HaydenStudios Sep 5, 2013 Hey, what brings an age-old veteran such as yourself back on? You probably don't know me...
cultr1 Jun 4, 2010 Good, after RHF6idon'tgiveashit and Ryuuoutan, the human black hole (because she so dense, get it? ), I think the forums are ready or a reasonable user to balance out the stupid.
Good, after RHF6idon'tgiveashit and Ryuuoutan, the human black hole (because she so dense, get it? ), I think the forums are ready or a reasonable user to balance out the stupid.
cultr1 Jun 3, 2010 Man, you'd think with an avatar like that you'd just piss people off on purpose. But I'm fairly certain that's not true.
Man, you'd think with an avatar like that you'd just piss people off on purpose. But I'm fairly certain that's not true.