Mar 23, 2010 at 4:00 AM
Join Date: Apr 10, 2006
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 544
Age: 36
@Meta- I just finished the game and in the credits there's a LOT of people listed that helped work on the project so my comment still stands strong 
My rage over the lack of acknowledgment Pixel got for this is even greater now because he's listed I think twice in the credits only.
Once for Original Game Design and the other for Art.
I am also wondering what they actually worked on. When you look at the game and try to find the additions, they are very scarce.
Music yeah, sound effects maybe? Most of the sound effects are abysmal at best. And I think there were 4 tracks that I actually liked. Most of the music comes off as very ear shattering and a lot of the tracks leave out half of the original track. Listening to the Title screen on new music especially, it sounds so lifeless and dull.
All of the physics are intact. You can still boost jump (flying across the ground and jumping to retain momentum). All the hitboxes are still the same it seems (fireball lv 1 still has a crazy hitbox). Gameplay wise it's the same but slightly faster.
But all the charm I felt for the game is gone in this version.
And having Balrog say "Oh Yeaaah!" instead of "Huzzah!" is retarded. All of the fan base has an established "Balrog should say Huzzah" and it makes no sense to change it at all. It's not like a new guy is going to question it or something. I seem to remember in FF4 that the mistranslation of Tellah saying "You spoony Bard!" is still in every English remake.
That's all for now...if something else comes to mind I'll say it :x
@GIR- The new music loops improperly as well it's just harder to notice cause most of it's loud and obnoxious.

My rage over the lack of acknowledgment Pixel got for this is even greater now because he's listed I think twice in the credits only.
Once for Original Game Design and the other for Art.
I am also wondering what they actually worked on. When you look at the game and try to find the additions, they are very scarce.
Music yeah, sound effects maybe? Most of the sound effects are abysmal at best. And I think there were 4 tracks that I actually liked. Most of the music comes off as very ear shattering and a lot of the tracks leave out half of the original track. Listening to the Title screen on new music especially, it sounds so lifeless and dull.
All of the physics are intact. You can still boost jump (flying across the ground and jumping to retain momentum). All the hitboxes are still the same it seems (fireball lv 1 still has a crazy hitbox). Gameplay wise it's the same but slightly faster.
But all the charm I felt for the game is gone in this version.

And having Balrog say "Oh Yeaaah!" instead of "Huzzah!" is retarded. All of the fan base has an established "Balrog should say Huzzah" and it makes no sense to change it at all. It's not like a new guy is going to question it or something. I seem to remember in FF4 that the mistranslation of Tellah saying "You spoony Bard!" is still in every English remake.
That's all for now...if something else comes to mind I'll say it :x
@GIR- The new music loops improperly as well it's just harder to notice cause most of it's loud and obnoxious.