• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
Celtic Minstrel

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  • Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Translhextion could compare a modified Cave Story EXE to a clean one and then give you a list of the differences in offsets...
    Would that be anything like you're looking for in the Cave Editor thread?
    Hello Celtic Minstrel,

    I'm a PC user (and new to Cave Story!) and it looks like your program is exactly what I've been looking for! I'm having trouble using cavesaveconv as the following errors pop up (lets call my source file profile.dat):

    error 1:
    Which operation would you like to perform?
    E - Extract a save from a Macintosh property list and save it to a file.
    S - Store a save in a Macintosh property list, overwriting the existing one.
    X - Edit a save file.
    Q - Quit the program.
    Enter the filename to extract the profile to:
    Or type Q to cancel.
    [('extract-mac-profile', '/Users/niki/Library/Preferences/com.nakiwo.Doukutsu.plist', '.pycs_temp'), ('convert-profile', '.pycs_temp', 'profile.dat'), ('clean-temp-file', '.pycs_temp'), ('interactive',)]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./cavesaveconv.py", line 188, in ?
    File "./cavesaveconv.py", line 23, in main
    File "/Users/niki/Desktop/cs/cavesave/csc_convert.py", line 8, in extract
    import subprocess as fork
    ImportError: No module named subprocess


    Which operation would you like to perform?
    E - Extract a save from a Macintosh property list and save it to a file.
    S - Store a save in a Macintosh property list, overwriting the existing one.
    X - Edit a save file.
    Q - Quit the program.
    Enter the filename of the profile to store:
    Or type Q to cancel.
    [('convert-profile', 'profile.dat', '.pycs_temp'), ('store-mac-profile', '.pycs_temp', '/Users/niki/Library/Preferences/com.nakiwo.Doukutsu.plist'), ('clean-temp-file', '.pycs_temp'), ('interactive',)]
    --> Profile converted.
    [('store-mac-profile', '.pycs_temp', '/Users/niki/Library/Preferences/com.nakiwo.Doukutsu.plist'), ('clean-temp-file', '.pycs_temp'), ('interactive',)]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./cavesaveconv.py", line 188, in ?
    File "./cavesaveconv.py", line 23, in main
    File "/Users/niki/Desktop/cs/cavesave/csc_convert.py", line 22, in store
    import subprocess as fork
    ImportError: No module named subprocess
    nicole-ralph-fortons-computer:~/desktop/cs/cavesave niki$

    I get similar errors when I try to use the command line arguments and "@".
    Please let me know if my errors are due to my inexperience with Terminal (very, very likely) or something else?

    Thanks for your time!
    meh.. i downloaded the delux version one day and i saw another thingy that said discussion forums so i checked it out and i liked it and i joind.
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