New profile posts

Hey there. Sorry to bother, but is there a way I could get in touch with you? I have a question about one of your releases here that's a little involved for a profile post. I would've sent you a conversation/PM but I think I'm not allowed as a new member (Is that true? Could I respond if you sent me one?). Either way, thanks for reading, and let me know!
There have been various different restrictions on new users when it comes to sending private messages, but I don't know what the exact restrictions are for the current forum software we're using. In any case, I just tried sending you a PM, and it looks like it works if I'm the one initiating it. Posting this here mostly just for posterity.
Oh, by the way, if it's a question about some project of mine that has an existing thread (namely Plus Porter or my fourth ending mod), then it may be appropriate to simply bump said thread with due acknowledgement and your question, unless there's some reason that you would prefer to keep the conversation private or if it's something more broad that could veer off from the main topic of the thread.
Wonder if I should make a new SPOT thread if I wanted to catch up on the stuff and things from over the years, I have several burning questions
You can't make new threads in the SPOT (only mods and admins can do that), but you can make a new thread in the satellite lounge. Not sure that it would be great form to just start a thread in the satellite lounge and say "hey here are all my questions" though. It may be better to start a thread that isn't specifically centered around asking questions about CSTSF community developments over the last several years, but to instead start some generic thread in the Satellite Lounge that gives some form of contribution, insight, or commentary, and work your questions into it the discussion.

Depending on what your questions are, they might be better suited for different sub-forums, and it may be appropriate in some cases to bump an existing thread with due acknowledgement.

If at all in doubt, though, you can always make a profile update with your questions, and it will most likely be seen by most currently active community members who are likely to have an answer. You can also always directly message the veteran users who have stayed active this whole time- DT and I are probably your best bet.
I did mean SL but was too lazy to double check since the SPOT sounded more comfy off the top of my head
I'll see what I'll do though I'm still leaning on a new topic; I could do a status post but things are relatively quiet anyway on top of it being easier to ramble on in a post than the little status box
You're not wrong, something to talk about in the SL wouldn't hurt.
Miss you bro, no clue where you went but you a real one.
Pokemon Colosseum was a weird game to me. It was kinda fun to play, but honestly, I was trying to beat it just to trade the gamecube pokemon with my gba pokemon emerald (awesome)
Discord is great and all but I start to feel like it's awtul for communities, but to be fair I never really joined a large public server myself.
Thinking about joining them terrifies me because you just don't know what's on the other side.
Which is why I think Discord sucks, and why I don't personally enforce those things on my own server. It really only gets worse with larger servers that make you have to pass certain requirements just to see things.
Yeah, I agree. Discord is great for private messages and voice calls, but I don't like public servers at all. And now that you mention it, you really can't do much lurking on Discord, can you? It's like if almost every forum ever required you to make an account and post in The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic. to see any posts at all. And when reading messages in public servers, I always have this weird paranoia that I'll accidentally press Enter and send some gibberish message to a random channel. Also, forums feel way easier to keep up with in general, since threads properly segment each "conversation."
i will use my profile to post music or other media i have been consuming that intrigues me, heres some music.

i have been playing the game sephonie and i adore the ost, here are my favs from it:

these tracks made me stop playing the game and just listen for a while, the first one made me kinda cry lol.

here are just some random tracks not related to games ive rly liked as of late:

as u can see theres no particular sound i listen to, i think i have a good variety of sounds i enjoy.
I don't know when's the last time I heard about Mama's & Papa's
i havent heard too much from them, i just rly rly like this song bc its from one of my fav movies chungking express and its played often in that movie. i highly recommend the movie!
Having way too much fun with a Level 4 Fireball and Machine Gun. ^^;
What do they look like?
I'm… not good with describing them in words, haha. (I think the words escaped! But I'll try.)
The Level 4 Machine Gun… I haven't noticed anything different, except maybe the damage value and firing rate?
The Level 4 Fireball… I think it creates a Level 2 fireball when it hits a solid object.

Best way I can think of seeing it is in Doukutsu Randamu though; Serenity gets to reach Level 4 (which, in her world, is a level above her maximum weapon level of 3, but details).

Would love to see a Level 4 Crescent Moon, though. That would be a lot of bullets. ^^
been working on the final boss for this update and it's almost finished!
sprites are pretty much done, scripting to actually start the fight is done, i just need to script the boss defeat/following cutscene + implement skipflags, and then i can start on the demo end stuff and move onto bugtesting/polishing/replacing placeholder stuff etc... that'll take a while, plus i want to implement some stuff in earlier parts of the mod (finally making the flower collectables important, for one - that's something i've wanted to set up for a few updates now but i've just been lazy lol)...

hoping to release it publicly maybe sometime this month, maybe not, we'll see :V
Nice to hear that things are progressing along.
I'm kind of panicking right now.
There's this mod that I want to make for the modfest going on right now, but the person making the sprites has been having issues with his internet.
I know I said I was going to become better at drawing, and I have been practicing a bit. But I only have three days left to finish this mod, so I need someone who is actually good at drawing for this. It's either this mod is finished before May 3rd, or it'll never be finished.
It's already hopeless. Tomorrow is the deadline. There's no way I can finish it now.
Even if the deadline was delayed, I still don't have enough time to finish it, unless I rush it to a very extreme extent.
Just as I predicted.
Imagine if that cleverly placed spike at the beginning of the game was a major antagonist
I wouldn't call it cleverly placed, more-so the game doesn't teach you the importance of watching your step, real goof on Pixel's part.
How does the game not teach you "the importance of watching your step"? I feel like having a spike there that kills you if you don't watch your step silently teaches you to start watching your step.

Are you wanting text on the screen telling you to jump (despite being required to figure it out to get out of start point)? An arrow pointing to the spike telling you to avoid it?
Got a 2019 isekai 2d indie game that had a single review, a negative one... and I liked it! Slapped together a little trailer:
A Dream of Burning Sand.
But I will not deny though that I also tend to shy from small indie stuff.
but that's mostly because im concerned about how much I'll actually get out of the games, I'm somewhat picky.
But who knows maybe I should go around taking some budget and buy some tiny name games, I'm sure there's lots of unique concepts out there in the small indie world!
*promotes moon higher into my wishlist* < I keep forgetting about that one.
And don't I know it. Rarely do I actually talk with friends about most indie games I have beyond a mention. I've gotten used to keeping it to myself, unless it's an exceptional or popular case.
... perhaps I should consider making videos to share some favorites or a thread of interesting daily indie releases... that might give some food for thought!
I've had the thought before of having my own site so I can blog whatever game niches on my mind or post reviews and stuff so I can talk about rarer games all I want.
Had a stroke because a friend's OC was named Minty Fresh, but on second thought it's not like it's an uncommon term.
lmao. though, im not sure how many dr minty fresh's there are out there
Who the heck even uses mint in their name :P
only losers:orangebell:
Happy 29th birthday on the 29th, even though you might never see this message, and even though I just got done saying the same thing to you over the phone.
deleting my discord was actually a huge sanity boost. i don't need it and they won't improve the constant issues so why bother
there's nothing brave in doing these things, sometimes you just have to think about yourself for a minute
I still have to use Discord cuz that's the only way I could talk to my closest friends, but hey, I've done the next best thing, and quit twitter a couple months ago.
It's at least a little brave since everyone and their grandma uses it; I'm currently in the process of getting rid of Discord myself. Proud of ya.