WTF story demo v 0.504

Sep 22, 2008 at 4:27 AM
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Have fun!

WTF-story development blog -
The blog updates every monday morning never.

Also, here are some screenies:


Sep 22, 2008 at 4:46 AM
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Alright, worked on it some more, and made the first demo.
I hope you have fun playing this, but it might make you go "wtf?" the first time.
It's hard, but in a wtf kind of manner xD
have fun

Stuck in the 2-nd area...
treasure room ...
100 treasure chests O.o"
do I have to try all of them @@?
That door is truly evil -_-"



The other door is also evil >_<"

Sep 22, 2008 at 4:55 AM
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The chest room is hard, but try to look for something that isnt quite right about one chest *HINT* not all that glitters is gold, and did u figure it out past the 2nd door btw?
Sep 22, 2008 at 5:04 AM
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The chest room is hard, but try to look for something that isnt quite right about one chest *HINT* not all that glitters is gold, and did u figure it out past the 2nd door btw?
Yes I know that already
I went to the door WAY ABOVE ...
and died >o<

That was really WTF O.o"
Sep 22, 2008 at 5:10 AM
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How did you die there?
did the
kill you?
i had fun making that part
Sep 22, 2008 at 9:06 AM
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How did you die there?
did the
kill you?
i had fun making that part

no, not yet I think

The door in the middle of the treasure chests...
I think this is the true way out (?)
(the gaps at both ends of instant-death spikes perhaps??)
The door waaaaay above the chests...
I entered into a messy(?) room and died during the fall O.o

I am actually having lessons (at school) now
(I slip away during break time to type this @@)
I will try that later ~~

Passed ~
really, the 2 b@rlogs are quite tricky
but it is not very harsh ~

Looking forward to your next demo / complete version ~~ :)

*thump up*
Sep 22, 2008 at 2:05 PM
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This mod was pretty fun.

But the B@lrog fight was a little tough in that small space. I tried to limit myself to a small section so I wouldn't activvate the other B@lrogs.
Sep 22, 2008 at 2:45 PM
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K now i'm gonna go WTF?! At you, just for a different reason.

I realise that you keep making new threads for each and every update to the mods you make. You have 2 threads on Metal Gear Story, and now another 2 for this WTF thing. I mean, why can't you just edit the first post of the original thread and post in it so it appears as a thread that has unread posts to people who are viewing the forum? >_>|||

Well anyways downloading... (not sure if I've got time to play cause of exams next week =X)

Edit -

No offence if my tone seemed offensive cause I'm nao in a rush so forgive me lols.
Sep 22, 2008 at 5:05 PM
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Metalogz said:
K now i'm gonna go WTF?! At you, just for a different reason.

I realise that you keep making new threads for each and every update to the mods you make. You have 2 threads on Metal Gear Story, and now another 2 for this WTF thing. I mean, why can't you just edit the first post of the original thread and post in it so it appears as a thread that has unread posts to people who are viewing the forum? >_>|||

Well anyways downloading... (not sure if I've got time to play cause of exams next week =X)

Edit -

No offence if my tone seemed offensive cause I'm nao in a rush so forgive me lols.

<off-topic things below>

I will forgive you
if I can see the complete version of
Which means your mod
I really like it especially the storyline

Half joking only ~

take it(the mods) easy focus on your exams ~
exams are more important ~

Best wishes here ~~
Sep 22, 2008 at 5:17 PM
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I will forgive you
His post was directed to GIR, he wants GIR's forgiveness, not you. As usual, Meatlogz begs me for my forgiveness, as he believes its a great honor to serve I.
Yes I realise you are joking.

My exams are this week as well and I haven't even bothered to study.

Edit - Marking day on 8th October~ My birthday X3
Sep 22, 2008 at 8:10 PM
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That was fun :)

The fight with B@lrog was easy after I learned they wont appear out of nowhere if at least one is on the screen
Sep 22, 2008 at 10:58 PM
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Pretty short. Didn't get to see teh grid of green. =(
Sep 22, 2008 at 11:17 PM
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from the looks of it, i made it too easy (well, it is chapter 1).
btw, what did u guys think of the boss fight?
oh and btw, it should be getting harder in the next couple of chapters
working on chapter 2 now
Sep 23, 2008 at 12:00 AM
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There seem to be some event errors. Like, occasionally a B@lrog will touch you but you won't get hurt. And it's not all that difficult. You can practically stand there and just spam Polar Star.
Sep 23, 2008 at 6:59 AM
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he's not supposed to be too hard (and yes, he might not be able to hit you sometimes due to the fact that he prbbly wasnt designed to warp every 5 seconds)
and its only supposed to be hard to try to get past him the first time with no weapon, i mean, who woulda thought the boss would be able to warp to where you are every 7 steps or so?
(it was rly fun to make, im surprised he turned out as good as he did,)
and i found a bug, but ima fix it (im not telling the bug, no need for you to see it if you don't know what it is)
Sep 23, 2008 at 10:18 PM
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The one where after you defeat B@lrog a corner of his face appears in the warp spots as you walk past them?
Sep 23, 2008 at 11:22 PM
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shh, no1's supposed to know!
but yea, for that i'll either just delete the balrog npc once he's done, or kill the warp triggers after the battle.
Sep 24, 2008 at 11:40 AM
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jcys810 said:
His post was directed to GIR, he wants GIR's forgiveness, not you. As usual, Meatlogz begs me for my forgiveness, as he believes its a great honor to serve I.
Yes I realise you are joking.

My exams are this week as well and I haven't even bothered to study.

Edit - Marking day on 8th October~ My birthday X3

Em no lol you totally got it wrong.

I'm just looking for an explanation to the thread making thing from GIR.

The guy who said "I will forgive you" directed this phrase to GIR himself, saying that he would forgive him for making extra threads if he releases a full demo. -_-"
Sep 25, 2008 at 2:30 PM
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The guy who said "I will forgive you" directed this phrase to GIR himself, saying that he would forgive him for making extra threads if he releases a full demo. -_-"
He said he would forgive you if you completed Magic~
Sep 30, 2008 at 12:42 AM
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