Just kidding. Since I'm quintuple posting, I'll share something useful I found: Its possible to mix and match weapons, so that, say, level one of a weapon is the nemesis, level 2 is the blade, and level 3 is the bubbler. Here is how:
Open up your executable in your favorite disassembler and go to offset 0x409052 you will see about 45 calls to different functions. Some of the calls have one parameter, if so they are a unique weapon with only one level. (like the bubbler is actually 3 different weapons coded into the game, with the levels of one weapon each calling a different bit of code) and some of the function have 2 parameters, in which case the constant parameter is the level of the weapon.
What use is that to you?
Well, if you change the function that is called, then shooting the gun that would normally call that function will call the function for a different gun. So change the CALL to a different function, and you will have a mix 'n match weapon!
PUSH 1 ; /Arg2 = 00000001
SHL EAX,7 ; |
ADD EAX,Doukutsu.00499C98 ; |
PUSH EAX ; |Arg1
CALL Doukutsu.00405120 ; \Machinegun
JMP Doukutsu.004094F8
PUSH 2 ; /Arg2 = 00000002
SHL ECX,7 ; |
ADD ECX,Doukutsu.00499C98 ; |
PUSH ECX ; |Arg1
CALL Doukutsu.00405120 ; note 1
JMP Doukutsu.004094F8
PUSH 3 ; /Arg2 = 00000003
SHL EDX,7 ; |
ADD EDX,Doukutsu.00499C98 ; |
PUSH EDX ; |Arg1
CaLL Doukutsu.00405120 ; \Machinegun
This is the code that handles the machine gun. So lets say you wanted to have a machine gun/missile launcher/snake hybrid.
You would look in the list of weapon functions I posted earlier to find what the function is for the blade level 2 missile launcher, go to the bit of code I've commented as note 1 and change it from CALL 405120 to CALL what ever function you found in the the list. (note - the list I posted has all the weapons in order, so just look for the line saying CALL (the function of the weapon you want to change) )
Now do the same for the snake LV3 and voila! You have a hybrid weapon.
NOTE! Some combination do unexpected things and some don't work at all. For example mixing the missiles with something else just causes a bunch of explosions around you, and mixing the machine gun with the blade gets you a rapid fire blade. (Reminds me of a game me and brother played when we were kids - this is a gun, but instead of shooting bullets, it shoots NIVES. That would beat your gun that shoots more guns any day.) Also we didn't know how to spell knives back then.