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Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

Mar 24, 2010 at 10:27 AM
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Better late than never, of course it's still disappointing.
But if my release will be corrected i will just be happy :p

Regarding the Huzzah!
For me leave the Oh yeaaah!, in the first appearance (where it actually makes sense) and make the rest Huzzah! :D
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:38 PM
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I think CS Wii is a great thing, but a fixed version of the Wii version would be nice. After all that development time it`s not nice to have probs that are listed. Most of which could be avoided by testing, or just asking us if we like their demo stuff on the Nicalis forums. Nobody writes a prog. to himself but for the customers, the gamers, who will buy and judge the stuff. I`ve seen many sophisticated games with lot of development money in them, commercially or in other way fail because of that.
Mar 24, 2010 at 4:29 PM
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Yes, CSWII is a great idea, and it is, overall, a good game. But some of these errors make me wonder what the hell nicalis was doing for 3 plus years.

Isn't it more than three years? If you look up previews of the game, a nicalis developer say the original release date was set for Christmas 2008. o_O
Mar 24, 2010 at 4:46 PM
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I can understand it in a way.
A young company (they made several mistakes showing this, like making announcements too soon) working on a almost unknown hardware from a conservative company (the main problem), content that needed approval from a man that is in the other side of the world (the existence of the INTERNET may make it seem simple, but we are talking about important creativity property of a single man that is little related to the industry.)
Not mentioning the pressure that US (as in Cave Story fans) were making.

Of course in the end there should be a stable product, and being "young and naive" isn't a excuse in business.
But I'm not the kind of people that are an ass regarding work that people wasted time of their life doing it, so i will gladly wait for a fix.
But if they don't want their image tainted in the begging of the company existence, i hope that they don't cross the arms, specially knowing that Nintendo isn't very friendly with post-release corrections.
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:18 PM
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And to Jay's post, I couldn't agree more.

I've tried really hard to be optimistic about this from the beginning, but enough people have gone off the handle since it was finally released a couple days ago that I finally faltered enough to at least make a couple Nicalis-bashing posts; but in the end, everything in Jay's post is everything I've thought in my mind.

I do heavily believe that a patch, particularly one as quick as possible, is the only way they can salvage their reputation with at least diehard Cave Story fans before they bring us stuff like La-Mulana and Nightsky, but again, the weird stringency of Nintendo comes into play.

You have no idea how weird it feels to be "mad" at "big, bad Nintendo" over this--because of, like Jay said, how 'conservative' and weird they are over stuff in the first place, and then over how it'd probably take an act of congress to get them to really allow a big patch for a game, though I still hope it happens... the truth is, Nintendo's usually the "little guy" I'm rooting for against all their competitors, though I do like all consoles and PC just fine.. but when even *they* play any role in potentially damning Cave Story, at least a little bit, for, say, new American fans that might just settle for the broken "New" music and think "original" has to be worse, and all this other crap, big or small, that's wrong--I dunno.

I'm probably getting too into this. It's just that putting off playing Cave Story for over 2 years just for this occasion when I was such a big fan of it has kind of made me more of a fan for this game than I have been for any single game in a long, long time.
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:50 PM
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The fact that they're actually acknowledging problems is good. I will pause my rage and negative posts for now.

I think this is a rare optimistic moment for me.
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:51 PM
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@ragnaroq: Nintendo is hardly ever the "little guy". Ever. They're one of the largest companies in Japan, all categories. Both Sony and Microsoft are way more open to independent developers than Nintendo are.

If anything, Microsoft are the ones you should root for if you're rooting for the "little guy". (Even though this might seem a bit paradoxal...)
Mar 24, 2010 at 6:11 PM
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I will be fully satisfied when they release the patch. A few are such easy fixes, even I could do it (the loose life capsule given to you by jenka's dog).

It probably will take them quite a while before they release it, but I'm trying to lower my expectations.
Mar 24, 2010 at 7:39 PM
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Chainsawkitten said:
@ragnaroq: Nintendo is hardly ever the "little guy". Ever. They're one of the largest companies in Japan, all categories. Both Sony and Microsoft are way more open to independent developers than Nintendo are.

If anything, Microsoft are the ones you should root for if you're rooting for the "little guy". (Even though this might seem a bit paradoxal...)

I'm referring to how most people (at least that I tend to be around) seem to consistently hate on Nintendo and belittle it more and more as time goes on. It's "cool" to be a PS3/360/PC fanboy right now, but Nintendo's "such crap". I feel like I'm usually defending it against people while trying not to seem like a fanboy, but right now I feel like I'm rooting for Pixel Studios even against Nintendo itself, you know? Though of course I realize Nintendo wouldn't, like, have anything to do with this stuff ON PURPOSE and even acknowledges Pixel enough to let him work on WarioWare DIY, it's just the 'unique' way they handle just about anything that deals with or is distributed through the Internet may well hinder the game in ways that would be easily remedied.
Mar 24, 2010 at 7:54 PM
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cultr1 said:
I will be fully satisfied when they release the patch. A few are such easy fixes, even I could do it (the loose life capsule given to you by jenka's dog).

It probably will take them quite a while before they release it, but I'm trying to lower my expectations.

Wow, wow, wow!
Easy now, this isn't just mod the PC version.
You might be the best programmer ever, but unless you are a Wii/Wiiware developer (implying that you know how the hardware works), i can't believe you could fix that fast.
These things TAKE time.

As i have predicted, and the composer post helped confirm this.
They will fixing this while preparing the PAL version and send those to Nintendo at the same time. (Nintendo seems not liking when they annoy them several times.)
After that they go to that lengthy Nintendo approval (and for the looks of it isn't that reliable) and Nintendo give the shots.
So expect it near the PAL release.

[SPECULATION]And regarding the Hardware choice i think it was influenced by Pixel's past, think about it, what influenced him were old-school games, Metroid to Castlevania, you know which console had these and were hot at the time? The Famicom, where in the west you know it as NES. And think what helped Pixel agree in this project was the fact that HIS work would be released in a NINTENDO system, maybe a western-born more newer to the market, Xbox doesn't have the same charm for his inner child.[/SPECULATION]
Mar 24, 2010 at 8:37 PM
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I meant that, were it the PC version, you could easily fix that mistake. I'm assuming the programming for the two games use similar programming languages.

And I am most certainly not the best programmer in the world
Mar 24, 2010 at 11:32 PM
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Yeah, we all know Cave Story is a great game, but Nicalis's version is only any good if t's better than the original. So far the graphics are the only solid improvement.
Mar 24, 2010 at 11:47 PM
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And if you let me add, have more extras, two more difficult, (looks) having some easter eggs, and 3º saves instead of just one (you could copy the save in the pc anyway, but you can do the same with SD cards with the wii.)

The music, i just found it "different", not better, but i thinks it's unfair to judge it as it is missing instruments and are incomplete.
(Even the composer himself it's disappointed with it, he wait the patch as much as us.)

The translation as i said, it's a different take, maybe because i felt how it is to translate big hunks of texts (full of unknown art terms it was a hell that part of the summer freelance little job.) i understand translators, and i know HOW it's possible to have like 20 different translations to the same thing. And I'm kind with them, have to hear fans moaning because they take familiarity too much seriously, really.

And let me be sincere, as much i like Huzzah!, I just hope that Tyrone just decides to change it, like it was said, just for the sake of myself not hearing about it in the next decades that comes with fan debates.
Mar 25, 2010 at 12:57 AM
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Easter eggs? That aren't in the PC? Other than evac yrots?
Playing as curly isn't really too exciting, one of the two difficulty modes is possible in unmodded Cave Story. But what's this about the composer admitting the music is glitched?
Anyway, it's not a bad version, but I don't see $12 worth of content. Pixel's new art is good, but the rest is either the same, not very different or glitchy. I'm probably skipping on La-Mulana, since I don't like Nicalis's lack of effort. I don't blame Pixel.
Bah, before I go into a full-scale rant I should buy the game, but I'd only buy it if it was fixed anyway (at which point I'd accept the game).
Mar 25, 2010 at 1:07 AM
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100killer9: Curly Mode isn't as 'different' from the original game as a lot of people wanted, but it's got its fair share of easter eggs. I mean, we get to see Quote's official face icon for the first time, for example.

And the other two modes, Time Attack and Boss rush are actually pretty great. I mean, it sucks that you're able to play them and experience all the weapons and bosses and the secret area and spoil everything for yourself without even having to unlock them, but they work well and are very very fun in my opinion. Maybe not $12 worth of stuff, but I like it.
Mar 25, 2010 at 1:17 AM
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Though, I guess it's more Nintendo's fault for pricing it so high. Isn't that higher than World of Goo?
Mar 25, 2010 at 1:54 AM
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World of Goo is 1500 points. (in comparison, the most expensive would be FFCC: My life as a Darklord, a whopping total of 5700 points with all the DLC...!)

Pretty much all the review sites are giving massive praise to the WiiWare version. Must mean the new audience will like this game, while us old fans will nitpick at every single "mistake" we can find. (though, I'm sure most are justified)

Whether the game is worth 12 bucks at the moment, it's debatable. How much should the base game cost?
Mar 25, 2010 at 2:34 AM
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I would buy the game as it is now for 800 points. And probably with nothing at 700 points. I find the extra stuff worthless.
Mar 25, 2010 at 2:57 AM
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Just beat it on Curly Mode :/

Nothing really changes...she talks here and there but mostly it comes as unimportant or awkward (like when she faces Quote).

Eh...not worth the playthrough really.