I have a question regarding the differences between Sue's Workshop 0.3a and Sue's Workshop 0.3c. I know that one editor works with editing the game where the images in .PBM format (0.3a) and the other(0.3c) works with editing the game when the image files are in .BMP format.
Are there advantages to working with the .PBM one (the one I made my mods with) and having your images in the original .PBM format over the .BMP one (which allows you to more easily edit the images in Paint.NET without having to constantly change your images back to .PBM after editing them?)
Can you edit your game with version 0.3a and then switch over to 0.3c midway without any damages or file corruption? (I know this can't be done in Cave Editor).
Is one version more stable or reliable than the other?
I know these questions might not be that important, but I'm thinking of making a modding tutorial, and am just also curious what the community here feels would be the best version for teaching others to mod. I want to state that, unfortunately, cave editor is not in the equation since I have never used it and thus can't teach others to use it.
Thanks for your input and help!