplicates' 3 damage instead of 1 was definitely unforseen.

Most Difficult- Core. Especially on a 3 Life run. You not only have to worry about the shots, but potentially drowning, as well. It's a good thing Curly's there to help, however.
Nov 27, 2008 at 6:20 AM
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Easiest Boss- Igor. Just stand on the ledge near the forcefield and, as long as he doesn't jump up there, he can't hit you... Also, when he prepares that multi-shot blast, jump over him & shoot from behind.
Just spam your bullets and destroy those shots. It saves more time.
Nov 27, 2008 at 8:01 AM
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I hate Monster X, but he wasn't as bad on my second Playthrough then my first, don't know why.

Ballos I have not beaten yet but it is very fun despite getting owned easily in the second part.

Balforg took me awhile, but that was because I thought he could only be hurt by missiles, then I found out and he was easy.

List of annoying bosses(not difficult):

Monster X
Pooh Black
Ma Piginon

And this isn't a boss but finding Jenka's puppies.