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Caved In

Dec 14, 2008 at 8:22 PM
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Here's Caved In version 1
I don't know how many people still do this thing, but here it goes.


Dec 15, 2008 at 4:33 AM
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Ooooh, mod out of nowhere. Cool!
Brief Spoilers
-I'm going to choose to assume that giving away the Polar Star is some kind of pivotal event that will have an effect at some later point.
-...or not >_> You can't defeat Igor with just 10 Missiles. So what was the point of that?
-The 34587345843 bugs that follow you there don't help either, in fact they push you around while the scene is occurring.
-Also, during said Igor battle, the doors are unlocked, meaning I can just enter a room and end the boss fight.
-In the Egg Observation room, it still says that eggs 6 and 1 are abnormal even though neither of then can now be entered.

But yeah, other than that, I agree with SeriousFace, good level design and content so far. Would you be willing to tell us a bit more about what the mod's about?
Dec 15, 2008 at 9:38 PM
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Haven't played it all the way through yet, but I got through a small portion of the beginning.

I was interested in the nifty little trick where you jump down the shaft and after falling, land in the room above. Gonna have to look at your scripting to figure that one out. XD Gj so far though, liked what I've played so far. Keep it up.

Played it all the way, very nice. The little hole in the ceiling for now, is for show it seems. I used an editor and put the 2.0 booster in my inventory and went up there to find nothing.

Also, the HP upgrades are a little difficult to nab for some reason. Not sure if it's just me, or what...
Dec 16, 2008 at 3:24 AM
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Caved In is supposed to happen 15 or so years after Cave Story, but I just need to get the end of the story straight.


- Quote and all the humans plus sue are the only ones who get off the island, right?
- The King and maybe Curly are the only ones who are dead


The storyline will probably split after Igor, depending on weather or not you gave away your polar star.

And here's everything that will be in my next version:

Prologue, explaining how you got where you are now.
The script error won't cause a lag in the First Cave.
The Egg Observation Room's computers will be changed.
You're not supposed to get missiles yet.
The hole in the Egg Corridor will go somewhere.
Those stupid bugs won't get to you when fighting Igor
Fighting Igor with no weapons will no longer be a dead end.
Grassland type map.
I've started on the Labyrinth, but I'm not sure where I want to put it, so it might be in the next version.
Dec 16, 2008 at 3:26 AM
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Question for anyone who knows anything about Mods and stuff.

Is there an event that can be called once you leave the screen via the top. If you put V-trigger there, the event is called before he leaves the screen.

Dec 16, 2008 at 3:39 AM
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Isu the Mule said:
Question for anyone who knows anything about Mods and stuff.

Is there an event that can be called once you leave the screen via the top. If you put V-trigger there, the event is called before he leaves the screen.


Don't know how to perfectly answer your question, more details would be nice (more details = more likely to get the answer your looking for)
But, i'll just start with what i suspect.
I suspect that you mean you go under the hole(but not through the hole) and it triggers the event.
Seeing as you are using the H/V (Horizontal/Vertical) trigger, you should make sure that it has flag 100 set, for this will make it a horizontal only trigger. This can best be seen in Sacred grounds (B3) where you can go back up to B2.

And of course, if not mentioned before, it should be placed at the very top of the screen.

Otherwise, with the current information, I cannot tell you the exact fix for what you want to do. Of course, it might just be impossible entirely, which isn't good because sometimes working around it is hard.

But as i have said before, more detail (be very specific).
Dec 16, 2008 at 12:21 PM
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A h/v trigger does not work that way I believe.

I think a h/v trigger is a horizontal trigger by default.

Flag 1000 makes it a vertical trigger.
Dec 16, 2008 at 2:01 PM
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jcys810 said:
A h/v trigger does not work that way I believe.

I think a h/v trigger is a horizontal trigger by default.

Flag 1000 makes it a vertical trigger.
Checked it out, your right. But seeing as I am posting, i might as well post how the flags work.

No Flags: Horizontal trigger
Flag 100: Horizontal trigger
Flag 1000: Vertical trigger
Flag 100 + 1000 (1100): Horizontal and vertical trigger

This should clear up any confusion, but i still don't know the guy's problem though, he's too vague in his description.
Dec 16, 2008 at 8:19 PM
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Oh you're working the storyline off of the normal ending instead of the good ending of the game?

Anyway it was pretty good level design, as has been said. Fun, and interesting. I'll keep an eye on this.
Dec 16, 2008 at 9:54 PM
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Sorry about the confusion. I meant to say horizontal trigger.

My problem is that the Horizontal trigger is triggered when the top of your head is parallel with the NPC trigger's bottom

Is there any way I can make the trigger go off after you pass it, or when your more in the middle.
Or, can I forcefully move my player in an upwards direction until the screen fades.
Dec 16, 2008 at 10:19 PM
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I just use an empty sprite box and add an event in it, a block above the viewable screen, and slap a <TRA (or whichever it is in the script to send you to a new map, I haven't scripted in a few days) tag on it. This way when they fly off screen, you can send them to a new map and you could use a fade or whatever. Either that, or I'm a nub and don't know what I'm talking about. :p
Dec 17, 2008 at 12:01 AM
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Checked it out, your right. But seeing as I am posting, i might as well post how the flags work.

No Flags: Horizontal trigger
Flag 100: Horizontal trigger
Flag 1000: Vertical trigger
Flag 100 + 1000 (1100): Horizontal and vertical trigger

This should clear up any confusion, but i still don't know the guy's problem though, he's too vague in his description.

That's not true, there's no such thing as a horizontal and vertical trigger, it can only be one or the other.


I've never tried 1000 or 0000, so I'll just assume you're right about those.
Dec 17, 2008 at 1:21 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
That's not true, there's no such thing as a horizontal and vertical trigger, it can only be one or the other.


I've never tried 1000 or 0000, so I'll just assume you're right about those.
Your right it would seem, but to what i've used using flag 1000 makes it vertical whether or not it's by itself, and 0000 just sets it automatically to horizontal (makes me wonder why pixel uses 1100 flags for his vertical triggers, seeing as 1000 works just as well.).
But i suppose if you wanted a Horizontal AND Vertical trigger, you could just place 2 h/v triggers on top of each other with the same events making one horizontal and one vertical.
Dec 17, 2008 at 8:57 AM
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okay, let me clear this up once and for all. What flag 100 does is make the object trigger when the player touches it. I think you will find, if you check, that H/V triggers don't work at all if they don't have flag 100 set... unless they have flag 2000 (the "trigger event on action" flag) set.
While I'm at it, I might as well mention that flag 200 is "trigger event on death".
And these three flags do the same thing for every single NPC. Flag 1000 seems to be the only NPC specific one.
Dec 18, 2008 at 3:48 AM
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upthorn said:
I think you will find, if you check, that H/V triggers don't work at all if they don't have flag 100 set... unless they have flag 2000 (the "trigger event on action" flag) set.

You think wrong, the H/V trigger is automatically a Horizontal trigger unless flag 1000 is set, which makes it vertical regardless of any other flags.

upthorn said:
okay, let me clear this up once and for all. What flag 100 does is make the object trigger when the player touches it.

I've tested your 100 flag theory too, it seems to be legitimate, might want to talk to SP about editing the official tsc.txt file. Of course you could be wrong, which might result in SP telling us exactly what it does.

upthorn said:
While I'm at it, I might as well mention that flag 200 is "trigger event on death".
And these three flags do the same thing for every single NPC. Flag 1000 seems to be the only NPC specific one.

No real reason to say that here, people can use the search function to find the TSC.txt themselves, but here are the flag values anyways seeing as you started this (directly from the tsc.txt,).

0x0001 - Solid
0x0002 - No effect about Tile 44
0x0004 - Invulnerable (Blink Sound)
0x0008 - Ignore solid
0x0010 - Bouncing at top
0x0020 - Shootable
0x0040 - Special Solid
0x0080 - Rear and top attack power 0
0x0100 - Costum (aka Option 1)
0x0200 - Boss Flag (should really be labeled "Run event on death" flag)
0x0400 - ???
0x0800 - Is visible if FlagID is set
0x1000 - Costum (aka option 2)
0x2000 - Call on Event (if PC[player]presses down in front of npc)
0x4000 - Is invisible if FlagID is set
0x8000 - Show Damage Numbers
Dec 18, 2008 at 4:13 AM
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This is all great, but none of it tells me anything I don't already know.

Is there a way I can animate my character?
Can I use <MYD to make my character move in an upwards direction?

Also, could someone confirm my character assumptions in post #6?

O, one more thing:
Can I resume control of my character after <KEY is used? thx
Dec 18, 2008 at 4:53 AM
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Isu the Mule said:
This is all great, but none of it tells me anything I don't already know.

Is there a way I can animate my character?
Can I use <MYD to make my character move in an upwards direction?

Also, could someone confirm my character assumptions in post #6?

O, one more thing:
Can I resume control of my character after <KEY is used? thx

<MYD won't animate quote, it will just make him face a direction. Of course, you might be able to use <MYB to make him jump up if you haven't already tried.

Also, your character assumptions seem correct, but if I were you I'd keep Curly alive because Curly = win.

You can resume control after <KEY is used, but only if you use <END. If your looking for other means i suggest finding a way to retrigger the event and use a flag jump to make it so it doesn't run <KEY the second time.
Dec 18, 2008 at 5:03 AM
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I can't get <MYB to to do anything but bump right or left, never up.

0x0100 - Costum (aka Option 1)
supposed to be
0x0100 - Call event on touch

That's why all the V-triggers in the game use the 0100 flag, even though that specific Entity does it automatically