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  • On a happier note, SUDDENLY LOTS OF SNOW. We as a suburb have spent most of December, Christmas, and New Year's Day without snow, and in just a few days it's gotten bitterly cold and snowed enough to cause me legitimate worry about my lack of boots! But that's why I love the stuff. <3
    Enjoy the snow while you can. I had to head up north to visit my friend before I saw any snow last year (er this year? I stayed over for the new year's). It was powdery, but it was still snow all the same. Sometimes I'm glad we're not getting a lot of snow, as it makes the trip to school a lot safer, but I miss skiing. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
    I like the fact that going to school in deep snow is more of an ordeal. Makes it feel more like a grand and dangerous adventure. ~^_^~

    In any case, I'll try to. Maybe this will be the year that I finally make a snowman! Hopefully it doesn't all melt anytime soon, I love the atmosphere that snow brings (I've sadly never gone skiing).
    At 12 I was thinking something along the lines of "yay, I'll shower then get to work on the dozen major projects and assignments I haven't begun for school tomorrow!" I did that first thing, then I happened on Awkward Zombie. Now it is 3 hours later and I'm going to go work on pixel art now. It's possible that I am the worst. :<
    yeah haha same
    Same here, though it was less "you have to do it" and more "it's something you can do."
    Education is really important! And I know this! I don't know why I have such a hard time just sitting down and doing work...I guess entertainment is a legitimate addiction, and something that will destroy me if I don't find a way to keep it in check soon.
    oh okay...
    I suuuuuuck.

    Your arts are more than sufficient and I really appreciate them. I just suck. :<
    Just... Just draw a stick figure for me then.

    Then lay down your fully illustrated concept for me you've been cooking up the last 6 months.
    <strong class='bbc'>Thus begins 2015 here!</strong> :3
    Happy new year~
    Happy New Year, Polaris.
    ...I don't really know what else to say.
    Uhhhhh.... I hope it's better than last year?
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="X-Calibar"><p>Happy new year you guys!

    I hope we really flourish this year.... here's hoping you reach your goals and so much more!
    PS nice pic!! xD</p></blockquote>Thank you, X. I hope we do as well! I really like the picture - I'm looking forward to making irresponsible pictures a yearly tradition of sorts for me. :3

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Thatnamelessguy"><p>Happy New Year, Polaris.
    ...I don't really know what else to say.
    Uhhhhh.... I hope it's better than last year?</p></blockquote>Thank you, _____! And of course. 2014 wasn't the worst year ever, but it won't hurt too badly to hope that this one is nicer. c:
    It's a little disappointing...I was kind of hoping we could stay at home together and celebrate the new year as a family, as we used to. Instead we're going to a boring party hosted by my mother's work partner/friend, my older sisters will be elsewhere, and my older brother will be at home - to say nothing of my extended family, whom I probably won't see at all today. Now that I think about it, this happened last year as well - a tradition I can't get behind. It feels artificial, and I wish things could go back to the way they once were. Oh, well.
    Regardless...I hope the rest of you enjoy yourselves! ^.^
    If you're looking for good recent mods to play, I'd recommend you a few. If you want, of course.
    Okay, then. :> Let's see. Recent mods that I find good:
    - Jenka's Nightmare by Zarrot - no explanation needed here, I guess; it's simply a great sequel.
    - Cave Story 4.13th Ending - Doors did some pretty good job here; the dialogs are well done, and the entire thing it quite interesting.
    - Cave - has that interesting ending, that's all, but I find the mod to be pretty cool anyway.
    - Ama - it features a quite unique gameplay since there are no weapons, you just run around and do stuff, but it's still nice. Everything is polished IMO, making it stand out even more.
    - Probably a Mod (by Safusaka) - brilliant graphics and good RPG-like gameplay.
    - Haunted House Story Reinforced - very much new content: enemies, weapons, gameplay, one of the most ASM-packed mods out there.
    - Cave Story Tribute Site Forums Mod - because yes.
    - RAVE Story - one of more interesting mods that appeared recently. I still don't remember if I beat the final boss or not. : o

    And maybe some older ones that might be interesting:
    - Cave Story x Mega Man - that mod is so COOL I don't even.
    - Tale of Dale - maybe it wasn't perfect; maybe it wasn't even so good; but still, I put much effort into it and it's even playable. There are a few glitches, but... they don't really affect the gameplay.
    - WTF? Story - because yes
    - King: Strife & Sacrifice - because yes

    And I have no idea what to add here
    Okay, thank you! This is a good list. I've already completed WTF and KSS, but this is nice. ^_^
    I didn't know if you have already played them, but they are kinda must-play mods, so I placed them on the list. :>
    Have fun with these!
    Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh <3
    My mother's been telling me that she's going to buy me a laptop for Christmas. My father asked me to look while at Sam's Club and Walmart. I am the excite. C:
    I was gonna say "i'm gonna build my pc today" but then I remembered that you've even using mobile for most of he time.
    Good for you, it's gonna a big step up and most likely really enjoyable to use compared to mobile.
    Just uhh don't play minecraft on it
    I have no plans to install Minecraft on it, I assure you. I want to actually get things done. ^_^;

    (It would probably run and play pretty awfully anyway.) But, regardless, thank you very much! I don't mind using mobile, for the most part, but it's just so...limiting. I'm definitely looking forward to a time when I can finally run programs and get things done easily, and at my leisure. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/mahin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mahin:' />
    Yeah mobile device can be pretty limiting, especially when multitasking. Much easier to have 2 windows side by side than to switch between 2 apps
    Aw, jeez, I shouldn't have used another : D. Makes both status updates look similar, and that's just awkward. ^_^;

    I think I'll l just delete the other to satisfy my raging neurosis. But anyway, I just had a really nice day in general, and I passed through the tests I was worrying about with flying colors (for the most part).

    I have nothing else to be afraid of - just one more day to sit through. Winter Vacation is so close. :3
    Wow! I didn't realize that I have close to a thousand posts now. I don't post nearly as often as I once did, so it could still take some time to get there, but that's kind of neat. :]
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Kuro"><p>Congrats :]</p></blockquote>Why, thank you ^.^

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>Huh, I didn't even notice. Before this, I probably would've guessed that you only had around 500. Congratulations, and I pray to the post count Gods that I beat you to Nu.</p></blockquote>I swear I had 700 or so, last I checked o.o

    How time passes...but anyway, you have at least a 100-post lead and I think you post more often overall, I'm sure you'll make it first. Nu rank is nothing to be happy about, anyway - once you get there, gone will be the days of Wooden Swords, Polar Stars and miscellaneous video game references...you'll have to face down eternity with only the blue blob by your side. :<
    Congratulations, Polaris.
    Polaris you're only saying that because Nu isn't a mere 70ish posts away for you
    I'm finally done with Shane. And I think I can sum up my experiences with this little conversation.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Polaris"><p>It's almost like being in a village of fae, now that I think about it.</p></blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Randolf"><p>Fae?</p></blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Polaris"><p>They'll seem cheerful and content, they'll bequeath upon you a crown of flowers and Global Moderator status, and shower you with beautiful settings and gifts...but at some point you have to look past all that and realize that a lot of it is illusion. A glamour.</p></blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Randolf"><p>It's all... a mirage...</p></blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Polaris"><p>Take a bite of bread and it turns to dust in your mouth.</p></blockquote>
    I'm glad you actually did this, Polaris.
    It'll be better now for you. I promise.
    I'm sure it will be, but literally the day after I leave Pteri is planning on restarting AWT >.<

    Happy Terrible American Thanksgiving! Please remember to actually give thanks for your blessings amidst all the gorging some will partake in, okay? There's a lot to be grateful for. :>
    I know that, I was just acting dumb. Sorry.
    in any case, I cherish my existence
    and that's basically it
    Ouch, really feelin the love there spirit
    Happy Terrible American Thanksgiving!
    Although...not sure if I should say that unless I have something to thank you for. Although terrible american thanksgiving has nothing to do with actually being thankful for anything. So uh, yeah.
    The skies are so dark in the morning now...feels like I shouldn't be stepping outside in such gloom. It's also kind of comforting, though, in a way.
    Okay, so I took this test too...
    ..well. That was interesting.
    As you already know, yup! It's an online thingy. And what I meant with "no one has noticed this" is that, the way I have my settings, um, set, I only get notifications to things if I responded to them. Threads, status updates, gallery images (but only once because IPBoard is silly), etcetera...but I do get notified once if someone actually made a status update. So if I choose not to respond to a status, I'm likely not going to know if anything happens in it unless I get antsy and start lurking about. But I'm sure others just look at View New Content or something.

    Do you want to share your results? Things like these are always fun to compare. :3
    I'd have to do that again, when I'm more conscious. Doing this at midnight might not give the best results.
    This is a silly, pointless and uninteresting thing to take note of, but it's better than keeping a slightly depressing status update!
    I should also mention that the apple icons double as the icon you see when you add a bookmark to your home screen, so they need to be the same size as app icons.
    Yeah, it just updated it recently for me, so I'm pretty sure it's a recent site thing.
    This is some neat info, Dunc. Maybe I should actually research before talking, I sound less dumb that way '-'

    Nice of Andwhy to remember - this thread turned from a minor rant into an insight on thumbnails and info on a subtle update. Lovely ^.^
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