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Cave Story with a fourth ending

Dec 31, 2011 at 6:57 AM
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This was my first Cave Story mod. I originally intended it as a practice before getting into some more serious modding, but I never ended up making any other long-length mods. If you play this mod like normal, then it's just plain Cave Story. However, there is an extra fourth ending that you can achieve which involves saving the lives of King, Toroko, and the Colons, as well as sending you and Curly home with the Sakamotos. This mod is now completed, and I will not likely be making any new releases. Some people have found some bugs since the final release, but they're fairly scarce. I ended up porting this mod to Cave Story+ some years later and fixed some of the bugs in that port, but I didn't mess with the version for the freeware game because that would have conflicted with the Mac and PSP ports, which would have been a bit of a pain to redo.

Download the Windows version here: Cave Story (4 endings) v1.34
Download the Mac port here: Cave Story (4 endings) Mac
Download the PSP port here: Cave Story (4 endings) PSP
(Mac and PSP ports courtesy of andwhyisit)

Download the Cave Story+ port here: Cave Story+ (4 endings)
(Use Plus Porter to install it)

Download the Chinese translation here: 洞窟物语 (第4结局)
(Chinese translation courtesy of hamtomoyo and two others whose names are not shown)

Version history:
Cave Story (4 endings) V0.9 (ORIGINAL VERSION) 12/31/2011
Cave Story (4 endings) V0.91 1/1/2012 Changes:
- Before, if you talked to Itoh before going to King and Toroko in the jail, then they would disappear permaturely. This glitch is fixed.
Cave Story (4 endings) v0.96 1/4/2012 Changes:
- The entire new dialog has been proofread.
- If you're going for the fourth ending, you can enter and exit the teleporter room as you please without the key. (Thanks goes to Dunc2403 for motivating me to add this.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, kanpachi catches the super missile upgrade instead of the teleporter room key, or the alien medal if you don't have the missile launcher. (Thanks goes to Dunc2403 for motivating me to add this.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, it doesn't say you used the tow rope on Curly, since it's not possible to get it. It simply says, "Picked her up." (Thanks goes to Felidire to notifying me.)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, Itoth says, "you came through the Plantation didn't you." instead of, "you climbed up through the outside didn't you." or something like that. (Discovered the consequences of not having this myself.)
- If the boulder gets removed, then it is impossible beyond that point to get the fourth ending, even if you have the cure-all. (Discovered the consequences of not having this myself.)
Cave Story (4 endings) v0.99 1/13/2012 Changes:
- The contents are packaged a bit more neatly. (requested by Tpcool)
- Smoke effects now appear at the vanishings of King, Toroko, and Sandaime. (Thanks to Tpcool for the suggestion)
- Changed "Labyrnth," to "Labyrinth," and "other's," to "others," (Thanks to Tpcool and Wizard The Wizzisential respectively for notifying me)
- If you're going for the fourth ending, Itoh no longer acts surprised at the fact that Momorin is still alive, due to being notified earlier. (Thanks to Wizard The Wizzisential for notifiny me of the consequences of this not taking place)
- The hidden shootable tile is now solid until broken. Turns out I was able to do this without assembly.
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.02 1/18/2012 Changes:
- Fixed the glitch where you could fight Balrog and get through the boulder if you talked to Curly in the boulder chamber but didn't walk up to the boulder before talking to Professor Booster. (thanks goes to N0obxD for notifying me)
- Fixed the issues from version 0.99 with the shootable blended tile.
- Changed "heres" to "here's". (found it when I was skimming through the code.)
- Took away a certain pixel in one of the tiles I added to the PrtJail tileset. (I don't think anybody noticed, but it bothered me)
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.03 1/26/2012 Changes:
- Added credit art images to accommodate the fourth ending.
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.05 1/30/2012 Changes:
- Packaged the contents EVEN MORE neatly. (Requested by MagicDoors)
- Changed "Thats" to "That's", and "I'd love love to!" to "I'd love to!" (Thanks goes to MagicDoors for notifying me)
- Fixed minor bug in the credits end scene (Thanks goes to MagicDoors for notifying me)
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.24 2/27/2012 Changes:
- Fixed the issues with the "Provided I only live..." in the prefab house, and wether it should or shouldn't appear.
- Fixed all the glitches I could find with the dialog in the black space for the fourth ending sometimes taking place when you're going for the other endings.
- Fixed the issue with not being able to get the normal ending.
- Changed "mid air" to "midair". Not sure which one is correct, but I realize "midair" is actually said at a certain point in Cave Story, so I want to be consistent.
- Capitalized Mimiga where it wasn't before.
- Added dialog for King, Toroko, Sue, and Jack if you've told Momorin you're busy.
- Changed "diong" to "doing" (lines said by Curly in the Plantation).
- In the room e_mimi, raised the tile up on which King stands so that he's not low down and hidden in the grass, and expanded the borders of the map so that the wall which prevents to Colons from falling off tha map is out of sight.
- Added a cutscene which plays when you first go to the Plantation which explains how the core got to the Black space. (Done in response to the feedback of HardCore7777777 in real life, X-Calibar, and Duke Serkol. NOTE: You might be disappointed.)
- Fixed the glitch with King and Toroko appearing in jail if you skip fight with Curly, don't save King or Toroko, but give Booster the cure-all.
- Changed "accomodate" to "accommodate" -Nurse in the clinic.
- Added dialog in clinic for if you hand the cure-all over after getting out of the labyrinth, and also for if you fail to save professor Booster with it.
- Fixed the glitch with the horizontal/vertical trigger appearing in Jail number one if you skipped the fight with Curly, saved King and Toroko, but didn't give Booster the cure-all.
- Remedied the side effect of Quote's left antenna temporarily dissapearing when he drops down into the storehouse with Balrog and Curly.
- "This, however, turned out not to be the case;" changed to "This, however, proved false;" -Proffessor Booster
- Removed the space between the three dots and its continuing word it it's basically a continuation of the same sentence. Example: "That's... Terrible." Changed to "That's...terrible."
- Capitalized Booster where it previously wasn't.
- Added extra dialog with Mahin in jail for if you have the Mimiga mask.
- If you're going for the fourth ending, it says "Augmented Core," instead of "Undead Core," in the message box and credits.
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.29 3/6/2012 Changes:
- Changed "Dont," to "Don't," - Curly in the assembly hall.
- Changed "greatful," to "grateful," - Nurse Hasumi.
- Changed "Mmm," to "Mm," - King in the hideout.
- Changed "Slip that through the bars will you?" to "Slip that through the bars, will you?" - King in Jail number one.
- Added another credit art illustration for the alternate scene in the clinic in which Curly isn't quite as badly wounded.
Cave Story (4 endings) v1.34 (FINAL VERSION) 3/20/2012 Changes:
- Aligned the position of the blade floating in midair when King is zapped out of the Sand Zone, and when you have to retrieve it later on.
- The camera now focuses as far to the right in the cutscene in the Core room as it can, the tiles to the right with the piece of the core now make it look like it has disappeared. (Not that this mattered for the PC and MAC versions, but I'm not sure what would have happened in the PSP port)
- Made all the tiles part of the tunnel in the Sand Zone show up on the map system as solid.
- Tweaked the events that take place in Arthur's house when you try to go to the Egg Corridor when you shouldn't be.
- If you got the fourth endnig, Sue and Itoh show up as humans in the credits, and Itoh's text is changed from "Mimiga shaped coward," to "engineer of considerable talent,"
Cave Story+ (4 endings) 12/20/2014 Changes:
-Fixed the typo "he's not gonna to hurt us!" -Colon
-Changed all instances of "alright" to "all right" since this is improper
-Changed "it's precursor" to "its precursor" - lines spoken by Booster
-Put the enraged Mimigas back on the Balcony since Pixel confirmed that those aren't the Colons.
-Fixed the oversight that allowed the player to get the blade to level 3 when going for the fourth ending by killing the beetles outside Curly's house and respawning them.
-Added a skipflag so that the dialogue in the cutscene with Misery taking the core to the lab will go faster if you go through it again.
-Fixed the glitch where going back to the Mimiga Village right after teleporting to the Plantation would cause the camera to shift its focus away from Quote. (Thanks to Speed Lightning for reporting)
-Fixed the sequence break that could occur by going into Labyrinth M but then turning back and trying to heal Professor Booster (Thanks to Sue-Obsessed for reporting)

Here are some screenshots you may view before playing if you'd like:

Here's how to get the fourth ending:
When first entering the Sand Zone, notice one of the tiles above you near the teleporter. Shoot through it, and find your new path. Note that this is absolutely necessary towards getting the fourth ending. If you walk up to Curly before shooting through there, then you won't be able to shoot through anymore, and the tile will be sealed off. The tile will be solid but shootable before you either shoot it or walk up to Curly.

After emerging from the two breakable tiles which previously appeared to have no significance, head into Curly's residence to find that your shortcut helped you beat her to her house. Enjoy the alternate cutscene, and then continue collecting puppies as usual. NOTE: It is important that you do the sleeping puppy last. Do all the other puppies first, or else this won't work. Collect the sleeping puppy after retrieving the other four, and go over to Jenka's house. But DO NOT give the puppy to her. Instead, walk out of her house after Balrog jumps into the ceiling, and make your way into the Sand Zone Storehouse. Now, if you got the alternate cutscene with Curly, and brought the sleeping puppy in, then something different will happen. Before Balrog manages to forcefeed the red flower to Toroko, the puppy interrupts him, and is further delayed by King as usual. But before he decides to charge at Misery, you show up. King and Toroko's fates are uncertain for some time beyond this point, but there is no boss fight with Toroko since she never ingests the red flower. So, why does this only work with the sleeping puppy? Because Nene's description says that her dreams have been known to "portend the future." Because of that, she knows something bad is going to happen, and contributes largely to the prevention of King and Toroko's deaths. Despite what happens, you still get tossed into the Labyrinth, and Balrog moments after, except without the blade.

Make your way to the clinic, and find Curly. You'll notice, however, that the dialog suggests that she will be able to recover without any medicine, and by simply resting. The physician still requests that you retrieve the Cure-All, but the alternate dialog does not imply that it is mandatory to help Curly get better. The reason she's able to get better faster is since you never fought her, the only thing she had to fight was Misery. When coming back into the Clinic, you will find Curly is gone, and has headed to the boulder chamber. DO NOT give the Cure-All to Dr. Gero. If you do, you won't be able to get the fourth ending. Instead, continue through the Labyrinth until Professor Booster falls down. Go down and talk to him, and you will be able to give him the Cure-All. Once you've reached this point, your path to the fourth ending is secured. If you want, you can stop reading and figure the rest of this out yourself, since it should be fairly self-explanatory what to do next, but you can keep reading if you want.

Once Professor Booster is healed, and he will repair the teleporter for you to get back to Arthur's house. But you will first have to notify Curly that there is a better way out. So you'll be able to go back up to the Boulder Chamber, talk to Curly, and get back to the Mimiga village. After getting back, do as Booster says, and check the seemingly empty Mimiga village, until you find Sandaime who is still in the Yamashita Farm. Talk to him, and watch the cutscene. You will then be able to go to the Plantation after the cutscenes have ended. Make your way up to the Jail, and find Sue, Jack, King, Mahin, and Toroko. Walk up to them, and King will tell you to get his blade. Go to the Sand Zone, into the Sand Zone Storehouse, get the blade, and bring it back to King so that he can break them out of Jail. Sue will then bring you to Momorin, and the Rocket parts fetch-quest will take place as usual with a minor addition at the beginning which was inspired by its partial pre-existence in the map's script.

You might notice that with these events, it is not possible to ride the rocket up to the Doctor's throne without getting the booster back, and returning the Mimiga mask. Before riding the rocket up to the throne room, it may be wise to get the spur and missile expansions from the newly dilapidated Egg Corridor now that you have the booster 2.0. So, when you're done taking care of any necessary business, ride the rocket up, and enter the Last Cave. When you get to the Balcony, you'll notice that those four frenzied Mimigas aren't there anymore. Hmm... wait... How many Mimigas was Curly raising? Four. And how many Frenzied Mimigas are usually there? Four. Hmmm... then where are they? When you're ready, head into the Throne room to face the final bosses. The dialog will be slightly altered, but nothing major. The only real big thing is that since you skipped the fight with the core earlier, and the waterway, the core is a new thing to you, and Misery explains it for the first time. Also, since you rescued Sue earlier, Misery doesn't have her, and she doesn't get possessed by the red crystal, so she isn't a part of the fight with the Undead Core. After defeating it, head out as usual, run through Sacred Grounds, confront Ballos, and enjoy the fourth ending.
The first step to getting the fourth ending is pretty cryptic, so it's not likely you'd figure it out on your own. The reason I made it so cryptic was because I spent a sizable period of time trying to trick other people into thinking this ending was in the original Cave Story, and it would have been hard for people to buy into if it were something many people had already tried. In fact, the main reason I made this mod in the first place was to show it to my brother and trick him into thinking it was part of the original Cave Story.
Last edited:
Dec 31, 2011 at 7:09 AM
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This is the ending that everybody wanted. I can finally save King and Toroko! :toroko2:

Thank you so much for this. I will play it as soon as I get access to a computer. Please, never leave these forums.
Dec 31, 2011 at 7:19 AM
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Dunc2403 said:

This is the ending that everybody wanted. I can finally save King and Toroko! :toroko2:

Thank you so much for this. I will play it as soon as I get access to a computer. Please, never leave these forums.

Thank you! A couple of weeks into the production of this mod, I found out about Cave Story+. Apparently, it had an added fourth ending. I have Cave Story+, but haven't found its fourth ending yet. But I decided to go ahead and finish this mod anyway. But I've still yet to fix the problems mentioned in the first post.
Dec 31, 2011 at 1:03 PM
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The fourth ending is actually reeaallly old
Dec 31, 2011 at 3:57 PM
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Noxid said:
The fourth ending is actually reeaallly old

LOL! No, not that one :toroko2:. I had watched that video about four times before I even started working on this mod. And that's fake. Also, that isn't even a mod. He said in one of the comments on his video that he used MS Paint. Even so, I was talking about a fourth ending added by Nicalis into CaveStory+. Or is that the extra ending that they added?
Dec 31, 2011 at 3:59 PM
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I've never seen this added ending by Nicalis.
Where is it?
Tell me
Dec 31, 2011 at 5:12 PM
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CommanderJersey said:
I've never seen this added ending by Nicalis.
Where is it?
Tell me

I don't know where it is, all I know is that it was added. If you look on Nicalis' blog, it says it has four unique endings. And I don't think that the mimiga mask-altered ending counts.
Dec 31, 2011 at 5:18 PM
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I'm sorry to say but I think they do count that as a unique ending

That or they're innumerate.
Dec 31, 2011 at 5:25 PM
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Noxid said:
I'm sorry to say but I think they do count that as a unique ending

That or they're innumerate.

But on their website when they describe Cave Story Wii, they say it has three endings. So it must be a new addition in Plus. Anyway, we're straying off-topic. Any further discussion of Nicalis's possible fourth ending will take place here. Please consider downloading and playing my mod. And if you're still in a good mood, then tell me what you think.
Dec 31, 2011 at 7:02 PM
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First I want to say congrats and awesome on the release :D

Next, I've only played a little ways so far... however, I read your spoilers...

Here's my critique so far :
The block you have to uncover is an interesting idea... There's no real basis for that tunnel, but it's quite awesome :D

HOWEVER. It's completely unrealistic, that someone will stumble upon that secret since it looks exactly the same, and there are no hints for it.
I thought Oh! Maybe there's a chance I'll discover the tunnel if I were to break that block at the top side of the tunnel, sometime during a normal playthrough... Then if I were to jump in it, and notice... Hey... there's a tunnel here!?

Then I could think about it, and go... I wonder what would happen if...

And use it to get past Curly :D

But, since the tunnel is only open if you go from the hidden side, there's hardly ANY chance of finding it, unless you are a berserk player, or have some kind of prescendent for it. [Searching for hidden hearts is the closest thing...]

As for the dialogue with the Korons, I thought it was a bit awkward; but I can accept it! The Korons were quick to trust, and the banter between Korons and Curly was amusing... although I don't think Curly would be quite as fully trusting without convincing her... To give you her machinegun right on the spot? That seemed odd...

That's all I've played so far...

As for what I've read about the rest :
The Cure-all for Booster sounds good. Having Curly not take as much damage from Misery sounds... passable. Although if you take her machinegun, I don't know if she would do so well?

It doesn't seem plausible to be that the Core/Undead Core would be moved from the Core Base or experimented on; and therefore part of the boss fight.
And without the Core being destroyed, the seal on Hell shouldn't be broken supposebly. Although it's possible I suppose you can find another way to Ballos while the seal is up. I mean Misery did, right?

And the rocket should be less complete than it was before. And it's possible that Sue shouldn't be locked up at that point in time. The only time Sue could talk to Momorin about "the hero"/quote, would be if she had snuck away at some point, before being caught once again. Or most likely, she was teleported in, thinking she was just another Mimiga, and not jailed; but then put in jail after discovering her identity.

I'll have to play the rest to properly critique it... but in any case...

Ignore my nitpicking! Very nice work! I always enjoy story-based mods :D
Dec 31, 2011 at 8:07 PM
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X-Calibar said:
First I want to say congrats and awesome on the release :D
Thank you!

X-Calibar said:
The block you have to uncover is an interesting idea... There's no real basis for that tunnel, but it's quite awesome :D

HOWEVER. It's completely unrealistic, that someone will stumble upon that secret since it looks exactly the same, and there are no hints for it.
I thought Oh! Maybe there's a chance I'll discover the tunnel if I were to break that block at the top side of the tunnel, sometime during a normal playthrough...
The intention was to make the first move be so secret, that if you showed it to someone, he wouldn't say something like "Ha! Nice try, but I've already tried that, and nothing happened." But instead something like "Oh, I would never have thought of that." My goal was to make a mod that one could use to trick someone into thinking it was an actual part of the original game.
X-Calibar said:
Then if I were to jump in it, and notice... Hey... there's a tunnel here!?
Er, yeah. That's not supposed to happen. You're supposed to only be able to go through there if you shoot it. It's supposed to be solid, but I was unable to make a solid shootable tile with an image other than the default, so you can jump through it. I was able to find a tile type that was solid and you could shoot through, but the energy thing appeared on top of it. I'm going to either need someone to help me get that working in assembly, or learn assembly and fix that myself.

X-Calibar said:
As for the dialogue with the Korons, I thought it was a bit awkward; but I can accept it! The Korons were quick to trust, and the banter between Korons and Curly was amusing... although I don't think Curly would be quite as fully trusting without convincing her... To give you her machinegun right on the spot? That seemed odd...
As for the Korons being quick to accept you, some young children are easily persuaded. Not much dialog is provided with them, allowing you to fill in some gaps with their character. And I filled it with them being easily persuaded. As for Curly trusting you so soon, I personally was surprised on my first play through of Cave Story that she accepted you so quickly after fighting her. Infact, if you say yes to killing the mimigas after fighting her, she'll say "Ah, I see, what a pity..." talk to her after that and she'll say "Oh look, if it isn't Mr. killing machine. So are you still planning on killing all those mimigas?" Answer yes again, and she'll say "ah, I see, what a pity..." Talk to her again and again and the same thing will happen over again, until finally you say know, then she immediately trusts you as an ally. Even though you lied to her that you WERE, she now believes that you've come to her side in a matter of seconds, and even still offers you her machine gun as usual. So if that level of trust is possible in the actual Cave Story, it might be possible that she so readily trusts you in this... And her trust for the Korons must be high, so she would probably trust they know what they're talking about.

X-Calibar said:
The Cure-all for Booster sounds good. Having Curly not take as much damage from Misery sounds... passable. Although if you take her machinegun, I don't know if she would do so well?
I think she would do almost as well with the polar star. I don't see any reason on how it isn't realistic.

X-Calibar said:
It doesn't seem plausible to be that the Core/Undead Core would be moved from the Core Base or experimented on; and therefore part of the boss fight.
And without the Core being destroyed, the seal on Hell shouldn't be broken supposebly. Although it's possible I suppose you can find another way to Ballos while the seal is up. I mean Misery did, right?
During the cutscene after the initial fight with the Core, the dialog suggests that they had plans on moving it there regardless. I mean, why would Misery and the Doctor just sorta pop up. Were they able to sense the instablity or something? Anyway, the core appears at the black space, and you destroy it, and the seal to Ballos is broken. So the concern about being able to reach him is moot.

X-Calibar said:
And the rocket should be less complete than it was before. And it's possible that Sue shouldn't be locked up at that point in time. The only time Sue could talk to Momorin about "the hero"/quote, would be if she had snuck away at some point, before being caught once again. Or most likely, she was teleported in, thinking she was just another Mimiga, and not jailed; but then put in jail after discovering her identity.
You will find that an extra part of the fetch quest for the parts will be extended. I never really understood how Sue was able to meet Momorin before being thrown into jail. But it must have been before she got in Jail, cause if she could get out, then why would come back in? As for Sue being locked up that early on, Kazuma tells you that Misery showed up and snatched her right after you left for the Sand Zone. And theres plenty of time between the Sand Zone and when you get out of the Labrynth.

X-Calibar said:
I'll have to play the rest to properly critique it... but in any case...
Very nice work! I always enjoy story-based mods :D
Thank you!
Dec 31, 2011 at 9:50 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
Ohey, FileFactory isn't really the best site for people to download from. I suggest putting up a MediaFire or Dropbox link instead.

Ah, sorry. I thought I properly provided an instant download link, but I guess not. Try it now, and it should work. And I don't see why it should matter where I upload it as long as I'm able to provide a direct download link.
Jan 1, 2012 at 1:58 AM
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Thank you.
You're welcome.

So, it wouldn't hurt if the feedback continues...

EDIT: Anyway, I've made these alternate credit art images:
Tell me what you think. I'm not adding them into a copy that will be downloadable until I've added more "slots" in assembly. I tried adding them in resource hacker, but with no success.

EDIT2: Holy Cow, I just realized. Mediafire is a lot better. It turns out the instant download link times out. I've switched to Mediafire. Thanks for the tip.

EDIT3: VERY IMPORTANT! A very bad glitch has been discovered by yours truly, but has now been fixed. The original post has been updated, and the newer version with the glitch fixed can be downloaded in the original post, and here: Cave Story (4 endings) V0.91
This glitch took place in the plantation. The problem was certain NPCs dissapearing if a certain other action had been triggered. Since these two entities shared the same flad ID, the NPCs prematurely dissapeared. This has now been fixed. I urge you to download the newer version with this intolerable glitch fixed. The saves included in the previous download can still trigger this glitch, so there are some updated versions of them in the new download. Any saves taking place BEFORE you teleport to the plantation, however, will be 100% compatible with this new version. What precisely was this glitch? Well, there are a few spoilers to the fourth ending in it.
Before, the motion trigger for meeting Itoth shared the same flag ID as the King and Toroko NPCs in the jail. This was not a good thing because you could get over to Itoth well before you are able to break King and Toroko out of jail. If you talked to Itoth, then the flag would become unset, and the NPCs of King and Toroko would dissapear prematurely. While you were still able to progress through the game, it was rather weird for King and Toroko to have lines but there be no King or Toroko.
Any saves from the previous version which take place AFTER teleporting to the plantation will NOT be compatible with this new version, and still allow that glitch to be triggered. All of the saves in the download have been updated so that this glitch will no longer be encountered.
They now have their separate flad IDs, and this glitch should no longer be there. I apologize if this has inconvenienced you at all. If so, then I've added a few saves during the retrieval of the blade in the hope that that would make it up to you.
Jan 2, 2012 at 7:23 AM
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I almost wish that were an official ending, it's almost what I imagined as the most ideal ending. Anyway, I skimmed through the OP spoilers to get the gist of what needs to be done, i'll try it out later once i've forgotten the specifics. Should increases the chance of me running into any glitches.

Looking forward to it. x3
Jan 2, 2012 at 10:40 PM
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I have had a rather unique experience with this mod. I am HaydenStudios' brother, and he showed me his mod right after he posted it here. He had been working on it while I was at college this fall, and kept that fact a secret from me. He did not tell me it was a mod before he showed it to me. He just said that he had found CaveStory's fourth ending, and that he wanted to show it to me. Usually, I pick up on his little tricks that he trys to pull on me. This time however, he had a distinct advantage; I had recently bought CaveStory+, and had read in it's description that it had "four endings." I was exteremely surprised when I read that, having played through CaveStory several times myself and gotten all the endings. However, since it was on the description page on Steam, I decided that it was legitimate, and made a mental note to investigate it later. Therefore, it came as no surprise to me that during Christmas break, my brother told me that he had found another CaveStory ending. He is an avid CaveStory player, and I was not surprised at all that he had found something that I never had. He's just like that.

Anyways, the tl;dr of this whole thing is that I fully believed that I was going to see a fourth ending that was originally created by Pixel.

My jaw dropped when I saw my brother shoot out the blocks in the very first area of Sand Zone. It made total sense. I had never found the fourth ending because who the heck would ever think to do that? After that I was totally hoodwinked. I did not even stop to think about whether or not the character's dialouge was out of character or not. Everything was perfectly as it would be if Pixel created it. The characters reacted perfectly to the new situations that they found themselves in, and when my brother used Jenka's "future seeing" puppy in order to save King and Toroko, I was totally flipping out. This was the best ending. Ever. My amazement continued when I saw that the cure-all was able to be used on Professor Booster. I was thinking "Pixel is so creative!" :) It was not until the glitch that HaydenStudios described in his last post, the one where King dissappeares, that the dream ended. I had accidentally caused the glitch by asking what would happen if you went to the Egg Corridor at a certain point, and so my brother tried it out to show me. Unfortunately, he hadn't ever been able to test that, so it caused the unexpected glitch. Otherwise I would have most likely continued believing that this was the work of Pixel until the very end. I can't say for sure, though, because for some reason, because my Suspension of Disbelief was most certainly a little more shaky after I found out it was all a mod. Where I used to see an Aeon Genesis translation error, I saw my brother's typo. Where I used to see interesting character development, I wondered whether or not the character would actually do/say that. Most of these things I am sure are really stupid and nitpicky, and I am really sad that I was not able to experience the whole thing through my "Pixel Goggles." This experience has taught me just how much prejudice one has from being told that something is a mod. Often, if we were able to remove this prejudice, we would probably be able to enjoy the creative efforts of the community more fully.
I just wanted to contribute to the discussion of this mod, because of the joy that it has brought me, and encourage people to give it a try if they are interested in it! ALSO. If anyone is out there who has the knowledge to port CaveStory mods to the PSP, I am looking at you. I first played CaveStory on the PSP, and I continue to believe that it is the best platform on which to experience the game. Ironically, it was me that introduced the game to my brother after I played it on my PSP, and he has far exeeded my original excitement and dedication to the game. If this mod was ported to the PSP... it would just be awesome. Because it's awesome. Seriously, try it already! :D
Jan 2, 2012 at 11:32 PM
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Thank you very much! Just to let you know, you are not to blame for causing the glitch at all. The glitch was not triggered by heading to the egg corridor.
What triggered it, was walking up to Itoth before you've broken King and Toroko out of jail. Since he was activated by a motion trigger which would dissapear once a flag was set, he would only jump back once. King and Toroko's NPCs in jail shared the same flag ID as the motion trigger, causing them to prematurely dissapear. I was my fault for going to see Itoth. I had actually been experiencing this glitch for some time, it's just that it was only recently that I discovered what caused it.
As for the PSP port, many, if not all, of the PSP ports of mods are courtesy of an admin called Andwhyisit. Infact, he's got an entire thread devoted to ports of various mods. While I would very much like to see my mod ported to the PSP, I think it may be wise to wait until I consider this mod completed, depending on how time consuming it is to port mods to PSP, and port newer virsions of them. If it's too much trouble, then we'd best wait until I release the final version.

EDIT: Oooh, ouch. I just realized. Mods which use assembly hacking can't properly be ported to PSP. I plan to have the final version of this mod use a bit of assembly hacking, so I'm not sure how well that's going to work out. Or, not that it isn't possible, but that nobody's ever done it.
Jan 2, 2012 at 11:59 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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So far, I've found you have a few issues with capitalization, mainly wiht Prof. Booster's speech. And in the Plantation, you can get the Teleporter Room Key, which is kind of broken. Also, "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?" You also have lots of unnecessary <NODs in your speech as well.