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Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

May 23, 2009 at 7:28 PM
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It's a very good thing I like to see the forum active.

And I'm always accepting of help. Particularly artistic help. (Really need a facepic of the general the one I did plain sucks.)
May 23, 2009 at 7:33 PM
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Kaeso said:
It's a very good thing I like to see the forum active.

And I'm always accepting of help. Particularly artistic help. (Really need a facepic of the general the one I did plain sucks.)
Artistic help...?
Err...I'm not so great at art.... ^.^;
I'm amazed I did so well with Lowell's portraits....

But, I'm better at manipulating and changing existing sprites...
I think I might be able to add shadows and depth, or something...
If you want, :o;

Oh wait, you're still using the standard 16 colour format-thing?
I'm not sure what I can do there, XD
All of my data files are fat, 24-bit files....
Unless you wouldn't mind having your Face.pbm become larger...

Just to double check...
The bright blue line near/on his chin's his mouth, yesno?
Pupils are a no?

*After reading next post*
Aye, aye.
~Should there be any thing added to his face?
Be it blank?
~Also, his chin is over his chest, mimi? Actually, does his whole face project past his chest? {Shadows}
~Any specifics for the nose? Squat and small? Thin and arrogant? {Haha, I gave him something like Ballos' nose....that was funny...}
May 23, 2009 at 7:53 PM
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Yep that's supposed to be his mouth and no pupils.


Ermm if possible a nose would be good. Doesn't matter too much though

When I made it I think I tried to make him 'looking down' so yeah his face would be covering his chest.

- Small sounds good. I tried to give him a serious look so a big nose'd probably ruin that.
May 23, 2009 at 8:42 PM
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Here goes nothing...

Before you look at these, remember I'm not that great at art O.o;
I'm just better at pixeling...

So, what's done so far's on the left, and the original's on the right:
{Tell me what you think so far of it, and what I should add/change...}
{I can send you the full face file when it's all finalized, so you don't have to go through the whole process of adding the face in...}
{Not proud of the nose...}
I tried imagining a light source to his right {Our left}, to give more shadows and depth...

Wish I could make it bigger, but stupid Paint adds extra pixels, which makes it all fuzzy.... -.-"{See what happened to my Logo? >.>;}
Probably have to save it and zoom in with your own program...


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May 23, 2009 at 8:48 PM
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Ah I don't see it?
May 23, 2009 at 8:50 PM
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Kaeso said:
Ah I don't see it?
Hahaha...I bet I did what Captain {No respect} did....
Let me try this, then...

{Watch for an edit of the previous post...}
May 23, 2009 at 8:57 PM
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Haha you used the wrong facepic that was a copy I made when I was screwing around with it. (My fault I should've deleted it before uploading it.) The proper one has the mouth in a better position.

The shadows and nose make it look alot better though. And I like the badge you added.

BTW the one you used was .bmp the real one is .pbm
May 23, 2009 at 8:59 PM
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Kaeso said:
Haha you used the wrong facepic that was a copy I made when I was screwing around with it. (My fault I should've deleted it before uploading it.) The proper one has the mouth in a better position.

The shadows and nose make it look alot better though. And I like the badge you added.
Oops! :D
Well, it shouldn't take very long to copy the basic changes off the other one to this one...

That explains why I had some trouble figuring out the mouth....XD
Looks a lot better, now =D

{I think......What's it look, to you?}


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May 23, 2009 at 9:15 PM
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Looks a hell of alot better than the original. I particularly like the shadowing in the coat. And I see you changed the shape of his hat too that looks better. The hat was bothering me before.

Nice job, and thanks for taking the time.
May 23, 2009 at 9:18 PM
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Kaeso said:
Looks a hell of alot better than the original. I particularly like the shadowing in the coat. And I see you changed the shape of his hat too that looks better. The hat was bothering me before.

Nice job, and thanks for taking the time.
No problem.
I needed a bit of a break from all the scripting of my mod, anyways... XD
And I haven't had much art to do on my own mod since weeks before the first release....
Even if I'm not great at it, it's a bit fun =D

So, would you like me to upload the complete .PBM, or are you just going to copy and paste? :D {If you are, make sure to save the Face.PBM as 24-bit, or the colours won't come out right....}

By the way, have you seen this new group, yet? =D
May 23, 2009 at 9:46 PM
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"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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Nah don't bother I'll just copy it.

Well that's a load off now I don't have to worry about my antagonist's facepic looking crap.
May 24, 2009 at 5:25 AM
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Oh so your still working on it? It's a pretty fun mod to play and I'm interested to see more
May 24, 2009 at 5:27 AM
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Uncy Dave said:
Oh so your still working on it? It's a pretty fun mod to play and I'm interested to see more
Kaeso said:
You got that right it's like writing a book, except you got to do a crap load of other things like making events etc. Most of the time when I stop modding it's because I can't think of anymore story to add.
Never rush a game or mod, :D
May 24, 2009 at 5:38 AM
Hax on....Hax off....
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Well I want to be able to work on mine faster cause I'm near a point where I think that I can end on for a demo and it's only like 1 stage, a cutscene and a boss fight but for somereason I don't have much will to go on. I know exactly what's gonna happen in that stage but for some reason I never really feel like doing it but I want to have it finished.
Aug 16, 2009 at 10:21 AM
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I would post something about the mod but i cant because i cant figure out what exactly to do to make it so that curlys story plays not cave story

i is noob
Aug 16, 2009 at 1:40 PM
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em, just duplicate your cs folder, download the mod, and put all of it's files into your copied folder. if that doesn't work, you have problems.
Sep 25, 2009 at 1:37 AM
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Hey, just so you guys know, I've offered Kaeso my help in development. I'm mostly doing graphics for him, but he's working on it again. If someone could tell me the best way to make bgm for it, I'd appreciate it.
e-mailing me is the best way to contact me.
Sep 25, 2009 at 1:51 AM
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Email? Pff.

brianbdm said:
Hey, just so you guys know, I've offered Kaeso my help in development. I'm mostly doing graphics for him, but he's working on it again. If someone could tell me the best way to make bgm for it, I'd appreciate it.
e-mailing me is the best way to contact me.
That's good news!
Well, incase you occasionally look back at threads, the best only way to make music for Cave Story is ORGmaker.
You can download several different versions from the Tribute site.
Though, if you're interested, GIRakaCHEEZER edited a personal version that's easier to read, but you'll either have to ask him or I'll have to upload it myself >.>; {I'm lazy, by the way}
Sep 25, 2009 at 5:10 AM
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I can't download ORGmaker 2.05... (1st) link doesn't work...

(Edit: nevermind, turns out you have to use the 2nd one.)

Well crud. Can you upload Giraka's version? Please?
Sep 25, 2009 at 5:27 AM
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Cyowolf1122 said:

I can't download ORGmaker 2.05... (1st) link doesn't work...

(Edit: nevermind, turns out you have to use the 2nd one.)

Well crud. Can you upload Giraka's version? Please?

Semi-customized orgmaker 134.

This version has the english patch applied to it, and uses some custom gfx i made to spice it up and the piano keys are labeled for quick reference (since not everyone can play piano [this group of non-piano players excludes me, cuz i can]).

Nothing special, really. Just used res-hacker to change the gfx oh so slightly. Plus I prefer ver 134 since it uses the same default instruments as CS and has not been known to having issues when importing orgs into the executable (unless tracks 14, 15, or 16 have notes in them I believe), whereas v 205 has some unknown issues, since no one has done any research into it much.

Also if you ever listen to any of the orgs i post on the "Show off your orgs" thread, please for the love of gawd listen to it with orgmaker ver 134, they just sound so wrong with the percussion that 205 chooses for bass01, snare01, hiclose01 and hihat01.