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  • Oh jeez, I missed your birthday... Happy birthday, I guess...
    Hey, don't worry about it! Thank you very much, Aar. ^.^
    Woa your avatar got really pretty. Anyways, have the happiest happy birthday! ^^
    Thank you very much on both counts! I was planning on only having this avatar for the day, but I might keep it for a week. I like it, too. As for my birthday, I ate a really good cheeseburger and a delicious sorbet and finally got to buy some gifts for my family, so it was a lovely day. c:
    Happy birthday! I almost missed it.. (~˘▾˘)~
    Thank you! Don't worry about missing it or not, I don't mind ^_^
    You really are full of surprises aren't you? Also happy birthday!
    I'm going to run out of surprises eventually, I'm sure. But yeah, thank you! £:
    I guess it's only a matter of time before one of us hears your /true/ voice in one of the skype calls...or am I looking too far ahead?
    Nonsense. I've actually spoken in Skype calls a few times before - but I ran away from the group you're in before you ever got a chance to hear me.
    Tiempo de vals, deja el pasado atrás, la hora viene; necesitas volver a empezar. Aunque el mundo no podía observar te bailar, es tiempo de sonreír, y es tiempo...de vivir...como ti.
    If nothing else, the existence of Pokémon's bird trio means there's no excuse not to know one, two and three. :3
    <span style='font-size: 8px'>Unless you don't care about Pokémon/don't care about the bird trio/don't care about Spanish of course I mean I'm not gonna judge you</span>
    Anyway, for those who don't know Spanish or the song that this is in reference to that I have a weird obsession over, the Google Translate version sounds pretty neat on its own. c:
    Oh also I know numbers that's true
    Although I never noticed that the bird guys were Spanish numbers until rather recently when I saw it pointed out
    I played Fire Red for the first time when I was like 8 I feel very slow
    I hope to learn Spanish eventually...
    Dawn of the final day~
    Thank you, Nameless. You've commented a lot for me, and I really appreciate that. c:
    Have I? I never really noticed that myself if I did. I suppose I just enjoy talking to you. Or you just have a lot to discuss. I feel good knowing I've made you feel good, anyway.
    Also it's really late here so I might wake up tomorrow check this comment and realize that some part of it didn't make sense so sorry if I say something insensitive or something that doesn't make sense or something
    You have nothing to worry about, Nameless. And yes, you've made me happy. :>
    I don't know what I did differently, but I think I looked nice today. It isn't often that I feel that way. ~w~
    Good to know you're feeling well!
    Because of issues, I don't have the nice new red-framed glasses and haircut that I was expecting in February...but if I were to have more days like this I wouldn't mind. I still don't know much about how to look okay to my own eyes, and I have quite a few years of abused hair and wishy-washy tastes to try and circumvent, but I think I'm slowly learning. Little by little. c:
    Oh, and thank you, Nameless! ^.^
    Sorry about my inactivity, again. I've been preoccupied with school recently, with...nothing to show for it. Today I earned a glorious 0% for an important Algebra II test because <em class='bbc'>I literally couldn't answer a single question</em> and ended up writing a long, melodramatic essay on my failings as a student. I already had a D in that class before and this is the end of the quarter, so...do the math. Or don't, actually, that's a better idea. It ended with me talking to a pleasant school psychologist, which helped my mood, but it's still going to take a miracle to bring that up for the end of the year...not to mention all the other classes in doing subpar work in. I know it's not the end of the world, but it's so difficult not to hate myself for the way I squander my talents at times...still, that's the way humans operate. Hope lives on. I have nothing as terrible as the three tests I took tomorrow, so spring break has basically arrived. That should be happy fun times, and it makes me feel a little better. c:
    I'm sorry to hear about that super unhappy day :[ If you need help with math stuff, feel free to post it here; and I'm sure someone can help :]
    And at least the break has arrived! A bit of a breather ;D
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="duncathan"><p>If you talk to the administration, do you think you'll be able to take a retest? If so, let me know; I'm happy to help with math.</p></blockquote>I sincerely doubt it. And I don't think I deserve one. I had myriad opportunities and I didn't study, do homework, ask questions, or even let on that I was confused. I deserve that F.

    ...still, your offer is really sweet of you, Dunc. Thanks. c:

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="BLink"><p>Don't worry to much, sure it's not great that you ponder on it to long, just get back up and keep running.

    I would offer my assistance, but I don't know much about algebra myself... sorry <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    Oh yeah, happy B-day.</p></blockquote>Getting back up is like my one strength, don't worry. ~w~

    You don't have to worry about that, the sentiment is appreciated. Likewise for the birthday wishes - that's on Thursday. Still, thank you! :3

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="X-Calibar"><p>I'm sorry to hear about that super unhappy day :[ If you need help with math stuff, feel free to post it here; and I'm sure someone can help :]
    And at least the break has arrived! A bit of a breather ;D</p></blockquote>I'll consider doing that. Thanks, X. I'm afraid that math is only a small inheritor of the larger problem that is my crippling procrastination, and only God knows what will help me move past a personal demon that's plagued me for a decade now.

    But yeah, the break is here. It's nice to have breathing room to catch up on a few things I was neglecting. :>
    As a professional and mature student, it is my duty to wait for a formal assignment that specifies "any font is fine" and go with Comic Sans. Better yet...Webdings.
    That is a good idea. I've never seen this Webdings font before so it must be pretty sweet.

    A few weeks ago my friend and I went all-out with our PowerPoint that we were presenting to class. Gradient backgound, bold italic underline outline shadow Comic Sans, and memes. The only thing that was missing was the applause sound effect after each slide.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Thatnamelessguy"><p>nothing can ever be better than comic sans
    but both are pretty great</p></blockquote>Comic Sans seems to be better used towards the pursuit of memes than Webdings, so if that's your thing it's probably the better option! They're both excellent choices for silliness, of course. ^_^

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="TheVinylCheese"><p>An assignment written in webdings would be interesting to see...</p></blockquote>"Interesting" is one word for it, yes. o.o

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Tpcool"><p>That is a good idea. I've never seen this Webdings font before so it must be pretty sweet.

    A few weeks ago my friend and I went all-out with our PowerPoint that we were presenting to class. Gradient backgound, bold italic underline outline shadow Comic Sans, and memes. The only thing that was missing was the applause sound effect after each slide.</p></blockquote>Webdings is excellent. You should give it a go for giggles someday :3

    What was your teacher's reaction to your PowerPoint? It sounds like you really put a lot of care into making it. =o

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="EnlightenedOne"><p>This very feed in Webdings font.</p></blockquote>Excellent work. ^.^
    Yesterday I finally got around to downloading a PS1 emulator and started to play Crash Bandicoot for the first time in a year. Initial difficulty with keyboard controls aside, it is absolutely <em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'>magical</strong></em>. <3
    Ah, that's too bad.
    It's alright, really. If I can buy a PS2 that actually plays things other than Final Fantasy X, I'll be able to play the copy of Warped that I've had for awhile as well as Twinsanity. I hope to get one sometime this year :3
    Well, that's better. Hope you can!
    One more post until 0.5xNu
    Ooh! Yay! Critter rank is soon to be a go ^.^

    I kind of stopped paying attention to postcount after gaining the right to a better avatar and a custom member title. I always wonder how people point out notable numbers because it always slips past me, but I guess others are more observant.

    Kind of strange that it's taken me two years to get to 1,000. Plot twist: the count rolls back to 0 <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/momo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':momo:' />
    Goodness! I didn't realize how utterly lacking in quality my previous avatar was until I switched it just now. I think I changed it while I was abroad - on the <em class='bbc'>iPhone</em>, no less, master of terrible image policies - and forgot to make it decent later on. Now that I have a laptop, there's little excuse for poor quality avatars, so I'll try not to repeat my mistake. To help alleviate the damage caused by a month of staring at my terrible JPGish mug as well as the sadface induced by yet another boring status update, you may have <em class='bbc'>two more</em> consolation cookies. They're chocolate chip, enjoy. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/debug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':debug:' />
    It's fine, I really should have re-uploaded it myself. Too late now, of course. ^_^;
    Hey guys! How's it go-
    Where are the cookies?
    Over there, silly! Table on the left. I'm working on an essay about Huckleberry Finn for English, so I guess it's understandable that you didn't see them behind all of the papers. They're still good, I assure you.
    It seems like the weird, precise log of avatar changes featured in the Special Album has been muddled up since my birthday last year. Besides some simple errors involving the order, there's a gap in October 2014 and I have no idea what I wore in it...and nothing past my Halloween avatar has been logged for whatever reason, not to mention the possibility of an entire avatar I don't have uploaded or tracked. That's been really bothering me for a very long time, so I'll be doing my best to finally straighten it out if possible. In other profile upkeep news, Spoiler's back from vacation and Signature will be here soon. Because of the large amount of time spent with weird, off-color signature updates, I think we'll be going with more classical messages for a time once she's ready to go. I'll have to consult with her, of course. ★★★ This has been your boring profile news for March 2015 - thank you for tuning in! Have a consolation cookie. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/debug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':debug:' />
    Yum. C:
    Glad you enjoyed it, despite not specifying what's in the cookie. Also, congrats on Comment's engagement, by the way! Spoiler only told me yesterday. ^.^
    oh nooo signature AND spoiler are on leave when I get back? sad day! do you have any idea when they might return?
    They're coming back Sunday afternoon, actually! Well, they were supposed to - Signature's flight was delayed so she won't be able to return until Monday, but Spoiler will be here until then. c:
    Yay c: well spectacular. I eagerly await their return!
    I spent 3 hours today unsuccessfully trying to defeat General Tor...on Extreme, with 4 health, 5 attack, 50 ammo for my Velocithor V2-10 and a need to take less than 15 damage in order to achieve Immortal rank. Why am I doing this to myself? >:
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    You could be doing worse, bro. You'll get it eventually. At least you're playing a game you like.
    True enough! It's not so bad...I'm not playing on Ultimortal. ^.^

    One of the things that I love about this game is that you have so many options, so maybe I just need to try something new. MPFB spam could work, if I can survive the rest of the sector...
    I wish I could have 3 hours to myself to work on personal stuff, or just kill time.
    It's kind of a comfort to know that I'm still quite young, so I have a safety net environment and time to build better habits for myself with few repercussions, but I know I won't always have that luxury...
    Ain't that the truth.

    Still, it's important to keep in perspective just how much time we (potentially, hopefully, knock on all of the wood) have ahead of ourselves. Sometimes I catch myself wishing that I had gotten into drawing years ago, or developed a habit of writing in a journal when I was younger, and it strikes me how silly I am to wish for this.

    I'm only 15. I don't know the <em class='bbc'>meaning</em> of young, and heaven knows it isn't "too late" to change like I'm always thinking. People in their 50s and 60s have changed their lives, and lots of people famous for their hobby didn't start until their 20s or 30s or beyond. While it's scary to think that I only have one shot at doing well in high school and I'm not reaching my potential, that isn't going to ruin my life. I'm convinced that I can have a happy one regardless, because screw ups and bad decisions are a part of it that /everyone/ has paid their dues with.
    I have constantly thought (and facepalmed) over the time I wasted in my youth, only now do I desperately want time off to do what I want and I just don't have enough time to do all the activities I did before.

    I have mused over what it would be like to go back in time and try again, with my new experience and maturity to see what I could really accomplish. Ah, but it's just nothing more then a dream, a fantasy, a wish or desire. This conversation really reminds me of that game I started playing the other day (Tales of Graces) It was about a handful of young children playing in their youth.

    All we can do is strive forward, pray, hope and work, for the future.
    Whenever I hear someone on the internet say "I'm 12", I think back to the time I was 12 and it saddens me that I'll never get experience that age ever again...
    I feel like time is moving too fast; if only I could stay the same age a bit longer...
    End of The First Day - 27 days remain.
    Are you excited? Or are you scared?
    Mostly a touch melancholic, actually. Though I <em class='bbc'>am</em> looking forward to a thing I plan on doing.
    I could really stand to do more with my days. Lately I've been disappointed in myself for my laziness...maybe I should do more Gallery uploads later today, that's always fulfilling work at least.
    Just manage your time a little better, It strangely seems that I get more work done on my projects (time wise) when I'm working a full day shift, it forces me to optimize my time alot more.
    I usually can't get started in the first place, so...yeah.

    It's good advice, though!
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