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Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

Mar 23, 2010 at 4:00 AM
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@Meta- I just finished the game and in the credits there's a LOT of people listed that helped work on the project so my comment still stands strong :)

My rage over the lack of acknowledgment Pixel got for this is even greater now because he's listed I think twice in the credits only.

Once for Original Game Design and the other for Art.

I am also wondering what they actually worked on. When you look at the game and try to find the additions, they are very scarce.

Music yeah, sound effects maybe? Most of the sound effects are abysmal at best. And I think there were 4 tracks that I actually liked. Most of the music comes off as very ear shattering and a lot of the tracks leave out half of the original track. Listening to the Title screen on new music especially, it sounds so lifeless and dull.

All of the physics are intact. You can still boost jump (flying across the ground and jumping to retain momentum). All the hitboxes are still the same it seems (fireball lv 1 still has a crazy hitbox). Gameplay wise it's the same but slightly faster.

But all the charm I felt for the game is gone in this version. :(

And having Balrog say "Oh Yeaaah!" instead of "Huzzah!" is retarded. All of the fan base has an established "Balrog should say Huzzah" and it makes no sense to change it at all. It's not like a new guy is going to question it or something. I seem to remember in FF4 that the mistranslation of Tellah saying "You spoony Bard!" is still in every English remake.

That's all for now...if something else comes to mind I'll say it :x


@GIR- The new music loops improperly as well it's just harder to notice cause most of it's loud and obnoxious.
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:14 AM
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I totally called this
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:20 AM
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I pretty much thought it would be this...but I really was hoping that like...Nicalis would've seen all the comments such as "Music sucks" and stuff and try to fix it..maybe :x

The one time I'm optimistic hah.
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:25 AM
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Chaddykins said:
I pretty much thought it would be this...but I really was hoping that like...Nicalis would've seen all the comments such as "Music sucks" and stuff and try to fix it..maybe :x

The one time I'm optimistic hah.

The Music isn't THAT bad, it's just different. Some of it was kinda better (like tyrant, and geothermal was on the edge of that too, and living waterway). The new music was good in it's own respects, it did take a very different turn from the original soundtrack though.

The one thing I can say about the new soundtrack that wasn't good, and this is what I believed plagued most of the pieces, is the almost complete abolishment of percussion. They simplified the pieces too much (used only 8-bit-ish synths) and this took away from a lot of the character that the pieces had. Like the new gestation. Original was awesome. This one not so much (it's good if you listen to it, kinda like an ok remix) but I think it's the lack of opening percussion that makes it not as awesome.
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:35 AM
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The Music isn't THAT bad, it's just different. Some of it was kinda better (like tyrant, and geothermal was on the edge of that too, and living waterway). The new music was good in it's own respects, it did take a very different turn from the original soundtrack though.

The one thing I can say about the new soundtrack that wasn't good, and this is what I believed plagued most of the pieces, is the almost complete abolishment of percussion. They simplified the pieces too much (used only 8-bit-ish synths) and this took away from a lot of the character that the pieces had. Like the new gestation. Original was awesome. This one not so much (it's good if you listen to it, kinda like an ok remix) but I think it's the lack of opening percussion that makes it not as awesome.

I agree that some of the music is good but it doesn't belong. Tyrant was almost not even the same song (I know it's a short track anyway but it's not like that's a really long fight). Waterway was one of the ones I was like "Yeah I can dig this" but it only felt like a Cave Story track for about half of it. Balcony starts different(not in a good way either...droning sound for like 15 seconds) and then the other half is okay but then thanks to stupid looping it goes back to the beginning which shouldn't happen.

The 8-bit sound is a very mystifying choice for a REMAKE of a game that already was built to have the old school feel to it.

It's just really odd to hear a soundtrack that I could listen to anytime and love it and then listen to a supposed "remake" version of the same tracks and not enjoy them.
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:37 AM
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Chaddykins said:
The 8-bit sound is a very mystifying choice for a REMAKE of a game that already was built to have the old school feel to it.

It's just really odd to hear a soundtrack that I could listen to anytime and love it and then listen to a supposed "remake" version of the same tracks and not enjoy them.

Indeed. I say that they should have gone all out, and remade them so they sounded professional and upgraded. The new "retro" music didn't quite fit. I would've been more impressed with things like what we see in remixes (that are released for free :) ).
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:49 AM
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Re: Cave Story Officially Announced for WiiWare

MetaSeraphim said:
Stop using ignorant incorrect terms little boy.

that wasn't directed at you, MS.
Purist (in this case) refers to the people who immediately changed the graphics and music to original without giving them a chance. The PURE, original game.

Second: little boy? For all I know you could be 8...

Not wanting to incur the wrath of an admin (possibly too late), I will withdraw my argument.
*puts foot in mouth*
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:51 AM
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Re: Cave Story Officially Announced for WiiWare

As much as I wanted to change the music to original after about 20 minutes of playing I didn't cause I wanted to hear everything that the wiiware version had to offer :x

I still want an original sound effects button! The Spur sounds so weak and puny!
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:53 AM
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Re: Cave Story Officially Announced for WiiWare

Chaddykins said:
I still want an original sound effects button! The Spur sounds so weak and puny!

Yes, that would be best.

Hmmm, If only there was a way to get the old sfx, the old music (that looped properly), the old translation (maybe?), and the new graphics, all into one working copy of cave story. If only....
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:54 AM
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Re: Cave Story Officially Announced for WiiWare

in a perfect world :)
Mar 23, 2010 at 4:56 AM
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That would be pretty cool I guess.
I do like the new gfx from what I've seen so far.
I wish I could play the game... 4 days :[
Mar 23, 2010 at 5:15 AM
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Mar 23, 2010 at 5:19 AM
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Yes, but the songs aren't as good in their own right. They aren't just different, most of them are worse. Also, It's the Same now it sucks because NiCALIS put no effort into this and now it's basically the same game with a few new features and a price tag.
Mar 23, 2010 at 5:23 AM
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I think that TVTropes article has been linked to five times now. Yes, we get the message, you are a cool dude because you read a TVTropes article.
In other news, everyone wait for someone to rip the game onto PC.
Mar 23, 2010 at 5:45 AM
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man, 90 pages that fast, huh
I should've totally joined a day ago. or maybe like a few years ago, but who's counting.

I actually like the port a lot, aside from the errors (few of which I've actually encountered yet but more and more of which I keep hearing about, which is pretty ... bad). I'd say at least the new graphics and modes are enough to make it worth playing at least, though, and I like getting the opportunity to actually support Pixel like this. If Nicalis gives him as much of the cut as he deserves, I mean.

Anyway, lol, ripping it to PC... sadly, that would be pretty awesome if Nicalis isn't able to 'patch' the game (which may be likely considering how damn weird Nintendo is with matters like that) and players are able to fix all the errors so that we can enjoy everything new the Wii version adds without dealing with any of the problems.

I'd love for modders to add things that should've been in the Wii version but weren't, too, like Easy/Hard/Boss/Time Attack modes for Curly, and hopefully more save files so completists like me could have a file for every possible equipment combination on every possible difficulty as either character or someething equally completely pointless!

P.S. Toroko's Wii face icon is like 500x cuter than the original
Mar 23, 2010 at 6:24 AM
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I has a question. Maybe this should go in the music thread, but I guess it would apply to other things like graphics and stuff too.

I found all the new CS music. Like, ripped from the game. Is it okay to link to here, or does that fall under illegal distribution?
Mar 23, 2010 at 6:36 AM
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Well, CS's original soundtrack and even unused tracks have been available legally for free since it was released, and I extremely highly doubt Nicalis's gonna release any kind of OST or anything. Didn't they put some of the mixes up for free on their blog awhile back, as well? Like around Christmas 2009?

Of course, I'd wait for someone who knows more replies..
Mar 23, 2010 at 8:07 AM
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Yes, Wiiware developers can patch games now.
Now if Nicalis will patch the game and if Nintendo only do it under certain conditions, only time can tell.

And about Pixel credit, I don't see any problem, if he's credited by the original game (original concept) and the art in this version. There isn't any problem.
Mar 23, 2010 at 8:11 AM
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ragnaroq said:
Well, CS's original soundtrack and even unused tracks have been available legally for free since it was released, and I extremely highly doubt Nicalis's gonna release any kind of OST or anything. Didn't they put some of the mixes up for free on their blog awhile back, as well? Like around Christmas 2009?
Technically I don't know, but this site also hosted a download for the original OST for a long time, and if they did post some of them up it should be no problem.

Jackie: I'm going to say it won't hurt to link them, if anyone complains we can take the link down, it's not like you're the one who ripped them :/