Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Jul 24, 2013 at 1:42 AM
The TideWalker
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HaydenStudios said:
I don't think that (using a <TRA) would be a good alternative, since fadoink appears to want to teleport within the same room much like the two doors in the hideout.

You know you don't need a <FAO/FAI for a <TRA event, right?

You *Could* do it properly. I tried it in the hideout without any problems whatsoever.

The only difference would be the enemies would respawn.

EDIT- here is the script as proof:


Jul 24, 2013 at 2:34 AM
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I am aware that you don't need a fade out or in for a <TRA to work properly, and that your alternative could work under some circumstances. However, I think it would be best to get fadoink's <MOV working instead, not only because that is simply the more efficient way to do it, but also because even with the proper flags configured and the proper event called, the jump might not look right. Like you said, enemies spawning might be a problem. But there's also other stuff, such as the save point being in a different step of its rotation when you go through, and then suddenly jumping to a different part of its animation. There are some things that would be reset when the map is reloaded that can't be helped no matter what the called event does to set things the way they should be, which is why I think it would be best to solve what I'd bet is a surprisingly simple underlying problem preventing fadoink's <MOV from working. We just have to figure out what it is.
Jul 25, 2013 at 1:16 AM
The TideWalker
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HaydenStudios said:
I am aware that you don't need a fade out or in for a <TRA to work properly, and that your alternative could work under some circumstances. However, I think it would be best to get fadoink's <MOV working instead, not only because that is simply the more efficient way to do it, but also because even with the proper flags configured and the proper event called, the jump might not look right. Like you said, enemies spawning might be a problem. But there's also other stuff, such as the save point being in a different step of its rotation when you go through, and then suddenly jumping to a different part of its animation. There are some things that would be reset when the map is reloaded that can't be helped no matter what the called event does to set things the way they should be, which is why I think it would be best to solve what I'd bet is a surprisingly simple underlying problem preventing fadoink's <MOV from working. We just have to figure out what it is.

I understand what you mean completely.

But because we don't have access to the map/entity(s) we cannot fully diagnose what the actual error fadoink is experiencing.

I would bet (same as you) that it's the <MOV though.

EDIT- 4,500 post in the thread! :D

Now that I (and hayden) have answered that Question, I have one of my own.

Can you alter the damage given by the falling blocks found in hell basement 2?
Jul 25, 2013 at 3:35 PM
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It's probably under the Falling Block NPC code (not the generator). Look for, maybe, MOV DWORD PTR DS:[E_X+something],0A0
Jul 26, 2013 at 5:22 AM
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This might sound very noobish but I got two (should be easy) questions

1. When Quote has no air left (Drowns) He doesn't die or anything you can continue to move and everything but you cant drown. the air meter stays at 0
but he just will not drown.

2. Why do entities go behind doors? Like almost any entities whether it's a monster, NPC or Curly AI, when walking near the door they always go behind it.
I got it to work(or at least I think) once but I didn't really do anything different to this door. It can't be the flags or the scripts because I once copied and pasted one of the doors in the labyrinth with Curly AI (the ending door to extend the level for my first mod) and the Curly AI went behind the door instead of being in front of it. Any fix for this?
Jul 26, 2013 at 5:46 AM
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Wilfre said:
When Quote has no air left (Drowns) He doesn't die or anything you can continue to move and everything but you cant drown. the air meter stays at 0
but he just will not drown.
Are you by any chance underneath a hor/vert trigger? I'm pretty sure that having a TSC event running while you're supposed to be drowning can cause that.

Wilfre said:
2. Why do entities go behind doors? Like almost any entities whether it's a monster, NPC or Curly AI, when walking near the door they always go behind it.
I got it to work(or at least I think) once but I didn't really do anything different to this door. It can't be the flags or the scripts because I once copied and pasted one of the doors in the labyrinth with Curly AI (the ending door to extend the level for my first mod) and the Curly AI went behind the door instead of being in front of it. Any fix for this?
The lower an entity number is in a room, the higher priority it has for being drawn behind stuff. I am not referring to the event number or the flag ID. Rather, a number that is attributed to an entity by the editor based on the order in which the entities were added to the map. In other words, if you want two entities to overlap each other at a certain point, and you want one entity appearing over the other, then you should create the entity appearing in front after you've created the entity that will appear behind. So if you're using Cave Editor, deleting and re-creating (or copying and pasting might work too) the entities you'll want to appear over the doors should make them appear over the doors.

I believe Booster's Lab makes this a bit easier by allowing you to change this number without having to delete or recreate any entities, and simply lets you change the value labeled "draw order" or something like that.
Jul 26, 2013 at 5:56 AM
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HaydenStudios said:
Are you by any chance underneath a hor/vert trigger? I'm pretty sure that having a TSC event running while you're supposed to be drowning can cause that.
I am not underneath a horizontal or vertical trigger and when drowning, nothing is normally running.
I reach 0% air and it just stays there. I'll give you an example picture in a second.

EDIT: Something very wierd just happened, while I was trying to get the screen shot of the drowning bug, a whole different script from another map was being used.
The map does NOT have the script, also, while in the same map i'm getting sound errors where things like critters shooting and EXP jingles all over the place. I'm not sure what's happening at all.

EDIT2:The above edit seems to only be on one map but here is a picture of the glitch in another map
Jul 26, 2013 at 8:32 AM
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Wilfre said:
I am not underneath a horizontal or vertical trigger and when drowning, nothing is normally running.
I reach 0% air and it just stays there. I'll give you an example picture in a second.

EDIT: Something very wierd just happened, while I was trying to get the screen shot of the drowning bug, a whole different script from another map was being used.
The map does NOT have the script, also, while in the same map i'm getting sound errors where things like critters shooting and EXP jingles all over the place. I'm not sure what's happening at all.

EDIT2:The above edit seems to only be on one map but here is a picture of the glitch in another map
Have you by chance set flag 4000? It's a special flag, and setting it makes it so that the game will try to run event 4000 if you drown.
Jul 26, 2013 at 9:46 AM
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Have you by chance set flag 4000? It's a special flag, and setting it makes it so that the game will try to run event 4000 if you drown.
I did use the flag 4000 as I heard somewhere that it was a safe flag to use. After changing the 4000 flag to something like 855 the browning works. Thanks for your help.

EDIT: The sound glitch is still there.
Jul 31, 2013 at 1:02 AM
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Alright, so I tried to learn assembly, then procrastinated for a few months, and next tried to learn it again. I understand how the commands work but I don't really understand how they turn into NPCs and the like. Can someone give me some comment heavy code or something?
Jul 31, 2013 at 10:12 PM
The TideWalker
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nemesis_4000 said:
Alright, so I tried to learn assembly, then procrastinated for a few months, and next tried to learn it again. I understand how the commands work but I don't really understand how they turn into NPCs and the like. Can someone give me some comment heavy code or something?

I would love it if someone actually would do this.

We have been overdue for this, for like a long time.

Now, I have a Question. . .


What in the world are these?

(Other then of course being part of Noxid's TSC+ mod)
Jul 31, 2013 at 11:10 PM
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<AE+ - Fills up all your weapon ammo to it's max capacity, this is in vanilla cave story (used by refill stations)

<DNA - also in vanilla, It removes all entities of it's type (So like <DNA0046 removes all H/V triggers)

<IMG - My guess is full screen images... but I don't know

<VAR - Guess it has to do with variables... some of the other commands probably have to do with them to.

<RND - RaNDom?

Since this is basically useless information, I'll let Noxid or someone else actually tell you what each of them are. (I would like to know as well.)
Jul 31, 2013 at 11:43 PM
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from what various scraps of documentation I have left
Puts YYYY into variable # XXXX
Performs operation $ on XXXX using # YYYY. Valid values of $ are + (addition) - (subtration) * (multiplication) and % (Basically IDIV). Dividing by zero will crash the game, by the way.
Zeros YYYY variables, starting at varable # XXXX. <VAZXXXX:0000 will do nothing.
Compare XXXX to YYYY using method ZZZZ, if true jump to WWWW. ZZZZ is as follows:
0000: JE
0001: JNE
0002: JG
0003: JL
0004: JGE
0005: JLE
0006: Always jumps, but that's a bug in the code. Any higher than 6 and you may very well crash the game.
Puts random # between XXXX (min) and YYYY (max) into variable ZZZZ.

Changes to ASCII to # function: If your # string begins with the character "V", then it will be evaluated as the variable XXX

<NUMXXXX now outputs the value in variable XXXX to the message box.

reserve variables:
0000: Current Health
0001: Max Health
0002: Player Location (X)
0003: Player Location (Y)
0004: Current Weapon Ammo
0005: XP needed to be gained for next level
0006: MyChar number

IMG hack
<IMG command hack
Title.bmp must be 320x240
<IMGFILE will set TimgFILE.bmp (or pbm) over the screen.
The "tag" for the file name must be exactly 4 characters
<IMG0000 will remove the image overlay
Transparency can be used (colour 000000[black])
Cannot use Enemy:Polish
Title screen rects are optimised as hell so have fun changing that
Uses redunant 2nd <FAC command for TSC portion

;1) Get input for one of three different types: Numeric, Alphanumeric, Alpha only
;2) Convert to number
;3) Store in variable
;Must have some kind of thing like a NOD but only for the enter key

<NAM displays the variable in the designated "player name" variable to the textbox
<NIN copies the values from <CIN to the name variable. maybe.
<DIE triggers the death animation scene thing in KSS
<MIMXXXX switches character to character X, extended mimiga mask hack
<LIV was never finished

the rest are vanilla commands. Of course none of this matters if you don't have all the right hacks installed.
Aug 1, 2013 at 1:30 AM
The TideWalker
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ok then, thanks.

New Question:

Is it possible to change values of addresses by setting a TSC flag? (7,000 in case)

And also, how do I get the executable to run at 60 frames per second?
Aug 7, 2013 at 7:28 AM
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I made some nice Sprite edit of Ballos (All forms) but I'm trying to give all his forms more HP. But so far, I can only find the entity ID for his first form
is there a way I change the HP for his other forms? Also, is there a limit on how much HP I can put into one boss?
Aug 7, 2013 at 2:27 PM
The TideWalker
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Wilfre said:
I made some nice Sprite edit of Ballos (All forms) but I'm trying to give all his forms more HP. But so far, I can only find the entity ID for his first form
is there a way I change the HP for his other forms? Also, is there a limit on how much HP I can put into one boss?
The limit is 9,999 or 2,70F. you can go higher, but it's not recommended.

look for this command.

MOV DWORD PTR DS:[E_X+40],(bosses health)

your welcome. :mahin:

And *cough* *cough* can I get an answer to MY questions? *cough*
Aug 7, 2013 at 2:33 PM
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Bombchu Link said:
ok then, thanks.

New Question:

Is it possible to change values of addresses by setting a TSC flag? (7,000 in case)

And also, how do I get the executable to run at 60 frames per second?
technically all setting a TSC flag *does* is change the value of an address.
you can get around 60 fps by changing some 0x14 to 0x11 in some function, it's listed in the function list as something weird like "contains fps delimiter"
Aug 7, 2013 at 2:41 PM
The TideWalker
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Noxid said:
technically all setting a TSC flag *does* is change the value of an address.
you can get around 60 fps by changing some 0x14 to 0x11 in some function, it's listed in the function list as something weird like "contains fps delimiter"

in the executable?

where are the flag values stored then?

And do you know how <NPV and <NPR work?

(something to do with GIR's multipurpose NPC)
Aug 7, 2013 at 8:43 PM
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Bombchu Link said:
look for this command.

MOV DWORD PTR DS:[E_X+40],(bosses health)

your welcome. :mahin:
I'm not very good with assembly, so that doesn't help much. All I really need is the entity ID for Ballos' 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms.
Aug 7, 2013 at 8:57 PM
The TideWalker
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Wilfre said:
I'm not very good with assembly, so that doesn't help much. All I really need is the entity ID for Ballos' 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms.
Here you go, straight from the Assembly compendium:

Boss 0 (no special boss): 0x0072FF0
Boss 1 (Omega): 0x007B6F0
Boss 2 (Balfrog): 0x0079030
Boss 3 (Monster X): 0x007E6F0
Boss 4 (Core): 0x0074400
Boss 5 (Ironhead): 0x007A8A0
Boss 6 (Dragon Sisters): 0x007D170
Boss 7 (Undead Core): 0x00753D0
Boss 8 (Heavy Press): 0x007C820
Boss 9 (Ballos [Ball]): 0x00772F0
Go under address 04772F0 and look for the command
MOV DWORD PTR DS:[E_X+40],(bosses health).