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Cave Story with a fourth ending

Jan 3, 2012 at 12:14 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
So far, I've found you have a few issues with capitalization, mainly wiht Prof. Booster's speech. And in the Plantation, you can get the Teleporter Room Key, which is kind of broken. Also, "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?" You also have lots of unnecessary <NODs in your speech as well.

If you would piont out the exact position of these capitalization errors, then I would be grateful. Would you please specify how getting the teleporter room key is exactly, "broken"? If you mean that is doesn't make sense that you exit the teleporter room, but have to get the key to go back in, then that was originally intentional. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I should change it. Alright, I'm going to change that in the next release. One reason I made it necessary to get the key to go back in there was because I couldn't think of what Kanpachi would otherwise catch... OH! :) I JUST thought of an Idea of what he would catch!
Since you skip the fight with Balrog in this ending, you never get the super missiles. Without them, the sacred grounds is rather frustrating. So in the next release, Kanpachi will fish the Super Missile upgrade out for you instead since you won't need the Teleporter room key. But this will just be optional.
Would you please tell me what specifically is wrong with the "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?"
As for the unnecessary <NODs, the reason for doing that is when a single sentence without any comas or periods exceeds three lines of text, I want to add a <NOD just incase the player wasn't able to read it fast enough, or wants to more closely examine it and take his/her time.
Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming!
Jan 3, 2012 at 12:25 AM
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Well, I can't point out the exact position of the capitalization errors, but they begin when you first speak to Prof. Booster in the Labyrinth. It's mostly not capitalizing place names, such as the "egg corridor" or the "plantation". You also sometimes didn't capitalize "the Doctor" correctly. Great idea for Kanpachi's fishing though! I suppose I'll have to abort my save when that version's realeased, because I already have the key... Oh well.

EDIT: Oh, I just found the "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?" hilarious. I just realized however that midair is one word.
Jan 3, 2012 at 12:49 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
Well, I can't point out the exact position of the capitalization errors, but they begin when you first speak to Prof. Booster in the Labyrinth. It's mostly not capitalizing place names, such as the "egg corridor" or the "plantation". You also sometimes didn't capitalize "the Doctor" correctly.
Yeah. At first I was unsure, so assumed they weren't capitalized. I later found out that they WERE, and tried to find all of them and change them, but I've obviously missed some of them. I'll try to fix all these things in the next release.
Dunc2403 said:
Great idea for Kanpachi's fishing though! I suppose I'll have to abort my save when that version's realeased, because I already have the key... Oh well.
Thanks! Glad you like the idea. I will include saves at certain key pionts (and have in the other downloads) to save you the trouble of going through the whole thing.

Dunc2403 said:
EDIT: Oh, I just found the "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?" hilarious. I just realized however that midair is one word.
You might want to take a look at this:
Jan 3, 2012 at 1:04 AM
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HaydenStudios said:
You might want to take a look at this:
Odd, I learned it was spelled midair, not mid air. Mmmmmmmmaybe it's one of those different spellings between the U.S. and Canada?
Anyway, I know you were going to put extra saves in, I just was just disappointed that I wouldn't get to use the one I played through the mod with.
Jan 3, 2012 at 1:58 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
Anyway, I know you were going to put extra saves in, I just was just disappointed that I wouldn't get to use the one I played through the mod with.

I'm sorry to hear that. I guess that's a risk you take when you beta test a mod. School starts back up for me tomorrow, so I'm giong to bed after I finish this post. I hope to have the next version up some time tomorrow in the afternoon. So, here are the things for me to change: Scan the dialog for errors, particularly capitalization of locations and the Doctor in the dialog in the labrynth and Arthur's house(and everywhere else really, just most particularly there). And allow players going for the fourth ending to be able to enter and exit the teleporter room without the key, and make Kanpachi catch the missile upgrade instead of the frivilous teleporter room key if you're going for the fourth ending. Alright, I'll try to get the new version out as soon as I can, good night.
Jan 3, 2012 at 9:53 AM
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I think you did a very good job, I couldn't find any serious glitches or loose ends, and I spent a good hour or two running around in places I wasn't supposed to, so nice work. x3

Only thing that confused me was that I didn't have any rope on me by the time I reached Curly in hell? (I'll just pretend that she used a rope to climb down from the prefab room, which snaps after I jump/climb down, thus supplying me with rope.)
Jan 3, 2012 at 5:05 PM
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Felidire said:
I think you did a very good job, I couldn't find any serious glitches or loose ends, and I spent a good hour or two running around in places I wasn't supposed to, so nice work. x3
Thank you!

Felidire said:
Only thing that confused me was that I didn't have any rope on me by the time I reached Curly in hell? (I'll just pretend that she used a rope to climb down from the prefab room, which snaps after I jump/climb down, thus supplying me with rope.)

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. You're right. That doesn't make any sense at all. I should have noticed that. Your assumption in parenthesis is quite a stretch, and deviates highly from what happens in the events of the third ending. Ver good catch. In my next release, I'll change it to just "picked her up," or something. (I think it will be ok that in this ending you're carrying her without a tow rope, since the credit illustration displays Quote holding Curly on his shoulder without one.)
Jan 3, 2012 at 8:08 PM
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Just one question: why does everyone still call them Korons? I thought the generally accepted explanation was that it was a Japanese/english L/R confusion, and that Colons would be more accurate due to staying in mind with the punctuation theme?
Jan 3, 2012 at 8:10 PM
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seren said:
Just one question: why does everyone still call them Korons? I thought the generally accepted explanation was that it was a Japanese/english L/R confusion, and that Colons would be more accurate due to staying in mind with the punctuation theme?

What on earth does this have to do with this mod?
Jan 3, 2012 at 9:36 PM
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seren said:
Just one question: why does everyone still call them Korons? I thought the generally accepted explanation was that it was a Japanese/english L/R confusion, and that Colons would be more accurate due to staying in mind with the punctuation theme?

After you said that, I searched, and looked at this topic. Because of it, I will now call them the colons unless given a good reason to call them something else.

Regarding the mod, I have completed proofreading it, and found and corrected several mistakes in the process. My next task is to
allow you to enter and exit the teleporter room without the key, and make Kanpachi catch the supermissile upgrade if you're going for the fourth ending. I'll also make it so that it only says you have the two rope in sacred grounds if you actually have it.
I hope to have the next version up later today.

EDIT: Sorry folks, but I've run into a few glitches with the expansions to the super missile launcher, and I'm pushing my bed time as it is, so I'm afraid I won't have the next version up until tomorrow.
Jan 4, 2012 at 4:08 AM
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Oh cool. I'll have to see this.
Jan 4, 2012 at 3:00 PM
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It's either after the wid foretress or is the mimga mask ending, as you get an achievement for the mask ending
Jan 5, 2012 at 12:11 AM
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Alright, sorry for the delay, but heres the new version. You can either download it in the original post, or here: Cave Story (4 endings) v0.96

NOTE: Any saves from any previous versions of this mod prior to arriving at the Plantation will NOT be 100% compatible with this new version. Recommend that you dispose of all your previous saves. New and updated saves are provided in the download.

Changes in this new version:

- The entire new dialog has been proofread.
- If you're going for the fourth ending, you can enter and exit the teleporter room as you please without the key. (Thanks goes to Dunc2403 for motivating me to add this.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, kanpachi catches the super missile upgrade instead of the teleporter room key, or the alien medal if you don't have the missile launcher. (Thanks goes to Dunc2403 for motivating me to add this.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, it doesn't say you used the tow rope on Curly, since it's not possible to get it. It simply says, "Picked her up." (Thanks goes to Felidire to notifying me.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, Itoth says, "you came through the Plantation didn't you." instead of, "you climbed up through the outside didn't you." or something like that. (Discovered the consequences of not having this myself.)
- If the boulder gets removed, then it is impossible beyond that point to get the fourth ending, even if you have the cure-all. (Discovered the consequences of not having this myself.)
Jan 9, 2012 at 2:46 PM
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So eh, sorry for the double post, but some feedback on the latest version would be nice.
Jan 9, 2012 at 4:22 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Looks like you put a lot of work into this, it would be a shame for me not to play this! :'<

I promise to play this and give detailed feedback by the time I do this.
Jan 9, 2012 at 5:32 PM
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Tpcool said:
Looks like you put a lot of work into this, it would be a shame for me not to play this! :'<

I promise to play this and give detailed feedback by the time I do this.
Thanks! I'm eager to hear what you have to say! Once you've played it...
Also, I hope X-Calibar plays through more of it and provides his critiques on it. He semmed rather interested in this, but he hasn't said much about this in a while.
Jan 9, 2012 at 10:33 PM
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Heh, alright, review time!:

I guess I should start off saying that, while it was nice having so many saves to choose from, it would be nice if the contents of the contents within the ZIP were in a folder and organized. Like, you know, without the error files and such?

Aaaaaanyways, at first I thought the fourth ending was rather cryptic to unlock. Even harder than the 'better' ending, but besides the breakable blocks in the Sand Zone, it was pretty easily decipherable. The cutscenes were nothing short of breathtaking, they are as close as I could possibly imagine to what I would expect the fourth ending to be like (that is quite an accomplishment). Both the dialogue and cinematics were perfect in every way, although I think you may have missed the smoke effect (when king and toroko get teleported), maybe. You may have missed a few <NOD's also? Not entirly sure. Also, in a couple of parts in the game, 'labyrnth' should be spelled as 'labyrinth'. Everything flowed quite fluently just as it would be expected for it to, and nothing really contradicted the main story (just one part in the Sacred Grounds bugged me though; it saying you "picked Curly up" implies that you could just pick Curly up without the Tow Rope in the Core room in the normal ending, which is not true). You really managed to capture each of the characters peronalities and talking habits without making it look artificial.

Overall, this is the closest anybody can possibly get to creating new ending this good. I don't believe that this masterpiece can be topped, and there are very few flaws in my eyes. Well done.
Jan 10, 2012 at 12:20 AM
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Tpcool said:
I guess I should start off saying that, while it was nice having so many saves to choose from, it would be nice if the contents of the contents within the ZIP were in a folder and organized. Like, you know, without the error files and such?
Tpcool said:
Aaaaaanyways, at first I thought the fourth ending was rather cryptic to unlock. Even harder than the 'better' ending, but besides the breakable blocks in the Sand Zone, it was pretty easily decipherable.
Like I said to X-Calibar, the intention was to make the first move so secret, that if you showed it to someone, and tried to convince them that it was part of the real game, then they would say "Whoa! I would never have tried that!" instead of, "Ha! Nice try, but I've already tried that, and it didn't work!" But I'm glad that you like everything else.
Tpcool said:
The cutscenes were nothing short of breathtaking, they are as close as I could possibly imagine to what I would expect the fourth ending to be like (that is quite an accomplishment). Both the dialogue and cinematics were perfect in every way, although I think you may have missed the smoke effect (when king and toroko get teleported), maybe.
Thank you! That means a lot! And I'll be sure to add some smoke effects to the dissapearance of King and Toroko, and that mimiga who watches the Yamashita farm.
Tpcool said:
You may have missed a few <NOD's also? Not entirly sure.
I'm not entirely willing to believe that. If you could point some out to me, then I'll fix them, but otherwise...
Tpcool said:
Also, in a couple of parts in the game, 'labyrnth' should be spelled as 'labyrinth'.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I will try to fix that in the next release.
Tpcool said:
Everything flowed quite fluently just as it would be expected for it to, and nothing really contradicted the main story.
Thank you!
Tpcool said:
Just one part in the Sacred Grounds bugged me though; it saying you "picked Curly up" implies that you could just pick Curly up without the Tow Rope in the Core room in the normal ending, which is not true.
While you cannot pick her up without the tow rope in the core, Pixel's Credit art illustration depicts Quote in Sacred grounds carrying Curly on his shoulder without a tow rope:

Tpcool said:
You really managed to capture each of the characters peronalities and talking habits without making it look artificial.
Thank you!
Tpcool said:
Overall, this is the closest anybody can possibly get to creating new ending this good. I don't believe that this masterpiece can be topped, and there are very few flaws in my eyes. Well done.
Thank you! Your feedback and encouragment mean a lot! Glad that you found a few new glitches. Kinda.
Jan 10, 2012 at 12:39 AM
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Ugh I have not had time to play updated version yet, I have not really had access to a computer other than for programming for a while. I will update this post with comments.
Jan 10, 2012 at 1:21 AM
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Well, better not take forever, cause you might want to consider just putting it into another post if too many more posts come up, so that people will see your feedback. So, I might get some more attention this time now that some people have reached the ending, they might notice this
In the credit art illustration with Quote on the dragon, Sue's sweatshirt is in the mouth of the dragon, but not in the fourth ending. Also, Sue is not part of the fight with the undead core, unlike the credit illustration.
I'm not sure if anyone saw, but in a post a while back, I posted these alternate credit art images to acommodate the fourth ending:
Tell me what you think. Hopfully people will notice these this time. I'm not adding them into a copy that will be downloadable until I've added more "slots" in assembly. I tried adding them in resource hacker, but I could do no more than just replace existing ones. But this is bad news for if I want to see if Andwhyisit will be willing to port this to PSP, since he can't port mods that use assembly hacking.