Chaddykins said:
@Z- I liked the mod, it was fun up till it ended. I liked how you did the two different characters and all that. Just might wanna patch up some of the spelling errors here and there.
Oh gosh that was discussed so many times lol and much other users did this to their mods, nator and me for example.
upthorn said:
But he was the first one to make the life fragment system work. Even if someone else thought of it first.
If mutliple people make implementations of the same idea, the whole community benefits (because they can choose the best one). If only one person is allowed to, the whole community is hurt, because it limits future mods to ideas that have never ever been used before, even if one idea makes sense to reuse in various mods.
Yea but there should be a limitation... It ISN'T special to use lots of images and other good ideas and good things and make a super-mod...
EVERYONE can do this WITHOUT much work!
And there is a difference:
1. You see a good idea and build it in your mod.
2. YOU created the idea and build it in your mod.
Think of it everyone.
Well, this doesn't mean the mod is bad, it's cool but it isn't special to use images of other people and I would LOVE to see making YOUR OWN images and don't use other people images or use them as a base for own images.
Anyhow those Balrog jokes kick arse

(But original made in Fjord's Adventure

@ Nator
He edited your chara and used it for his own nothing more
Edit: Think of the Copyright! IT'S ILLEGAL to abuse images for your own things without asking!
So this means you done something illegal, someone could contact your provider and you would get some serious anger.