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Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Dec 28, 2017 at 2:04 AM
Serri Online
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also whats flag #0002
not affected by tile 44 or smooething
Well, technically, that's Flag 0x0002. Flag #0002 is an event flag used for TSC.

E: Just for a comparison on what's the difference between Flag 0xXXXX and Flag #XXXX, because just now I realized I should add this, Flag 0x4000 is the "Disappear when flag is set" flag while Flag #4000 is to run Event #1100 instead of the "You have drowned." event.
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Dec 28, 2017 at 3:29 AM
The TideWalker
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Cave Editor and Booster's Lab call entity related things that do with the .pxe files different things and it's really fucked up so I'll try to coherently explain things.

First, Entity flags are set by the Entity internally or by the .pxe file and are stored in the npc command table on an entity by entity base. BL and CE are in sync on this (though CE just calls them "flags" even though everyone when they say flags is referring to TSC flags and not CE's "Flags")

Next is the #event number, when entity flag 0x2000 (intractable/press down to run script) is set then it runs the event number in the script. pretty simple.

And Entity ID/Flag ID refers to a separate variable in the npc command table than the entity flags and should not be confused with them! Some entities have a use for them such as EXP capsules, but their primary purpose is to spawn/not spawn when the Entity/Flag ID is set via the entity flags.

It's not that hard, but just try to remember that Entity flags are not flag IDs and that Flag ID is not "flags", but Entity ID is Flag ID and Entity Flags are "flags" (not TSC flags though, but setting a TSC flag DOES make an Entity ID with the same flag ( not "flag") not spawn if 0x4000/0x800 is set in your Entity Flags but not Skipflags, they're something else completely.)

See it's really simple and easy to understand.

E: I can't believe that I've actually had to open up CE more than twice this year now just to explain this shit

good riddance
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Dec 28, 2017 at 4:10 AM
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yeah tbh I changed the nomenclature because I thought CE's "Entity ID" was confusing/inaccurate/misleading. Because in practice, an entity's Event # behaves like it's ID in that it's used with commands like <ANP, <DNP, etc. whereas the Flag ID is specifically for flag-related actions (appear if flag set type stuff, mostly). But Pixel also re-uses the Flag ID on certain enemies to alter their behaviour when they spawn. so it's confusing all around.
Dec 28, 2017 at 4:37 AM
Serri Online
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Those are far better explanations than how I could've put them, tbh
Dec 28, 2017 at 4:58 AM
The TideWalker
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Also I forgot to mention that the Entity ID in BL refers to the entity's value to choose what entity to spawn as (like npc 42 is sue and therfore the entity ID is 42)

but in CE the Entity ID is the Flag ID and the Entity "type" refers to what entity it is spawned as (so entity with type 16 would be the save disc.)

This is prolly the most fucked up part because there's conflicting information.

Entity ID is Entity ID but it's actually Flag ID and type is Entity ID but it's actually Flag ID.
Dec 28, 2017 at 5:14 AM
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just don't use CE tbh
Dec 28, 2017 at 8:41 PM
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oh yeah whoops i forgot about #s and 0x things

thanks!!!!! :chin:

ok im confused my thing got glitched so now one of the maps is like really weird and i can just draw it back to normal but i dont really feel like it
its just two maps
so the script is still normal but the map has random tiles everywhere
and its from the right tileset

and some of the other maps are kind of glitched like they have the sprites and the right script just the tiles are just random ones

so i tried exporting from an old save with cave editor
and i tried to import but nothing happens

edit never mind i fixed it yay ok thanks bye
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Feb 5, 2018 at 1:20 AM
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im working on a Latin translation of Cave Story but cant figure out how to edit the "studio pixel" intro. can somone help? i know its possible.
Feb 5, 2018 at 1:21 AM
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im working on a Latin translation of Cave Story but cant figure out how to edit the "studio pixel" intro. can somone help? i know its possible.
Which part? The "Studio Pixel presents" or just the title screen?
Feb 5, 2018 at 1:30 AM
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Which part? The "Studio Pixel presents" or just the title screen?
nice to see an early response! Actually, both, but i think title screen is possible with a graphic editor.
Feb 5, 2018 at 1:31 AM
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nice to see an early response! Actually, both, but i think title screen is possible with a graphic editor.
i thoguht for the studio pixel presents you gotta do the thign where you change the name of the map or something

also i don't speak latin but i know some people who do!!
Feb 5, 2018 at 1:35 AM
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i thoguht for the studio pixel presents you gotta do the thign where you change the name of the map or something

also i don't speak latin but i know some people who do!!
1.the problem is, i cant find the room. im using the most recent booster's lab.

2. i don't speak Latin. I'm using google translate and I'm doing this because i need something to do.
Feb 5, 2018 at 1:40 AM
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1.the problem is, i cant find the room. im using the most recent booster's lab.

2. i don't speak Latin. I'm using google translate and I'm doing this because i need something to do.

you should try making a mod once you finish this its kind of fun to play your own game in my opinion because youre like wow this is pretty neat wait i made it so im pretty neat yay

also i think the filename thing or whatever of the map is like "kings" or something

its the one with the doctor and the balrog and misery in little floaty blue bubble stuffs

oh but if you dont want to you dont have to i dont want to force you to i dont really see a lot of starwars stuff so the force is not something i do
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Feb 5, 2018 at 1:55 AM
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you should try making a mod once you finish this its kind of fun to play your own game in my opinion because youre like wow this is pretty neat wait i made it so im pretty neat yay

also i think the filename thing or whatever of the map is like "kings" or something

its the one with the doctor and the balrog and misery in little floaty blue bubble stuffs

oh but if you dont want to you dont have to i dont want to force you to i dont really see a lot of starwars stuff so the force is not something i do
thanks! and ill try making a mod after getting used to booster's lab. and yes, i know its the one with misery and balrog in bubbles. i beat cave story + on switch bad ending and on final cave now

you should try making a mod once you finish this its kind of fun to play your own game in my opinion because youre like wow this is pretty neat wait i made it so im pretty neat yay

also i think the filename thing or whatever of the map is like "kings" or something

its the one with the doctor and the balrog and misery in little floaty blue bubble stuffs

oh but if you dont want to you dont have to i dont want to force you to i dont really see a lot of starwars stuff so the force is not something i do
(oof)oh no... the name is "u" and not studio pixel presents!!! well, its ok. im sure ill figure it out before its released!(oof)
nvm im an idiot and fogot to test it.

"roblox death sound":droll:
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Feb 5, 2018 at 2:19 AM
Serri Online
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Just replace "u" with "Mystic presents," it should be easy to do.
Feb 5, 2018 at 2:23 AM
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Just replace "u" with "Mystic presents," it should be easy to do.
actually, i changed Pixel Presents to "Dona ... Studio Trabajos |"(latin for studio pixel presents) and it worked. didnt you see the edit?
ah well :awesomeface:
dang this little discussion is going a lot longer than it should
Feb 5, 2018 at 2:28 AM
Serri Online
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I... don't see the edit at all, tbh.
Feb 5, 2018 at 2:30 AM
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(oof)oh no... the name is "u" and not studio pixel presents!!! well, its ok. im sure ill figure it out before its released!(oof)
nvm im an idiot and fogot to test it.

"roblox death sound":droll:
the bold parts are edit
Feb 6, 2018 at 4:28 PM
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I got a glitches with my mod in a room,Everytime the player enter the room,it's just loop the fades effect and go in every room
I tried the <END command but still there and so I change the Event of the door so it's wrong but it change do the same thing but with this room
The door that the player come from
The Exit
Feb 6, 2018 at 5:17 PM
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As I mentioned in the other thread, it's going to be a lot easier to diagnose your problem if we know which room number corresponds to which room.

This might be a problem caused by not all events being in numbered order, this might be caused by not all event numbers having the proper 4 digits, or it might be because the event you're looking to call upon transition doesn't exist in the arriving map's script, causing it to jump to an event it shouldn't.

It might also be because your <TRA command in event #0101 is not properly written. One thing I would advise is to make sure you understand exactly how the <TRA command works. The first parameter is the number of the room to which you're transitioning, and the second parameter is the event in the next room that you want to execute. This is usually between 90 and 94 by default, because most scripts in the original Cave Story have pre-written events that transition you into the room from different directions. At the beginning of most scripts, you'll see this:
And then of course the 3rd and 4th paremeters for the <TRA command are the y and x values of where you want the player to spawn in the next room, respectively. It's also important to remember that the <TRA command is one of the only commands that can prevent you from needing to put an <END command at the end of your event, because nothing in that event after the <TRA will get executed.

By the way, if you're still having trouble with getting your door to work, or if there are still some details about how doors work in Cave Story that you're unclear on, it may help to read this door tutorial I wrote almost six years ago.
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