Hey cool.
Not-So Mild Spoilers
-I never noticed before but in the start-up scene B@lrog is facing to the left initially and then turns to the right to jump up.
-This is new

The music is very good, and I love the idea of having checkpoints. Another thing that's never been done before! (Well, unless you count Quest, but that was slightly different.) Graphics are very clean-looking, and I've always loved that simple line style of art.
-The use of jump and wind physics to create actual puzzles is really outstanding, especially since you need to figure out how much force to use where and not just jump for the moon. The little animation that plays when teleporting from a frayed wire is freaking cool, as is how you've set up the wind parts that 'ferry' glasses-Quote across areas. The only gripe I have is that one mini-area seemed out-of-placishly easy, which was the one after the part where the spikes are stacked and need precise jumping without wind. I didn't really get a good look at it because I just jumped and made it in one go. And yet I still get to drown myself

-The room loops! Cooool. But if I loop all the way around Blue Robot Guy disappears. That seems bad

-Ha haaaaa, these flashbacks are brilliant

And interesting! The puzzle is the same as last time, but it's still a great one for newcomers. Next area...
-Teleporting B@lrog around (or whatever it is you did) seems to conserve his momentum (e.g. he'll spawn jump backwards). It also seems to muck with his ability to move, because you can just pin him with rapid fire and he'll get stuck. That new Spur is way overpowered though, not because of the damage since you gave B@lrog extra life to compensate (I think?), but because the range is HUGE and there's no on-screen limit. You don't even need to get near him, and it really knocks the challenge out of the fight. If you wanted to try something a bit different though, you could do away with the Boss script and instead run a flag loop that checks to see whether or not both are dead. This makes it harder because their health bar can't be seen, but also easier because it makes it possible to damage both at once. I'll explain it better if you're not sure what I mean.
-Skipflag! Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Also strange is that this area actually seems
easier without the Booster, mostly because I forgot to equip it >_>
-Hey cool, a Role-Playing Game. The chest doesn't show empty after you get it though. Incidentally, is it optional?
-"Extremely powerful" is an understatement... that thing takes off half Blocky's health in one hit! I don't know if there's any way to recharge it yet, but if by "single shot" you mean "only one shot ever" then you should make that clear. Otherwise, you might wanna tone it down a bit, or give at least Blocky some more health, since he's not exactly threatening anyway. Do you feel like doing anything to spice up the fight a bit? Otherwise the save point right before it just makes it too easy, even without the RPG.
-Did the Broken Spur do 2 before? I swear it did 4 in the B@lrog fight...
-Yays, Cube Gun! But again the range is HUGE. I guess you have a reason for it, and it does work well with the next area.
-Speaking of which, new area + music! The robots here are very well-positioned, often making them awkward to shoot and dangerous to just run past, and those shurikens like to randomly chase you >_> Everything looks very nice, and the music fits really well.
-One of the heli-bots (near the right-most edge of the map), hovers behind part of the map, so sometimes it shoots into the wall rather than at Quote. There's a second one that does this in the place between the two pillars with the platforms in between, on the left side, before the second lock is reached, and a third in the thin corridor on the way to lock 3. There are also a couple of sword-bots that can be shot while just outside of their 'vision' range, e.g. one in the early part of the passage leading to the door itself.
-Okay, I'm taking a break now, but please tell me that the area saves your progress and that I didn't just spend 15 minutes unlocking 3 doors for no reason ;_;