WTF story demo v 0.504

Sep 1, 2015 at 1:19 PM
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All right, I'll be sure to give you a reminder on Tuesday.
Sep 1, 2015 at 10:54 PM
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And now, Tuesday!

Could you make a reply toooooo
Baaaaaaaaaayyyyump. Okay, GIRakaCHEEZER.

At this point it's no secret that this mod is abandoned. Since you wouldn't really be spoiling anything, I think a lot of people would like to hear what your plan was next. Spoiler for those of you who haven't played the "demo" yet:
So according to Excerpt, that protagonist is likely the Quote we knew from Cave Story. Is this so? Is the protagonist really physically destroyed by those spikes he gets dropped into at the end of the demo? If so, does he somehow come back, and if so, how? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the story would have involved eventually defeating Excerpt and Interrobang. How would this have played out? Were you ever planning on explaining the origins of B@lrog and Blocky?

Is there any music/concept art/scripts that you made in preparation for the next chapter(s) of this mod that you might be willing to share with us? The reason I'm asking all of this is because I was listening to the WTF? Story soundtrack not long ago, and it makes me sad that this got abandoned, so I'd like to be able to visualize some sort of continuation and conclusion in my head that at least somewhat resembles the creator's original vision.

this, please?
Sep 2, 2015 at 6:28 AM
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Ok so I'll try my best to summarize what was "supposed" to happen, or rather, what little I had planned plot-wise:
So in chapter 6, Glasses-Quote would probably end up in a sort of void/deleted memory sector, which would look neon-green, like how B@lrog looks (this is actually where he came from/why he's see-through and green). You'd also be green, having recently died/been deleted, so you'd have to find a way to restore yourself down there (I'm not entirely sure how that was going to go down though). One of the songs that would play in this area is:
Also you'd probably fight B@lrog again in this chapter, since this is sort of his domain, but perhaps a larger version of him (another custom boss).

In chapter 7 or 8, you'd finally head off to where Excerpt was in all those cutscenes he appears in. He'd have captured cbsm16 (curly brace, whatever her in game/process name was) and you would have a battle with him to try and get her back. But after defeating/fighting him, he'd warn you that the reason he's captured her is because SHE'S actually Interrobang (a fact I've been trying to hint at ever since she's been introduced) and to not trust her, putting you in a sort of dilemma where she'd be asking you to trust her and get Excerpt. But cutting the decision short would be *shocking twist* Interrobang, who would break into the scene and kill curly (and maybe knock out Excerpt?), thus revealing that curly wasn't Interrobang. Then Interrobang would head off to "The source" or something (the final area) and Excerpt, fallen/injured but still alive, would tell you to go after her, or else the whole world would shut down. When he went to go get her or whatnot in Chapter 3, Interrobang had already escaped. I'm not sure if Excerpt was trying to actually use Interrobang or whatnot, I need to review the original scripts to check that again.

This is the chapter I have planned out the least, but in chapter 9 you'd chase after Interrobang. The world/level/area would probably be shaking/exploding as you're going along, since things are falling apart at this point. I'm not sure on the details of the final encounter with Interrobang herself, but it would probably be a boss battle that would be glitchy/4th wall breaking a bit. But once you won that fight... I'm not sure what happens here exactly, but the game might sort of "shut down", and then Quote would wake up. In the beach house/place you saw in the memory banks.

As it turns out, when Balrog was browsing the internet on Quote in their new house, he got a virus and was sick. And that was the cause of all the incidents in the game, since it was all taking place inside Quote himself.

This was more or less my plan for the rest of the game, the game that didn't get made. As for the orgs/music, most of what I have on my youtube channel that isn't in the game right now would have made it into the game eventually, some examples being:

Also, this was probably for the final chapter/area:

And this for the final boss/Interrobang?:

That's a general overview of how things might have gone. Most of the game's plot was made as I went along, based partially on what songs I had remade in orgmaker at the time. It really wasn't the most well planned out game.
Sep 3, 2015 at 3:28 PM
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Thanks for sharing that with us, GIR. I wish I could have played that, it sounds like it would have been fun. That is a very interesting plot twist you had at the end there. Well, now I can listen to a more complete soundtrack and have a more complete vision of things.
Sep 4, 2015 at 5:34 PM
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It would be cool if someone decided to pick up this game and finish it. It might not ever happen, but with all the new information that was released, I can see it happening.
Sep 4, 2015 at 5:42 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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But after defeating/fighting him, he'd warn you that the reason he's captured her is because SHE'S actually Interrobang (a fact I've been trying to hint at ever since she's been introduced) and to not trust her
I'm actually a bit curious now, was Excerpt the mystery caller the entire time?
Sep 4, 2015 at 5:56 PM
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Nov 30, 2015 at 1:55 AM
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Lol the Portal Gun can be exploited so much XD

BTW how did you do the higher resolution 'Cave Story +' thing?
It prevents me making hacks with Cave Editor/Booster's lab!

Also how did you do the 'Slippery Ice' effect? I wanted that in my mod, but couldn't do that without messing up regular physics.


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