Jan 3, 2012 at 12:14 AM
Join Date: Dec 31, 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 2326
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
Dunc2403 said:So far, I've found you have a few issues with capitalization, mainly wiht Prof. Booster's speech. And in the Plantation, you can get the Teleporter Room Key, which is kind of broken. Also, "It is floating in mid air. Will you grab it?" You also have lots of unnecessary <NODs in your speech as well.
If you would piont out the exact position of these capitalization errors, then I would be grateful. Would you please specify how getting the teleporter room key is exactly, "broken"? If you mean that is doesn't make sense that you exit the teleporter room, but have to get the key to go back in, then that was originally intentional. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I should change it. Alright, I'm going to change that in the next release. One reason I made it necessary to get the key to go back in there was because I couldn't think of what Kanpachi would otherwise catch... OH!

Since you skip the fight with Balrog in this ending, you never get the super missiles. Without them, the sacred grounds is rather frustrating. So in the next release, Kanpachi will fish the Super Missile upgrade out for you instead since you won't need the Teleporter room key. But this will just be optional.
As for the unnecessary <NODs, the reason for doing that is when a single sentence without any comas or periods exceeds three lines of text, I want to add a <NOD just incase the player wasn't able to read it fast enough, or wants to more closely examine it and take his/her time.
Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming!