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Want to play my edited game?

Feb 14, 2007 at 9:42 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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SeriousFace said:
Since it was having a sonic vibe, i had to make some mushrooms to give it some mario. Maybe I'll put some mega man and metroid in there too.
Yeah, about that...

Feb 14, 2007 at 12:55 PM
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Dammit! Im such a moocher.

I tried giving my shrooms faces in a more mario style, like this :3 but they looked plain creepy.
Feb 14, 2007 at 2:23 PM
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OMFGWTFS?! How did you made that Giant mushroomz? Woooow Awezome :o
Feb 14, 2007 at 9:36 PM
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SeriousFace, just to let you know, this mod is looking frickin' awesome.
Mar 17, 2007 at 9:39 PM
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the site that hosted your files has gone down or something
Mar 22, 2007 at 6:27 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Wow, you've really touched stuff up since the last version I laid eyes on.
I really like what you did with the teleport from sanctuary.

But I thought I'd let you know I found a tiny little scripting error (which is probably actually my fault). In the altar of water, the Polar Star statue (event #201) is missing a < before the END, which causes

displays in the message
2) It goes to the trade event even if you haven't talked to the master statue.
Mar 22, 2007 at 9:59 PM
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Lol thanks upthorn.

I found a big mistake at some point coming from the alter of fire. The result of which would get you the fade in effects twice when you enter a room. I think it came from me copy pasting your stuff from water to fire. I think there are some problems with the sactuary right now tho. Possibly skipping the scene you get while teleporting from grasstown to mimiga village after saving kazumaaaaaa. Anyway, it shouldn't be hard to fix because i already made it work if you skip the teleporter and take the reservoir way instead (fire altar > sactuary > water altar), so yea, i haven't yet because Im pretty lazy... and no one seems to give a rats ass anyway.

Oh.. also Upthorn, since i never see you on aim anymores, do you think its possible to have fixed camera point rooms like in the underside, I think we've messeed around with these before (check point of no return, event 300, sign at the bottom right of the map) to see what I was messing with already. I wanted a puzzel where you have to machine gun fly your way up through the spikes, touching said spikes teleports you to the bottom (and damage har har im mean). Anyway, It never worked, stupid crap happend instead, so i decided, screw this, I'll get back to it when you can actually have the machine gun in my game.

There is a secret in aurthors house, that might be new too.
Chinfish village might be slightly changed.. damm that is so hard... Not worth the effort just for the sound room, but... o well, i don't think anyones talked about that stuff.

People interested in my game, feel free to talk to me on aim, I dont' wanna lose intrest.

SeriousFaceFace ~When i don't respond to you its because im not there, I leave that stuff on pretty much all the time~
Jun 2, 2007 at 1:16 PM
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Those jumps are really annoying. After you jump down the stairs part you need to master low jumping over the death spikes. Low jumping being very important later too. My game gets much easier after you get the map system tho, you can save before just about anything tricky and just try load try load try untill your sick of it or untill you load succeed profit.

Hope you like the game tho. Its really hard for me to keep working on it, all my ideas end up not working now... so sad.
Jun 4, 2007 at 11:51 PM
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Hey there. I just managed to get to the Sand Zone yesterday. This game is seriously awesome, and I can't wait to see the next version (even though I'm still not done with this one yet ^^; ).

Wanted to mention a glitch or two I found, though. One of them has to do with the teleporter in Arthur's House. It seems if you check it, select a location, then say "No" at certain points in the game, it displays "0090" as text and does a scene change animation without going anywhere. So far, I've managed to recreate this glitch at the point where you can travel to the Sand Zone.

Second glitch is very similar, if I remember correctly. I believe it was
at the Hermit Armorsmith's house, if you check the fire, then select that you don't want to use the Jellyfish Juice, something similar happens.
Unfortunately, I don't remember that one exactly, so I could be wrong....

One more thing...unless it was on purpose, once you open up the wind passage on the right side of lower Grasstown (the one that gets you back up top), there's a very easy way into the Altar of Fire by coming at it from the right side.

Anyway, that's all for my bug report- er, scratch that, caught one more just now. XP Appears to be while everyone's in Arthur's House, when you can go to the Sand Zone. If you talk to the fishing guy, he says "They ever invite me to things." If I'm not mistaken, that should be "never".

So that's the end of my bug report. XP Again, awesome game, can't wait to see more. Now if only I could figure out how to get the Chinfish. XP;;

Well, I figured out how to get the Chinfish (evil Chinfish Village!), and I finished the Sand Zone, too. Still haven't seen the Mimiga Mask, though...^^; And I don't know the non-altar way of getting the Bubbler, but....Anyway, found a few more glitches to report.

Reservoir - The extremely-hard-to-get-to(-and-harder-to-get-away-from) chest says "Opend" when you open it, instead of "Opened".

Chinfish Village - The health statues again have the no->0090 issue. Only tested for when you can go to the Sand Zone.

Chinfish Village - The third Gunfish has some typos in his speech. "Gatta" should technically be spelled "Gotta," and I believe the "go" is supposed to be "to".

Sound Room - The top sign also has the no->0090 issue. Once again, only tested with Sand Zone access.

First Cave - You can already reach the bottom-left door, if you have 30+ health. You should at least put the "Nice exploring, but there's nothing here yet" message on the door. Same for the door at the top of the vertical tunnel before the Hermit Gunsmith, in theory, although I haven't actually pulled that off.

Hermit Gunsmith - Opening the Polar Star chest moves you to the doorway after the cutscene. You should probably stay at the chest.

And last, but certainly not least...
You don't need to grab the Polar Star at all.

I've pulled it off. I was down to 1 Spur shot and 2 Missiles when I reached the Mimiga Village, but it IS barely possible to make it without the Polar Star. (And, actually, I was using the trainer to have infinite missiles, and just keeping track of how many I "needed" to use, so I probably picked up a few more than that.) Worse, there's the save point next to the Map Room which is likely easier to reach, so someone could still save down there without the Polar Star, then they'd be stuck. (Granted, restarting wouldn't make them lose much, but that's not a position you want possible anyway.)

That's all I've found so far.
Jun 8, 2007 at 10:35 PM
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True Hitoare said:
Well, I figured out how to get the Chinfish (evil Chinfish Village!)
Wow its so nice to see alot of feedback! Glad you like it, way to find alot of stuff, I think the 0090 bug you keep finding has something to do with a different problem i fixed in my altars. Anyway, Im really busy right now, so i'm just gunna reply to this quote for right now.

There are actually 2 ways to get that tasty chinfish. 0.o
Aug 25, 2007 at 10:28 AM
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I wanted to play this one too, but links are broken.
Can someone upload it again or something?
I didn't read the whole thread so there may be some links or texts those
tell more...
Aug 26, 2007 at 11:43 AM
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Sorry, 'bout doubleposting, but anyone??? :p
Aug 26, 2007 at 1:44 PM
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Sharkenaa said:
Sorry, 'bout doubleposting, but anyone??? :p
I will upload it this day. Just wait and then I will post the linky.
Aug 27, 2007 at 11:37 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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So, when are you (or anyone?) gonna post that link? :D
Do you send it here or with PM? Pleeease :D

And answer for thread: Yes! I really do wanna play this too!
Sep 7, 2007 at 12:28 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Thank you, really, thank you.
I started to play once I extracted the the .rar file and I got to Mimiga Village.
Really nice mod and much harder than original game.
Once more: Thank you :D
Sep 7, 2007 at 8:27 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Hey, I extracted the .rar file, but now what? The folder just has data and folders.