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Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

Mar 7, 2009 at 1:18 AM
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Haithm said:
Kaeso, your mod is cool but if there is a chance to get a job that keeps you from modding, then get it and leave modding it because no one here is profitable for you.
I wouldn't recommend that option since I love this mod, but this mod isn't profitable for you, so I will agree with that. Plus your real life is more important than some mod. So I agree with this statement. Your life > Your mod. (Your life is more important than this mod.)

wedge of cheese said:

But is it madness?
Mar 7, 2009 at 1:40 AM
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Mar 7, 2009 at 1:48 AM
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Mar 8, 2009 at 5:37 PM
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No, but I haven't gotten any further in this mod, so I never noticed your response.
Mar 12, 2009 at 1:44 AM
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That's most likely 'cause there's nothing to say at the moment.
Mar 12, 2009 at 5:43 PM
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It's bad when pepole starting on something great but never completes it :/
Mar 12, 2009 at 6:18 PM
graters gonna grate
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Well he probably is going to complete it eventually but not for a while.
Mar 13, 2009 at 12:17 AM
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Things like this actually take a lot of work. If it was the only thing the person was working on, they may be able to complete it in a month or two, but most people have tons of other things they have to do as well, so it takes a lot longer.
Mar 13, 2009 at 12:50 AM
graters gonna grate
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This is very true; I know all too well from experience.
Mar 13, 2009 at 2:44 AM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Things like this actually take a lot of work. If it was the only thing the person was working on, they may be able to complete it in a month or two, but most people have tons of other things they have to do as well, so it takes a lot longer.

You got that right it's like writing a book, except you got to do a crap load of other things like making events etc. Most of the time when I stop modding it's because I can't think of anymore story to add.
Mar 14, 2009 at 1:01 AM
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"And capture her alive! I was to... interrogate her..."

Mar 19, 2009 at 2:10 AM
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I finally found time to get through the whole mod again. Darn I hate those stupid fans in grasstown; only part of the game I can't accurately predict my movement on. But anyways, on to the new:

The end of Sand Zone's nothing unexpected. The plot development's ok. As for scaling up the captains, couldn't you just add minions? Specifically, incrementally more and more robots that function like the Korons did in the original Curly fight? You're already pulling their spritesheet. Just make sure to edit the damage they do to 6 so they can be a threat rather than a mercy invincibility vending machine.

The tower's fun, but could be improved visually. The sky outside doesn't look like a sky, and the background inside doesn't mesh with Cave Story's graphics, or at least not the ones in this level. Like someone mentioned, I think you oughta find some tiles that fits the style better (or maybe even just turn the current BG into tiles--it migth work, I'd have to see it) and replace the sky with a sky background from elsewhere in the game. Also, I think it's silly that the normal gaudis edits have a gun on their sprite even though they refuse to use it. As I said, though, the level's very fun, especially on the way down. Speaking of which, score more points for the map during the elevator part!

The assasins need a better entrance--they seem to just appear. Even a puff of smoke as each one appears would go a long way. Otherwise, they're like a fair version of the gausketeers fight, which is very good.

I don't really like the commander's sprite. Apparently I'm alone in that.

I really think the sanctuary looks wrong in this area. If you're worried about the map limit, do what I said before and lock all the doors in mimiga village except the meeting hall and Arthur's house. That'll save you half a dozen.

Is it too late to move one point of health from the item hidden in Curly's bedroom into the health item in the egg corridor without ruining savefiles? I certainly never would've thought to look there if you hadn't said in this thread, and in fact forgot to this run anyways, and at the moment that's an important item, the difference between one hit kills and two hit kills in the fortress (and several other spots). What's it worth anyways?

I'm currently immensely curious what you're going to do with the eventual fight with Quote, since canonically Curly loses that. And since I don't know which boss AI would be appropriate. Just doing it in a cutscene would be such a letdown.
Apr 1, 2009 at 9:11 AM
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Is it end of mod when at the table written "End of 3 year"?
Apr 6, 2009 at 1:14 AM
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First thing, I really like this mod; I even signed up solely because of it (Helps that Curly was my favorite character; was really, really upset when she died, first time through...).
My few gripes would be the difficulty, but I got use to it eventually (Apparently I was lazy through Cave Story, I didn't know you could dodge Sandcrocs like that...) and didn't have that hard of a time ('cept the darned falling blocks, but I always get stuck on those >.>), and there's a few grammar or personality parts I don't completely agree with, but it's most likely because of the lack of interaction with some of the characters causing everyone's views of them to be different, so it's probably a good idea to ignore me on that part.
What I really love about this mod is the story; sure there's thousands of mods for any one given game, but hardly any of them have an actual story...and this one adds to the beloved Cave Story in a believable way. I wouldn't care if you got the crowbar as a weapon or not, or if the bosses just as easy as they were in Cave Story; gameplay be damned! Story's more important. (At least to me..)
And then to talk about on how long this will take for you to complete, just remember what Pixel did with Cave Story....He didn't release anything until he was completely satisfied with everything about the game.

Anyways, I just wanted to show mine (and those who have yet to speak up) support for this great mod and see if I could offer any help with it...

Also, incase you were going to move/change it, I think you should keep that heart tank in Curly's room where it's at; make it a sort of reward for those who played through all of Cave Story, that and I didn't think it was that hidden, it was the first thing I found....

(Sorry if this is all a bit rant-ish and subject jumpy, I get that way whenever I write posts >.>)
Apr 8, 2009 at 8:27 PM
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Kaeso said:
Most of the time when I stop modding it's because I can't think of anymore story to add.
Same here. (cept this comic)

Don't worry Kaeso, even though I don't log on often or post often I'm still rootin for ya =D

I have spring break next week, gonna need to think up a few comic ideas...right now I'm on writers block, I hope you can get past yours if thats your problem on your mod right now :D
Apr 24, 2009 at 1:46 AM
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This mod was certainly more challenging than Cave Story. Some parts (the [edit]ing Tunnel) were a little too challenging in my opinion, but maybe I'm just a n00b. And other parts, like that building in the middle of Grassy Hills, and the Sandcrocs, were too repetitious. I felt that the Ancient Cave was too big and dull for the amount of times you have to go across it. Swatting away critters, mushrooms and bats for that long got tedious. I think the easiest way to make Ancient Cave more enjoyable is to shorten it, and but some secret bonuses in. I kept thinking to myself, "A place this must must have something to explore." And it was odd thinking of Jack as a different person, but I know how tough sprites are to make. Perhaps he should have been an unused sprite.
I hope Curly gets a new weapon soon; it would sure spice things up (even more).
One more minor complaint before I get to the praise: Quote's air tank. I was delighted when I had to go steal it, but mostly because I assumed Curly would be using it. It would be a WONDERFUL twist if Curly got Quote's air tank back from the Greasemonkey later, instead of finding her own.
Now for ego inflation: I think the story was well-thought out (aside from the air tank and the random Gaudis), and I can't wait to see what role that commander plays in setting up the story of Cave Story (redundant, I know). When the sand caved out from under Curly in the Sand Zone, it totally took me by surprise. I was all like "Aw yeah, time to rape some Omega!" and then you were like, "THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK!"
Speaking of Omega, it was the same fight as in Cave Story. I think you should change it somehow; just giving it more health would be enough. And speaking of bosses, I hope I don't have to fight too many more captains. You're fought Curly, you've fought them all.
Original art always pleases me. I smiled when Curly's angry face came up, and the robot enemies in the tower were awesome, even if their dying animation looked a little weird. And the assassins looked cool.
I know I put a lot of criticism into here, but I really like this mod. Back story for the win. Just one question: why does the Sand Zone change so much? Is it because the Demon Crown is making it moar evil really fast? Because biospheres don't change that rapidly.
Wait, biospheres? You're fighting skeletons. Never mind.
May 23, 2009 at 6:44 PM
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This mod rocks!!!

Seriously, it does. It also is ridiculously hard (and repetitive) in some places. So much of the mod can easily kill you in one hit. I (unfortunately) had to edit some parts to be able to see the ending.

Is the "END OF THIRD YEAR" the end of the demo? It seemed like a heck of a cliffhanger.

The machine gun could be placed at the end of the tower (after killing a captain that fires missiles a la final Balrog fight).

The machine gun would not kill the platform difficulty, it could actaully make it harder. For example it can be used to navigate a guantlet of deathspikes, used to go up a area swarmed by enemies or simply the only way to traverse an insanely huge pit.

I liked the look of the young Korons, didn't really bother me that they had square heads.

Good luck with your mod!
May 23, 2009 at 7:19 PM
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Yep year 3 was the last chapter and while I'm here I might as well address the last few posts and say that I'll be resuming the mod soon hopefully.
It would be a WONDERFUL twist if Curly got Quote's air tank back from the Greasemonkey later, instead of finding her own.

If I did that it leaves the question of why Curly never had an Air Tank in the first place. At least this way they both originally had them built in. (For the record, that wasn't just a random air tank lying around in Sand Zone, I was trying to imply that her Air Tank broke off when she landed there in the beginning.)

First thing, I really like this mod; I even signed up solely because of it

That's cool you aren't the first that signed up because of the mod, but you are the first that didn't go inactive after a week.
The sky outside doesn't look like a sky, and the background inside doesn't mesh with Cave Story's graphics, or at least not the ones in this level.

I know the sky pisses me off too but I spent many hours on that map's background. It came down to either having a nice looking sky or a nice looking background. I'm not done with it yet though so I'll get around to improving it.
The assasins need a better entrance--they seem to just appear. Even a puff of smoke as each one appears would go a long way. Otherwise, they're like a fair version of the gausketeers fight, which is very good.

Good idea. Dunno why I didn't think of that.

I'm currently immensely curious what you're going to do with the eventual fight with Quote, since canonically Curly loses that. And since I don't know which boss AI would be appropriate. Just doing it in a cutscene would be such a letdown.

Well at the moment I'm hoping those new TSC commands Lace is working on will make something possible. (Like a command that plays an event after certain time has passed, or a command that plays an event after the boss has taken so many amounts of hits even.)
May 23, 2009 at 7:24 PM
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Kaeso said:
That's cool you aren't the first that signed up because of the mod, but you are the first that didn't go inactive after a week.
Is that a good thing...? O.o;

Well....your mod was kinda the last straw in what pushed me into joining these forums {First forum I've ever been on, also...}, but then I got addicted to everything here.....{See my huge post count, now? =D}
Your mod also made me want to make my own Cave Story mod, :o

Anyways, I can't wait to see the next part, and I'd like to offer any help that is required, =D