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Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

Mar 25, 2010 at 8:09 AM
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And speaking of the easter eggs. (Yes there are more than the one already existing in the PC version, how much?, we still don't know.)

If you go to the secret thread.

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You will find sprites ripped from the Wiiware version showing the Quote from Cave Story Beta and Quote from the Nicalis' post about Christmas 2009, we don't know how to find it in game yet, but maybe it's only in specifics dates set on the Wii.

Regarding the price, i would buy it by 1000. The pricing of (the base of) "new-retro" games like Mega Man 9/10.
I hope that the price doesn't raise even more in Europe, because I'm a consumer of the SNES/Mega Drive Virtual Console, i always have spare points, if the price is higher that would force me to have to drop more 10€ to Nintendo :/ .


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The picture in my avatar is enough for me.

I didn't expect anything more that we already did on our Curly patches, really, i was more interested in the other modes, than the obvious fan service, that was announced pretty much near release.

"Eh...not worth the playthrough really."
As we replaying the game itself over and over.

EDIT: I know that some of you will go "yeah yeah we know Cave Story is good."
But I will still post this, after all media and general-User reaction it's STILL important, (just because we're old fans, doesn't make us more important than other people :p)
http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/wii/cavestory?q=Cave Story
Mar 25, 2010 at 10:56 AM
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Okay well yeah Cave Story is worth a lot of playthroughs :x I've beaten it 3 times in the last 2 days just to mess around with the Wiiware version.

But Curly Mode is pretty bare you gotta say. I couldn't imagine it taking more than a day to create (minus THAT one thing. even still..)

Also why couldn't every track they remade sound as good as Cemetary? It's probably one of the few tracks I find myself thinking that it's an improvement. And it has to be in one of the fewest visited places in the entire game :<
Mar 25, 2010 at 5:07 PM
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Has anyone heard the redone version of white?
Mar 25, 2010 at 7:35 PM
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Nope. Not even in the original...

So, under 4 minutes? Guess I'll give it a shot.

Though I haven't done any of the minimum times yet on the Wii (speed difference has been killing me), does the title screen music even change this go around?
Mar 25, 2010 at 9:41 PM
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Ah, I completely forgot about that...

I didn't get the Counter the first two times I played Story Mode but I did when I played through Curly Mode. I'll have to play again I guess to see :x

I got a time of like 3:xx something when I was Curly so perhaps you have to be playing as Quote
Mar 26, 2010 at 12:24 AM
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Chaddykins said:
Also why couldn't every track they remade sound as good as Cemetary? It's probably one of the few tracks I find myself thinking that it's an improvement. And it has to be in one of the fewest visited places in the entire game :<

You know about the music bug, right? The one the composer for the new music admitted about and it's supposed to be fixed for the EU release? Eventually we'll hear what the Wii music's SUPPOSED to sound like, which hopefully will be much better. Seems all the percussion and a lot of other instruments aren't there that're supposed to be.

And I was really wondering about White and Toroko's Theme too. I'd love to hear White, with the percussion and stuff back, at least.
Mar 26, 2010 at 12:35 AM
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I'd like to hear white period. The midis that were posted had a disturbing lack of white in the file names, and I don't think if it's there, that I recognize the start of the song. :(
Mar 26, 2010 at 12:40 AM
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Vercci said:
I'd like to hear white period. The midis that were posted had a disturbing lack of white in the file names, and I don't think if it's there, that I recognize the start of the song. :(

I probably totally misread your post, but I have an MP3 of the PC version's White, as well as the Beta version (which I actually like better) via dou_bgm_old.exe, if you want either of those...
Mar 26, 2010 at 1:22 AM
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Let me rephrase myself. I'd like to hear the wii's version of white, with or without drums, I don't care. When I opened up the midi folder of the wiiware release, I didn't see a midi of it. I know some songs have been renamed, but I don't recall hearing white in that midi release of cave story wiiware.

I hope they didn't forget about it :(
Mar 26, 2010 at 1:24 AM
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But the MIDIs are all effed up anyway. They sound completely off, since the instruments are all wrong. Whatever you hear of White will sound nothing like the real version. Just wait for an mp3 version to surface.
Mar 26, 2010 at 2:06 AM
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ragnaroq said:
You know about the music bug, right? The one the composer for the new music admitted about and it's supposed to be fixed for the EU release? Eventually we'll hear what the Wii music's SUPPOSED to sound like, which hopefully will be much better. Seems all the percussion and a lot of other instruments aren't there that're supposed to be.

And I was really wondering about White and Toroko's Theme too. I'd love to hear White, with the percussion and stuff back, at least.

Yeah I heard about the music problems, but if the problem is only missing instruments I can't say I'm going to feel much different about the new music :x Most of it is currently really loud and 8bit ear piercing hell. If they add percussion and etc it's just going to be loud and ear piercing.
Mar 26, 2010 at 2:48 AM
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You'd be surprised what one track can do to music, Chaddykins. And about the music, has anybody had music change since beating Sanctuary?

And for other news:

Nick Chester (interviewer) with Tyrone translating for Pixel (interviewee) said:
Early on in the game a character inside Egg Tell us about "Master's Eggs." Some players are under the impression that Igor is referring to the evil doctor.

I don't usually any character settings that are confirmed or set in stone during development....

In the Egg Corridor, one of the flying dragon eggs hatches. There was a professor who managed and examined the eggs inside the Egg Corridor. This doctor was not THE doctor nor Professor Booster. (And of course not even Dr. Gero) This person does not appear in the game, but performed tests alone. Before dying from old age, this professor met a lost Mimiga (Igor). Igor loved and respected the professor and continued the work. At a later time, though, Igor ate a red flower. Players see the result pretty early on in the game.
As seen in this article on Destructoid.com. Also read for news regarding the Black Puu.
Mar 26, 2010 at 3:06 AM
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Man, I liked it better when Pixel left things up to our imagination, and we were never wrong, only stupid.
Mar 26, 2010 at 3:14 AM
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Uh... should I feel proud for killing off a theory that hasn't been touched for almost a year?

Stupidity is grand. Too bad people have to go out and ask questions like these...
Mar 26, 2010 at 3:23 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:


Man, I liked it better when Pixel left things up to our imagination, and we were never wrong, only stupid.

Well, I like it when a developer or storyteller like this leaves at least SOME things up to imagination, just for the express purpose of fans like us having fun at places like a theory forum, it really gets some fun stuff going and can make a community grow. I mean, damn, look at Zelda. Just the timeline of when the games are supposed to take place compared to each other is horribly mangled or just flat-out ignored in many games and Miyamoto's basically said by this point that 'it doesn't matter when they take place, just have fun playing them'. But yet, this lack of information and lack of cohesion has lead to Zelda fans forming one of the most active communities on the internet, and massive theories about the timeline (i even have my own lolol) have brought them together and given them endless stuff to talk about like nothing else.

Now, Pixel telling us who Igor was and clarifying that he in fact was not working for The Doctor that we know is refreshing and nice to know. It's a simple question, not 'lmao tell us the ENTIRE HISTORY OF QUOTE' and it's got a simple, easily acceptable answer. I don't think the debunking of one theory thread--or, rather, the SOLVING of it so anyone who participated in said thread finally knows the answer they obviously were interested in-- is a big deal.

Now, if it were something actually emotionally powerful to fans, like, maybe something that happened after the ending being revealed that'd mess with everyone's ideas for/mods/fanfics/etc dealing with post-Cave Story, or something, yeah, I'd understand... but this kinda stuff's really cool to me.
Mar 26, 2010 at 3:30 AM
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Oh look prequel material
Mar 26, 2010 at 3:32 AM
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I'll contribute to quote's backstory, if I may,
Quote wakes up from a long reboot process and recieves someone's transmission...
Mar 26, 2010 at 9:46 AM
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It didn't solve anything, we don't know who is this professor.
We could be like, oh the only "professor" in the Story is Booster, Booster work with flying so it could be make sense, that would also help knowing why Kazuma knew how to work with the Dragoons.
But they gave us an answer that bring more questions.
This imply that Sakamoto's crew maybe weren't the first scientists to step on the island.
Maybe this professor could be involved in the war.
This professor could knew Arthur, there is a teleport system, that link the Egg Corridor to his house, that may also imply that Igor could be a resident in Mimiga Village... Etc... Etc... Etc...
Mar 26, 2010 at 12:17 PM
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Jay City said:
We could be like, oh the only "professor" in the Story is Booster, Booster work with flying so it could be make sense, that would also help knowing why Kazuma knew how to work with the Dragoons.
Pixel said that this professor DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE GAME.
Mar 26, 2010 at 1:27 PM
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andwhyisit said:
Pixel said that this professor DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE GAME.

Maybe i wasn't clear enough.
That one if we didn't know anything at all.