LunarSoul said:I do have a question of my own, though.
Is there a way to render my own graphic? I need to show a message from textbox.pbm that represents ram offset 0x49dda0, along with a graphic beside it.
PUSH (graphicsid)
LEA EAX,[some address] ;rects
PUSH (y)
PUSH (x)
MOV DWORD [EBP-4],10 ;lower
MOV DWORD [EBP-8],20 ;right
MOV DWORD [EBP-C],30 ;upper
MOV DWORD [EBP-10],40 ;left (ok fine these framerect numbers make no sense but just ignore that)
PUSH (graphicsid)
... and so on.
LunarSoul said:Sorry for making you repeat yourself, I forgot about that.
Thanks, I almost understand now. So is the graphicsid just a number that signifies the graphic, like healthbar or exp bar?
Other than that, I completely understand. Thank you.
Bitmap object slots:
0 = title image
1 = "2004.12 Studio Pixel"
2 = current map tileset*
3 = null
4 = null
5 = null
6 = bg fade sheet
7 = null
8 = itemimage.pbm *
9 = Map System something
0A = Screenshot (for Map System, Pause)
0B = arms.pbm*
0C = armsimage.pbm
0D = The text that appears from <MNA
0E = stageimage.pbm
0F = "Loading" image from title screen [behaves oddly]
10 = mychar.pbm*
11 = bullet.pbm*
12 = null
13 = caret.pbm
14 = npcsym.pbm*
15 = Map NPC tileset 1*
16 = Map NPC tileset 2*
17 = npcregu.pbm*
18 = null
19 = null
1A = textbox.pbm
1B = face.pbm
1C = Map BG
1D = something to do with the text for weapon names in menu; changes the gfx depending on last weapon viewed
1E = TextBox Line 1
1F = TextBox Line 2
20 = TextBox Line 3
21 = ????
22 = Null
23 = Credits Text Bitmap?
24 = For Credits
25 = For Credits
26 = Null
27 = Null
LunarSoul said:Yeah, I thought so.
I can't seem to find a way to do that though. I tried replacing the pot NPC's code with it. It didn't work.
GIRakaCHEEZER said:You mean the event is #0461 right?
That 0 is important.
WoodenRat said:I've seen Pixel use three digit events without the 0 in front.
LunarSoul said:Is an event running at the time? You can't run events when there's already one going on. Try double-checking your script. Every script should have <END at the end, and look for any infinite loops.