First I explored the proper way! Noticed all the nice details you added...
Checking the entrance to the Balcony, statues, altars tucked away, many great things to explore xD
I did notice Chaco's dramashelf only gives you the inital dialogue the first time, unless I forgot I already checked it... xD But, I was thinking it's using the variable that doesn't go away until you close the game?
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the details. 
As for Chaco's shelf...I think it's just you forgetting. I'm not sure what you're trying to say and I've never had any problems with it.
(Love the
mp3 ORG player)
Thanks! :3
Next I restarted, and discovered the CAT.
OMG! That was a pretty hard battle... I used ONLY the
POLAR STAR. And managed to win!! [Meaning I didn't get the rocket and leave and come back~]
It required ridiclous timing and dodging... but I felt pretty epic when I won ;D
Woah...that's very impressive. Great job, X! You deserve a cookie. ;3
Got the •Cookie•!
Then I discovered you are supposed to leave, with the rocket and come back in and fight it for real -_-... If you killed the CAT once though, he becomes invincible... I did over 9000 damage to him with the rocket, and he lived! Guess he really did become... E...t.e..rnal.... or something xD
To be honest, I only added in the Ultima Rockets because I, myself, found it impossible to get past the Hoppies with the Polar Star. Originally, this was fine because I simply didn't want you going outside.
Later on, when I gave the option of exploring Outer Wall, I had to add the Ultima Rockets to make the sequence surviveable.
As for the cat, that was a mess-up with flags I didn't notice. FIX'D!
Skipping ahead, I FINALLY FINISHED THAT ROOM. ASDASSASA%$$#%$#%$#%^&%$&
.............. But no victory parade or amazing truck....
Ah well, it was painful to fight all of those guys with 1 HP... they keep ambushing me...
Aww, sorry. I'll add in a victory thingie later...I'm not sure how, but I'll figure it out.
Now going back in time, the first time I beat the hoppy's I didn't have a booster, didn't know about that secret...
So I went down to the bottom and... GOT STUCK trying to make it to The Little's door... ARHHHHHH
Fixed. You can no longer get stuck, and in fact it is possible to get to The Littles without the Booster now. Not much point, but still.
Then I went back because I wanted to see if Kazuma did anything, and... Nah... ;_;
Okay! Kazuma says something now.
I went further in... and discovered ChimeApple's Story. Going through the Egg-Corridor and finally back to Mimiga Village ;D
I played all the way to Egg Corridor fixed [time paradox corridor], beat Igor, and I think I went into the save room after saving Sue...
Then I was transported to the ALL NEW SECRET ROOM! Where I gained a second necklace... and a cat giving me a Booster ... ;D
That's how I figured out about that secret~
Ohhh, right. I replaced EgEnd1.
And Unseen Cave isn't very secret, Calibar. You mean you never found it? D:
I went the same way back, to return to the destroyed Egg Corridor, when I ran into a PARADOX. Apparently either something I triggered, or when I killed the Sisters this time; each time I try to warp to Arthur's house I'm returned to where I fought the Sisters... D:
No idea. I haven't messed with the Sisters, so...