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Weapon Hacking

May 31, 2009 at 2:55 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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really? how? I not sure if I want to read 21 pages of stuff I i have no idea what your talking about on the first. also I did search around, but not that helpfull and links would be greatly appreciated
May 31, 2009 at 3:02 AM
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spectator said:
really? how? I not sure if I want to read 21 pages of stuff I i have no idea what your talking about on the first. also I did search around, but not that helpfull and links would be greatly appreciated
Something tells me you haven't even seen the Search button...
You know, you can use the Search button in Threads too, to narrow down your posts...
And, if you really want to so something like hacking weapons, you're going to have to grab a sandwich and get comfy, because you're going to do a lot of reading.
The reason we keep these threads is so new users can look back on them and learn things that have already been explained....

{At least, that's the only reason I can think of, for keeping threads that are years old...}

Get to know the Search button, he's going to be your best friend here... :D

Ha, Lace!!
I beat you by a mere second! ^.^;
{Literally, because I saw your post right after posting mine =D}
May 31, 2009 at 3:02 AM
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if you don't understand the first page, you won't understand weapon hacking.

if you really want to learn, though, google assembly tutorials and hex editors.
May 31, 2009 at 4:45 AM
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you know what, nevermind something tells me the group of people here aren't as friendly as other forums
May 31, 2009 at 4:47 AM
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spectator said:
you know what, nevermind something tells me the group of people here aren't as friendly as other forums
Or, we're just tired of dealing with newbs who expect us to be there at their every beck and call.
Why don't you do a little effort instead of expecting everything to be given to you on a silver platter?
Ungrateful newb...
May 31, 2009 at 5:38 AM
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I'll agree that i'm a complete noob at anything having to do with cave story(other than playing), but at the same time, what do you expect me to do? sit here and not even try to ask for help while not getting anything? I looked at some the pages, and to me it jumps around a LOT! Like you said i'm a noob, so I trying to get help at understanding this. To me, so far this is a bunch of jiberish....
May 31, 2009 at 5:56 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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spectator said:
I'll agree that i'm a complete noob at anything having to do with cave story(other than playing), but at the same time, what do you expect me to do? sit here and not even try to ask for help while not getting anything? I looked at some the pages, and to me it jumps around a LOT! Like you said i'm a noob, so I trying to get help at understanding this. To me, so far this is a bunch of jiberish....
My point exactly, you looked at some pages. You've got a LOT of reading left to do..
You really need to narrow your searches down...
You should be aiming for files like these.....
And if you had searched at all, you would have found a thread to post questions on....
This thread that you posted in is the completely wrong place to ask such questions, which are easy enough to figure out, yourself.

The threads don't really jump around a lot, unless you really know nothing about what you're reading.......Which, in this case, you obviously don't, as Lace pointed out....
Obviously, you know very little about doing anything, modding or hacking-wise, to Cave Story.....So you have a LOT of reading to do.
Read some pages? No where close enough....
27 pages too much?
Try 27 full threads....

I guess I've come off as a jerk and over-all grumpy, but it's because so many new-users {Not just you}, expect the people of this forum to either re-post entire threads for you, or give you all of the links.
And if we don't, you say we're all unfriendly for asking you to put in a little effort on your part and use the Search Button....
It was put there for a reason...
And, if you're not finding anything of use, you're probably using the button wrong.
Try using some of the options it gives you to narrow your searches.
I bet you've been searching the entire forum instead of just the Hacking/Modding section....
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May 31, 2009 at 6:05 AM
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spectator said:
2)I have no idea what all the numbers in the hex editor mean, like when
I searched for the $8F0000 or whatever was said where the
weapons start I get. 8F 00 00 00 8B 4D F0 89 4D DC 8B 55 F4 89 55         EO 8B, etc. What does this mean?
$8F0000 is an address. It tells you where in the rom the data (offsets) you are editing is located.


- The address in the above image is $000117.
- The number to the left of each row of offsets is the address of the first offset of that row.

Though you really shouldn't be asking that stuff here. This thread works on the basis that you already understand hex editing.
May 31, 2009 at 6:18 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Hrm, that might've been a bit much..
Didn't he mean what each number meant to Cave Story?
Because that was all explained at the very first page of this thread....
jcys810 said:
I don't relly understand this. :/

So, if I wanted to edit the Blade level 1 (0x8F494 - Blade level 1), I have to enter the address "$8F494" right? When I do that, get to this,
"| 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 0F | 01 | 00 | 00 | 1E | 00 | 00 | 00 | 24 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 08 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 08 | 00 | 00 | 00 |"

And if I want to edit its range, its 0x04. But I don't see any 0x04 in the list. And even if I do, I ain't sure how do I edit it. Halp?

ZarroTsu said:
0F is the damage delt (f = 15); 01 is the number of hits it deals, 1E is its range. (It lasts for 1E ticks, 10 = 16; E = 14 :: 30 ticks)

in adresses SP mentioned start at the (as I refer to it myself to make it easier) "Double input"... 0F is 0x00; 01 is 0x01; 1E is 0x04, etc. Every four until "06 03" are values we really have no clue about that affect how the weapon acts (for the sword level 1). The 06 03 is where Level 2 begins, then 01 64 is level 3.

Just look around for the double adresses, and it should be a different weapon level.
At least, that's how I figured out what the values meant in hex.
{Although, pretty sure there's a more detailed guide somewhere else..}
And there's a detail list of the weapon offsets on the next page...
May 31, 2009 at 6:27 AM
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VoidMage_Lowell said:
Hrm, that might've been a bit much..
Didn't he mean what each number meant to Cave Story?
Because that was all explained at the very first page of this thread....
No. He searched for 8F 00 00 instead of looking for the offset at $8F0000.
May 31, 2009 at 1:19 PM
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THANK YOU andwhy.

hope spectator is still here, after what I did to lizaroro.
but whatever, stop having a hissy fit voidmage.

btw, I'm not quite sure what I said to upset you spec, I just said that the first page had the really basic stuff on it, and that if you didn't understand it, you wouldn't understand the rest. of course, I didn't help you, but what the hey.

May 31, 2009 at 5:48 PM
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Lace said:
but whatever, stop having a hissy fit voidmage.
Hissy fit?
Because I dislike newbs who show up and want us to re-tell them everything, instead of trying the Search Button?
It's pretty obvious how lazy he is, if you look at the effort he puts in his posts, and at the questions he asked; half of which could have been answered if he had just used the Search Button.

I guess I'm mostly mad because of how little anyone uses the Search Button, anymore. Even Senior members.
May 31, 2009 at 6:12 PM
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you've been around a few months void, you don't know what it used to be like.
and as a matter of fact, nobody has actually explained how to use a hex editor before, because it's so dang obvious.
May 31, 2009 at 6:18 PM
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Lace said:
you've been around a few months void, you don't know what it used to be like.
and as a matter of fact, nobody has actually explained how to use a hex editor before, because it's so dang obvious.
Only just two months actually, =D
Doesn't matter what it use to be like, though; if we let new-users post obvious questions in the wrong threads, then this forum's going to go down hill....

Besides, if he's serious about Hex Editing, he'd do some real searching by himself. He could learn all about basic Hex Editing just by Googling it.
I mean, heck, I'm sure the Wiki Pages would help a lot in learning Hex.
I learned my Hex just by looking through SMWCentral {And not the Forums, there}
Jun 2, 2009 at 5:50 AM
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well I just studied it and I think i get it all except the 1E and where to find each level for each gun. If I was to make a new gun I could just copy one of the other guns and edit it right?
Jun 2, 2009 at 6:09 AM
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okay I get the 1E which how long it lasts, but what do I seach for, (machine gun level 1 exp, not sure what the acuall gun is))
0x93690, 93690, or $93690? I think it's the last one, but do I use goto(hex/dec), find (text, hex), or something else I'm not noticing?
Jun 2, 2009 at 6:56 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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spectator said:
okay I get the 1E which how long it lasts, but what do I seach for, (machine gun level 1 exp, not sure what the acuall gun is))
0x93690, 93690, or $93690? I think it's the last one, but do I use goto(hex/dec), find (text, hex), or something else I'm not noticing?
Well, um, which Hex Editor are you using?

For Translhextion, you'd click "Offset" and then "Jump to..." and type: x93690
As the X tells it that you're looking for a Hex number.
The window should jump to the number and the blinking bar thingie should automatically highlight the 1E.

Iono about the other editors, though, as I've only used Translhextion...
Jun 2, 2009 at 12:30 PM
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to make a new gun you need to use assembly. Copying the weapon data and pasting it somewhere else will just cause problems, but if you're really interested in learning how to make a new one, check out dooey's un-advanced hacking faq. that will help you start hacking the existing ones, and hopefully you can learn to make a new one from there.
Jun 15, 2009 at 12:57 AM
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"Energy crystal:

0x26A17 - Medium
0x26A1D - Large

Note: These values are for how much a weapon energy crystal has to be worth in order to switch sizes."

That doesn't work.