Apr 5, 2009 at 9:57 AM
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
I know!
Japan is sweet! I went in year 7 for a school trip thing with some friends and it was so brilliant
. But to stop myself from making this thread from going way off topic, I've finnally finished the third stage and it took me so long cause of that little thing where you can't open the gates if you open them and save. I loved the last part of it with the security system cause you used that really brilliant kirby music and the amount of enemies was psycho but in the end I managed to do it. If you wanna beat schism in terms of popularity, I think what made schism so brilliant was how xaser just completely reinvented the game in terms of the graphics. That's what I'm trying to do in my mod anyway but right now all the editing I'm doing is becoming too ambitious cause I started off just knowing how to edit graphics, maps and scripts and now I'm trying to learn a bit of assembly to make a new weapon. I'm not sure how that'll go but I'm pretty certain that sort of stuff can make a mod much better just by doing that. The cube gun was pretty nice cause it was as close as a brand new weapon as you can get without the use of assembly. I can't wait to see what else is coming in this mod!
Japan is sweet! I went in year 7 for a school trip thing with some friends and it was so brilliant