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WTF story demo v 0.504

Mar 20, 2009 at 8:31 PM
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Somthing odd happened. This is how my screen looked after I entered a room


-After looking at somthing-
Ah how interesting xD thats a pic from the "Dokutsu_Original" file xD I'm guessing that was the test ground or somthing?
Mar 20, 2009 at 10:19 PM
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Actually that room exists in the game and is possible to find. After all, that is the corridor where you fight b@lrog. It's just the doukutsu_original.exe has the wrong bg and tile set. Next release I'll be sure to only have one executable in the folder.
Mar 21, 2009 at 12:20 AM
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I have an idea for it.

Put a health upgrade that gives you 100 HP in exchange for the booster 2.0, then a row of spikes you have to run through.

In the end, there will be a chest with a high ledge, you have to exchange 99 HP for the booster.
Mar 21, 2009 at 3:33 AM
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I'm not sure there's a 'decrease health' function, unfortunately, so that won't work unless you wanna make EVERYTHING after that point do 100+ damage :p
Mar 21, 2009 at 4:39 AM
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*Heavily cries*

(at least i beat it)
Mar 21, 2009 at 6:59 AM
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What you should do is put a skip flag before the first cutseen with quote and blocky so that you don't have to go through the dialogue every single time you fail the level.
Mar 21, 2009 at 7:34 PM
graters gonna grate
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Mar 25, 2009 at 6:12 AM
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V 0.3 is finally released

After what feels like so much work, I can finally release v 0.3. The last little bits were a bit rushed, since I have to leave for the airport in 7 hours (and I need some sleep). But nonetheless here it is. It may have some bugs (duh...) so report them if you spot anything.

V 0.3 can be dl-d via the link on the first page. Enjoy.

Also, I won't be on for the next 10 days, because I will be in japan. I might come on if I can get access to a computer however, but I don't know what the chances of that happening are (and even if i did come across a computer, I'm in Japan, I have better things to be doing). So see ya.
Mar 25, 2009 at 9:33 AM
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Jesus the third level is difficult. You've placed the enemies in really strategical places and it really made me have to keep an eye on two enemies at once. I heven't quite finished it yet but i'd have to say that it's definitely a lot harder than the tetris level.

I really love what you've done with the first stage and in the tetris stage
I didn't really like it how you got the message that told you to go down to the wherabouts of the RPG but you've sort of balanced that out by making the enemies drop nothing.

It's looking brilliant right now and i can't wait to see what's coming up next ^^
Mar 25, 2009 at 2:13 PM
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Hey cool.

Not-So Mild Spoilers
-I never noticed before but in the start-up scene B@lrog is facing to the left initially and then turns to the right to jump up.
-This is new :o The music is very good, and I love the idea of having checkpoints. Another thing that's never been done before! (Well, unless you count Quest, but that was slightly different.) Graphics are very clean-looking, and I've always loved that simple line style of art.
-The use of jump and wind physics to create actual puzzles is really outstanding, especially since you need to figure out how much force to use where and not just jump for the moon. The little animation that plays when teleporting from a frayed wire is freaking cool, as is how you've set up the wind parts that 'ferry' glasses-Quote across areas. The only gripe I have is that one mini-area seemed out-of-placishly easy, which was the one after the part where the spikes are stacked and need precise jumping without wind. I didn't really get a good look at it because I just jumped and made it in one go. And yet I still get to drown myself :D Wheeeeee~
-The room loops! Cooool. But if I loop all the way around Blue Robot Guy disappears. That seems bad :(
-Ha haaaaa, these flashbacks are brilliant :D And interesting! The puzzle is the same as last time, but it's still a great one for newcomers. Next area...
-Teleporting B@lrog around (or whatever it is you did) seems to conserve his momentum (e.g. he'll spawn jump backwards). It also seems to muck with his ability to move, because you can just pin him with rapid fire and he'll get stuck. That new Spur is way overpowered though, not because of the damage since you gave B@lrog extra life to compensate (I think?), but because the range is HUGE and there's no on-screen limit. You don't even need to get near him, and it really knocks the challenge out of the fight. If you wanted to try something a bit different though, you could do away with the Boss script and instead run a flag loop that checks to see whether or not both are dead. This makes it harder because their health bar can't be seen, but also easier because it makes it possible to damage both at once. I'll explain it better if you're not sure what I mean.
-Skipflag! Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Also strange is that this area actually seems easier without the Booster, mostly because I forgot to equip it >_>
-Hey cool, a Role-Playing Game. The chest doesn't show empty after you get it though. Incidentally, is it optional?
-"Extremely powerful" is an understatement... that thing takes off half Blocky's health in one hit! I don't know if there's any way to recharge it yet, but if by "single shot" you mean "only one shot ever" then you should make that clear. Otherwise, you might wanna tone it down a bit, or give at least Blocky some more health, since he's not exactly threatening anyway. Do you feel like doing anything to spice up the fight a bit? Otherwise the save point right before it just makes it too easy, even without the RPG.
-Did the Broken Spur do 2 before? I swear it did 4 in the B@lrog fight...
-Yays, Cube Gun! But again the range is HUGE. I guess you have a reason for it, and it does work well with the next area.
-Speaking of which, new area + music! The robots here are very well-positioned, often making them awkward to shoot and dangerous to just run past, and those shurikens like to randomly chase you >_> Everything looks very nice, and the music fits really well.
-One of the heli-bots (near the right-most edge of the map), hovers behind part of the map, so sometimes it shoots into the wall rather than at Quote. There's a second one that does this in the place between the two pillars with the platforms in between, on the left side, before the second lock is reached, and a third in the thin corridor on the way to lock 3. There are also a couple of sword-bots that can be shot while just outside of their 'vision' range, e.g. one in the early part of the passage leading to the door itself.
-Okay, I'm taking a break now, but please tell me that the area saves your progress and that I didn't just spend 15 minutes unlocking 3 doors for no reason ;_;
Mar 25, 2009 at 6:11 PM
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I really enjoyed that. Well done. 2nd best mod in my book.

I thought there were an annoying amount of treasure chests. But this time it was easier to see the winners.

The wind area was cool, tho i think one or two more spawn points would be great. The final stretch almost made me quit untill i realized you dont' need to time anything, just hold forward.

Your cut scenes in the memory bank were fantastic. Really really enjoyable.

Secret 2: blocks or whatever the map was called was annoying in a "i want to be the guy" kind of way. But fun once u know where all the death comes from.

The pipe dreams area where you needed to find the 4 switches was really big and would have been frustrating as hell had i only 1hp. The next area where you see curly, then fight various spawns of monsters was fun, but the 2nd spawn always hit me.

I'm going to play it again to find secret 1.
Mar 25, 2009 at 6:20 PM
graters gonna grate
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Wow, this is getting really awesome! I agree with serious that this is now my #2 favorite mod (#1 for gameplay, but Schism still wins overall, lol)
Mar 25, 2009 at 7:25 PM
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Ok, I just got to chapter 3, and you really need to make it so that it saves locks that you've opened. Just have it set a flag every time you open a lock, and then put a trigger on the savepoint that opens the locks depending on which flags are set.
Mar 26, 2009 at 2:16 AM
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Okay, big bug find: Which I did my big attempt last night, I went back and saved after each lock in the hopes that it would save my progress. It didn't save my progress at unlocking the door, but it DID save the flags that determine whether a lock had been released or not. So now, when I get to one of those terminals, it says the door's already been unlocked even though it hasn't and the only one I can unlock is 4, which is the one I didn't get to. This sucks, because I means I can't finish the level anymore. Help? D:
Mar 26, 2009 at 4:38 AM
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Just played up to chapter 3, haven't finished that yet (darn thing's LONG). I'm very impressed. You did a great job of making everything feel fresh, new, and not at all like another Cave Story mod.

I LOOOOOVE the new first area, with all the fans and the spikes that calmly and quietly teleport you back rather than making you explode and mash the z button seven times to respawn. Along with the graphics, music and the puzzle-game style of the level's design, it gives the whole area a whole new feel, like you're playing an entirely different game rather than a Cave Story mod. The drowning part's not as funny in this context though.

The chest area... ARGH! I love the way the maze messes with your head, but this area's a nightmare. It's just too goddamn hard to find the single nonflashing chest amongst all that real estate. Worse, though, is the fact that you have to repeat it so many times. Could you maybe give some more clues as to which screen it's on? Just which room is enough, honestly. That said, other than the frustration of hunting for chests everything here is awesome; I liked the robot, LOVED the cutscenes, and by god that eyeball door had me in stitches. I also love the silly music when you die.

After that, B@lrog. Can you give us back the jetpack for this part? With the jetpack this room was fun and unique, trying to stretch out your time in the air and finding the safest moments to return to the ground where you were vulnerable; without, it's just luck and the INCREDIBLY buggy nature of whatever the heck you did to Balrog's ai becomes readily apparent and quite frustrating. Also, before when I got the gun I could rapidly fire from the doorway and stop them in their tracks, which meant you'd basically won when you picked it up, whereas this time that didn't seem to work; not sure which way's better, or if that's even really changed or not.

Blocky's chapter is mostly unchanged. Room one now thankfully skips the dialogue after the first time, and is just as good as ever. I'm willing to accept that you revealed the secret in room two because A) Most players won't even expect the author to include hidden items in most mods, and therefore won't even know they're missing something, rather less get it; and B) It's funny as hell. That said, you ought to throw something dangerous in our path on the return trip. Also, if it really is impossible to ever recharge it you ought to, upon collecting it, bring up a modified version of the test that originally appeared upon getting the missile that replaces "limited ammo" with "can only ever be fired once". The fight with Blocky is nothing new; I personally found the crystal-gathering of the previous version more fun, but that's just me. The block gun is made of awesome, though it seems to outright replace the spur, which isn't the best of design choices.

Chapter three is the best chapter ever. EVER. The wide-open maze-like level design, combined with the perfectly placed enemies entirely of the projectile-launching kind, combined with the booster 2.0 and an infinite-range infinite-shots-on-screen infinite-ammo weapon, combined with the music and graphics, and perhaps second-most-importantly-after-enemy-placement the removal of items dropped by enemies, all give it an awesome arcadey feel that, like that of the first level, has never been evoked by a Cave Story mod before. It's fun to mow down everything in sight or just to speed past half the enemies, and possible to do either if you feel like it. It is rather long though, with no saves, so it'll take a while before I've memorized enough of the level to complete it.
Mar 26, 2009 at 9:26 AM
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Okay, I played back through it again >_>;

Spoilers, revised and updated version:
-Yeah, the Broken Spur only does 2 damage, and the Booster is also gotten then. Seriously, the Booster and save point just make that fight stupidly easy. There's a save point just before entering the boss room, a save point IN the boss room and a save point where the Spur is gotten. Why not just get rid of the latter two? And maybe have B@lrog drop the Booster or make it available in the Tetris room, because otherwise the fight doesn't really work properly.
-On that note, I've noticed it's possible to damage both B@lrogs, but only one health bar is shown until the first is defeated, then the second one's remaining health is incorporated into a new health bar, if it's still alive. This looks a bit weird, so I still echo my earlier comment about ditching it.
-FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY... I don't wanna say that area is too hard, because it isn't really, it's just so large that it's easy to lose a bunch of time on each attempt by getting so far and then dying just before the end, especially because the map really encourages careful shooting and defensive tactics. I can do it semi-regularly now though, so aside from the few fixes I mentioned earlier it's cool with me.
-And now there's a monster arena! The second and third areas require some planning and a bit of luck, but I managed to get through the fourth and fifth on my first try somehow >_>; More good stuff all around.
-Is that sum Mako Reactor Music I hears? :eek: You could probably get rid of the doors at the start of each level if you want since they never seem to do anything. Also, I keep forgetting to pay attention to what each area is named <_<;
-This is another well-crafted little puzzle... I have to wonder how you got this level and the last one to count entities properly so that each area only opened up once you'd killed/activated everything. Is it a flag loop or something else? Anyhew, there's a bit of trial-and-error here, but some smart thinking got me through it relatively fast.
-Oh look, there are refill points. And secret mission no. 3? Oh dear, guess I missed a couple D: Well, I got 1 HP out of it... that explains the hearts at the computers in Pipe Dreams and why everything specifically does 1 damage :/ On the other hand, that means I got all this way with only 1 HP. Go me!
-"Furnace"? That sounds bad... the extra 1 HP is helping a lot already. It's possible to hit the switches without killing the little spawning bases, and the second set of homing fish (not the third) spawn before the final part of the fight, don't know if that was intentional.
-Is the 'boss' here meant to do anything? Because I managed to kill the other things in that little area and then the boss just sat there doing nothing while I spent 2 minutes killing it. Also, it turns out my fast shooting speed is roughly in time with beat of the music. Go figure >_>
Aaaaand that's that.

Well, this is definitely a BIG step up from the last release. What could have been a silly IWBTG knockoff has really become something else... I've particularly enjoyed how the puzzles and challenges in the new areas are more about careful thinking/physics use and less about murdering you horribly, as well as the graphical/musical overhaul. The story has also developed quite a bit, and I'm really interested to know what'll happen next now. Honestly, mods like this are really raising my personal standards on what I'm doing at the moment, and extending the limitations on what I thought I could do years ago when I took my first crack at it. It's great to see that even now people are still putting heaps of thought into what they do and discovering new ways to do things with the CS engine. Great work, you have another fan now :)
Mar 26, 2009 at 10:55 PM
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Hey Gir, I'm in love with some of your tiles. Is it okay if i use them? I'd give you credit of course.
Mar 26, 2009 at 11:35 PM
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One other thing I'm impressed with is how you did the "scrolling" in the chest area. I can easily guess how you got the camera to lock in place until you got to an edge and then scroll forward, but the looping part's kinda impressive (again I have a theory about how you did it, but I'd rather not have the trick spoiled for me, or if I decide I do I'd rather code-dive for it).
Apr 5, 2009 at 7:52 AM
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Sweet, just got back from japan. Japan is pretty fun. Got myself some mangas and stuff. But to be honest, I felt really tall in japan.

Anyways, back on topic. Nice to see people have been playing v 0.3. As usual, just like with the last couple of releases, there might be more content than expected with 0.4, possibly some stuff with assembly (ty to dooey, one of my alpha testers btw).

The bug with the locks (chapter 3 first room) should be fixed now btw. Uploaded fixed 0.3, you should still be able to use your old saves (from old 0.3).

wedge of cheese said:
Ok, I just got to chapter 3, and you really need to make it so that it saves locks that you've opened. Just have it set a flag every time you open a lock, and then put a trigger on the savepoint that opens the locks depending on which flags are set.

I had something like that set up, but silly me, I forgot to put the H/V trigger to trigger it (which is pretty much the bug fix).

SeriousFace said:
Hey Gir, I'm in love with some of your tiles. Is it okay if i use them? I'd give you credit of course.

Go ahead, but you'd better credit me of course.

wedge of cheese said:
Wow, this is getting really awesome! I agree with serious that this is now my #2 favorite mod (#1 for gameplay, but Schism still wins overall, lol)

Ty, Idk where this mod will go from here in popularity, but if it already got to #2 on some people's list at this point, I might have a chance at beating schism (probably not tho, that's one awesome mod). This mod still has quite a way to go before I'm done with it.