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  • hi you (you)
    hope this message finds you well
    take care of yourself ok? it can be a scary world out there
    thinking of you cstsf
    Thankies, Kuro! <3
    oh hello, it's you
    haven't seen you in a long, long time
    are you doing alright?
    i'm the same old me, somewhat edgy and unnecessarily vague, except this time with a pinch of bitterness. haven't really achieved much as a person, sadly, but oh well. some things just aren't meant to be
    glad to see you around, it always feels nice when an old friend drops by
    some things never change hehe. we are still young we have our whole lives ahead of us yet, hey? it is nice to reconnect w people that we met along the journey. i hope you are doing well in general and i hope that there have been times when life has smiled upon you - you deserve it!! if you ever want to talk you can add me on discord or we can find some other way. a friend once is a friend forever i say. just know i have time and care for you!!

    i see you are working on a remaster for hhs??? how is progress going on that? im glad that there is still life in the old modding scene owo
    i've had a few good moments in life, it wasn't all depressing - but life is a capricious thing and i have no control over what gets handed to me. still, thank you for the kind words. i tossed an invite your way, hope it finds its destination. could be nice to talk every now and then, right?

    as for the remaster, well, it's been in the works forever. it's been around the last time you paid a visit to the forums, even. it's the same project from 2014 that i picked up last year after a 5 year long break. i am making slow progress, but i'd love to have the next release ready before halloween to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the mod with something special.
    Hey, Kuro, how have you been? It’s been a fairly busy year, so it's nice to see you still visiting every now and then! I was wondering to what stage your Kirby fangame got, if you feel like sharing details. o:
    Oh, I’m glad I happened to check the forums when I did! As I told another friend who messaged out of the blue, that was definitely my most absent year yet, and I can’t even blame that on college. I wasn’t mega popular in high school, things stayed comfortably obscure, plus I spent the whole last month at home and just got back to my dorm an hour ago. I simply spend too much time on Discord ^_^; 2017 wasn’t the best for many people, though I had a lovely break and mostly received my first hard lessons in time management. I’m sorry to hear about your lost cat and the painful months back there, but it’s lovely to know that your prospects aren’t bad, at least! I wish you all the best in love, life, and Kirby fangames. :3
    thank you my friend :) I'm glad to hear that your break was good! hopefully you can apply what you have learned and make this next semester better than the first. do you go to school on the west coast? my friend attends in washington and went back early on the first, and my friend who attends in new york doesn't go back until really late january. weird.
    No, I attend in sorta-rural Illinois. We just have a weird three-term year, so the first one was shorter and they didn’t want to split up the second. Vacation times are all over the place, but I’m pretty happy with this scheduling overall. :>
    I know you won't see this for awhile, so I'll let it be known that it is currently 11 PM.
    ...also happy birthday!! I hope you had a lovely time! :D
    oh Polaris how I have missed you :) thank you my dear
    You’re welcome, always a pleasure to see you here~
    Happy late birthday and a merry New Yearsmas, Kuro! ^_^;
    thank you dear :)
    You're welcome. Good to see you here again!
    Holy smokes. I never realised YOU WERE PIGARO.
    Whaaaa oh my squash how did you not knoww I guess I like quit for a while *cough* and then came back with a new namee I apologize for confusing you though. And leaving for another month heh
    And I forgot about that once again... darn it, I'm so forgetful.
    But I wasn't here for a while either, so I guess that's all right...
    Yeahhh don't worry about it. I never really told anyone anyway haha :] Old me was not a super great person, kinda boring and all, you wouldn't want to know him. Kuro is a much cooler person haha :]
    Hi! Question, did your new name come from Kero Blaster? And would you prefer I call you by one or the other?
    I know! I was just wondering because of the name of the weapon.
    Sorry for the wait! Uhm yeah what Desu said. Long story short my nickname irl has just turned into 'black' instead of Jack and one day one of my friends called me Kuro and I liked it so I've just kinda kept it. Took me a while to ask to change it here though.
    I actually have not yet had the chance to play Kero Blaster (sadly it's not out on android and I don't have iOS), so I wouldn't really know if it's related (sorry!).
    And nope doesn't matter to me which name you call me by, although I prefer Kuro since there's stuff from the name Pigaro I'd like to get over. It's totally up to you though <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
    Oh! Goodness, I'm glad I didn't spoil what the weapon actually was then. o.o

    But, alright then. I'll keep it in mind, Kuro. c:
    Awesome! I checked your blog a couple of months ago, and progress looked good.

    Don't feel bad. There was a ton of stuff going on during those couple of months-
    Your mod
    2P Sacred Grounds
    HUGE influx of Bots since we hadn't switched over yet
    We were all just a bit confused.

    Modding is difficult. I hadn't come up with a good idea since J Story, and that wasn't even too good until Jordan and Joe actually started working on it with me.
    It's actually moderately good at this point.

    Keep up the good work with your mod.
    I'll be on this weekend since I have nothing to do and I'm not on my usual computer.
    Then I will lurk again until I have more modding questions.
    Thanks man! That's really nice. I wish the best of luck to you.
    To you as well.
    What's your opinion 'bout HHs (Haunted House Story)? Please give feedback on the mod's topic.
    Also, fine avatar. I see pixels.
    I shall
    Thank you
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