Possibly Granted, but The public (the Plebs) don't see you as a God. A large amount of the population do, but a considerable amount doesn't. Physicists try to solve how the hell your powers are even possible. They make the assumption that your actions and observations are directly related to the sun's abnormal behaviour but in the end a team of austrian physicists propose a theory that all of this is random and happening simply by chance, as if it were just Quantum Fluctuation happening at more larger scales. This new theory brings increased media attention, many riots start happening and eventually you are assassinated by Solemdeus (latin. Deus = God) extremists who, ironically, want to "send you back to the sun". After your death, the strange events continue happening for a few more years. Then one faithful afternoon the sun's performance becomes normal again. Scientists rejoice, yet your followers still continue blindly following your new formed religion, argumenting it with a simple "His work here was done" aphorism.
I wish I could make a mod/game based on that story I just wrote.