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  • Hello... Sorry for leaving without saying anything... I sort of lost interest in cave story. Recently, I remembered about the Nothing game, and searched it up on google. Nothing relevant showed up, so I tried searching it here... Then I remembered about you and found your profile. To my surprise, you were still active.. I'm not going to start posting on the forums yet, but I just want to tell you that I'm alive...
    Oh, hello, Anuken! I'm glad to hear that you're alive. ^_^

    You were among the first people I talked to here, you know! "Nothing"'s great for a demo and you should give it a try if you haven't already. Hope you're doing well. c:
    I did some research and discovered that it would be almost impossible to get the data out of the EXE. Oh well. I've learned Java, so one day, I might make a game like it...
    That could very well come to pass! There's still some lingering hope that "Nothing"'s creator will find the source code someday and decide to work on it again, but being inspired by it is a great thing as well. :3
    If Signature and Spoiler are both gone, who is that mysterious text under your posts? Is that just Polaris or is it Signature's cousin or something?
    Nothingness shouldn't be there. But it is. I feel bad for it, but there's nothing I could do.
    I'm... confused and concerned at the same time.
    Don't worry, Nothingness.
    Polaris's Home For Lost Nothingnesses is a very good place.
    Today I prematurely found a baby in my cake and was pronounced Mardi Gras King, complete with a silly green tiara that I nevertheless wore all day. I also tried making a snowman for the first time and realized that the snow's hard on the outside and powdery on the inside. It was a fun day.
    Rather Eventful and Specific.
    Last year we had a Mardi Gras thing in my French class. Someone pointed out that the baby on the cake had a dick and I spent the rest of the day trying not to think about that.
    Assembly modding fun fact:changing a Machine Gun's bullets to the value of Lv.3 Spur lasers doesn't shoot anything but a 1 damage invisible projectile directly in front of you. Meanwhile, changing its bullet to the value of a Lv. 2 Spur laser apparently lets it deal <em class='bbc'>more than 999 damage to every enemy on the map at once, <strong class='bbc'>utterly destroying the spikes that rotate Ballos.</strong></em> Or I'm just really bad at this. Either way, it was a woah moment. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />
    Well, of course, but I'm just messing around. Besides, with too much ammo (like the 150 in my gun) it'd still be a little broken. ^_^;

    By the way, spamming this thing just as Ballos opens his eyes in his second form (fairly easy since it's, you know, housed in a machine gun) actually causes him to explode prematurely and never reach his third or fourth forms.

    I think this abomination I've accidentally made is the ultimate game breaking weapon, barring a weapon that literally causes a crash. Kind of reminds me of the Null Driver with its lack of an actual bullet and hit-all capability, but far more oriented towards damage. It's so powerful that it actually rolls over into being dull. =o
    And doesn't mess around with images....I'm sure there's a way to fix that. Even if it means simply swapping the MyChar surface pointer with the background surface pointer... muhahahaha....
    That'd be quite fun to witness and use. ^.^
    Pardon for asking; is your current title Spanish? =o
    What does it mean?
    'Drawing on the floor of an old saloon ~'
    (If Google Translate is to be trusted, that is.)
    "Salón" is here supposed to mean a dance hall, like the sort often used for quinceañeras. It's a lyric from a song that I've often heard played during such celebrations, Tiempo de Vals.

    I'm not going to be 15 for much longer.
    I finally got to the last 3 bosses in my 3 HP Polar Star run. Hopefully I can play Jenka's Nightmare soon. :3
    Well, I usually play games for fun and not for glory. (For good reason, mind, when I try to do something for the achievement it usually ends in heartbreak!) It's not about getting to the end so much as getting to the end with my flags intact and nothing broken - and I'm not sure of what those mods would do regarding them.

    You're right, though, it would have been more ethical to just add in a save point and/or reduce the cutscene rather than literally adding in a temporary infinite ammo Super Missile Launcher. >.>
    I knew I was right... I just decided to give up because "he" kept saying "Cheating is bad".
    How's the computer?
    It's been really pleasant, thank you for asking. ~^.^~

    I've been missing access to one for a lot of my life, and to have a little digital space to call my own is like nothing else. I've already spent an unhealthy number of nights doing all sorts of things that I couldn't do before! :3

    I'm not quite up to my old heights in the days of my USB, but that's okay. I really need to backup my things, but for now things have been good. c:
    On a side note...while I haven't been following your posts very closely, I did notice you making some efforts to be patient recently. I really appreciate that, and I'm sure others do as well. ^_~
    Somehow, we did it. It feels nice to help. -w-
    It's snowing bad here too. Luckily, I'm inside and not out in it.
    Also the snow where I'm at gets cleared every morning so... not much of a problem anyway.
    Stay warm!
    I've been playing a lot of Super Smash Bros. 4 recently, with my cousin and brother...not only is it tons of fun, not only am I surprisingly decent at it, but it allows for a time when I don't have to try so hard to have fun and make connections with the two. It's super pleasant. c:
    Sounds fun. Who do you play as the most?
    Captain Falcon is probably what counts as my main, as he's the one I pull out when I need to do my best (such as near the end when we teamed up versus 3 Lv 9s), and Luigi's a close second as I just enjoy using him and can pull off a victory most of the time. I've used all sorts of characters, though, and beaten the others with all of them - Rosalina, Shulk, Jigglypuff, Peach, Duck Hunt, and Mega Man (I'm not nearly as good with him as my brother is, though) come to mind. :3
    The more I see random clips of Fist of the North Star, the more I feel an incredible need to watch it all. It's so over-the-top amazing £°
    I have started watching it, actually! So far I've finished the first 17 episodes. I tend to watch them sporadically and when I feel up to it, usually late at night. It's kind of a strange thing, though - I have to wait until I'm okay with not doing anything else, because while I enjoy watching it with subtitles that means I'll miss everything if I'm not actually looking at the screen. It isn't the sort of show that one can listen to in the background because I'd like to pay attention it, and maybe my anime watching habits will change if I ever watch a series that's fully dubbed.

    It <em class='bbc'>is</em> incredibly violent, but I've been enjoying it all the same. I don't usually like things with gratuitous amounts of killing, and, well, Kenshiro makes like a dozen mohawked ruffians explode in literally <em class='bbc'>every episode</em>. I'm not sure whether I enjoy it in spite of or because of that, but I've been trying not to let it bother me! It's also full of 80s flavored clichés, over the top campiness and tropes, which is definitely fun to witness because it was one of the first shows of its kind and plays everything as straight as an arrow. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />

    Thank you for the recommendations! I also have a giant list of anime movies thanks to Desu and the others in the Skype group, so...might as well pile on a batch of shows to watch, why not? ^_^;

    Once I finish FotNS, though (approximate date:November 2019), I should probably watch Fruits Basket next. I don't even know what that show is about, I just know that I need to at least try it. I'll keep the shows you mentioned in the list as well, and depending on how things go Card Captor Sakura will probably be the third series that I watch. :3

    Thank you again!
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    Think of Fruits Basket as a spiritual successor to Fist of the North Star
    Pokken Tournament seems pretty cool... Now only if it'd come to 3DS and Wii U, then nintendo would make some serious cash.
    It will never come to 3DS. That is for sure.
    Apparently there's an <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Cs4L1JALY' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>official US trailer</a> for Pokkén Tournament and trademarks for it in the US exist. Chances are that it <em class='bbc'>might</em> get localized =)

    And Tekken characters will apparently <strong class='bbc'>not</strong> make an appearance... =o
    Work on the gallery continues! I'm just 20 pictures away from the magic number of 280, and continue to freshen up older pictures. On a completely unrelated note, <a href='http://thedaysofhanako.blogspot.ca/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>The Days of Hanako</a> is a cute slice-of-life comic and you should read some of it probably!?
    Ah! I nearly let my 2nd anniversary here pass without saying a word. In all honesty, I don't have much to say - I'm just really glad that I made the decision to come that day. I wouldn't be the person that I am today without all of you, and I think I've become a better one overall. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/heart.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':heart:' />
    Your heart is one-in-a-million. Happy Anniversary!
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="X-Calibar"><p>Happy anniversary! :3
    I'm glad to have you around~ This place wouldn't be the same without a certain familar gardevoir popping up here and there ;D</p></blockquote>Likewise, X! It's always very nice to see you post. Thanks, and I hope to enjoy your presence yet ^_~

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Kuro"><p>Happy Anniversary Polaris <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> it has been great having you around the forums and all that. I hope you continue to keep coming back!</p></blockquote>Thank you very much, Kuro! I hope so, too. As long as I'm healthy and able, I can assure you that I'll remain. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="EnlightenedOne"><p>Your heart is one-in-a-million. Happy Anniversary!</p></blockquote>Thank you, Enlightened, I really appreciate it! :>
    Elaboration time!

    Katawa Crash is a game very much based on luck. While there are elements of control - namely, using limited Misha boosts to whack your unfortunate human pinball upwards and a rechargeable AED to shock him downwards - which characters pop up for you to crash into is all chance, and getting a high score generally means knocking into special characters, hitting them under certain conditions, and avoiding both debilitating and game ending characters (like Homeroom Teacher Guy and the infamous Shizune).

    Certain conditions like Multiball and 1-up increase your chances of surviving long enough to get a high score, and and certain events like Football Player Guy and the incredibly rare/luck based Unlimited Drill Works lead you well on your way to building up enough speed. In my 90k run, I displayed no more skill or effort than usual. I simply happened to find myself with <a href='https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/166214930/AAAAA.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>lots of speed and bonuses</a> after getting lucky and hitting lots of beneficial events.

    This is what I meant. Do you understand?
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    Yes, but why was this made and what's on the middle tab?
    I honestly couldn't tell you why this was made! I've personally not played it since that 90k run and have no plans to return, but it does seem that people enjoy it. =o

    In any case, I was trying to find out if there was anything else to Hanako's in game skill, but was stupid enough to use the name of her source game rather than the one I played. It was a successful search anyway, though - I probably just forgot to remove the tab afterwards. ^_^;
    After far too long, I've added 10 new gallery images, yay! I now have 250 and a setup to add them pretty easily with my laptop. But, more importantly, I have a story to tell right out of an episode from a sitcom. It's a little crazy - yesterday morning a stranger approached me via a request on Skype that basically said "I'm going to help you with the sourcing on your gallery". And he certainly pulled through - later on in the afternoon as I started adding the 10 pictures, he pointed out an error I made in sourcing Zerochan, showed me a website by the name of SauceNao to help find sources from Pixiv (which make up a surprising amount of my gallery!) and proceeded to throw a bunch of updated pictures and sources at me to update while proving himself a pleasure to talk to. It turns out he likes Gardevoir as well, definitely to more of an extent than anyone else I've ever met - and my gallery is apparently showing up from time to time when looking for pictures, which is both a little exciting and a reminder that I need to be more responsible with sourcing. What this means for YOU, though, is that the Grand Gallery can probably be better about uploading now that I have a stable platform, and now more pictures will have proper sourcing (with a link too, when possible)! What's more, I'll be doing my best to go through older uploads and update wonky descriptions and titles a little, as well as using better images for a few derpy ones (including one that ended up being a crop of pornography which I'll replace, whoops ^_^; ). So yeah! Fun times will be had by all. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/debug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':debug:' />
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