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Weapon Hacking

Jun 15, 2009 at 1:35 AM
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now with information from dooey!
can you add something usefultacular in your next update sp?
Jun 15, 2009 at 9:45 PM
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Lace said:
now with information from dooey!
can you add something usefultacular in your next update sp?

Every update is useful. You know users don't want to read the entire thread if they can get information in a single text file.
Plus I added much more information than only dooeys.
Jun 15, 2009 at 10:20 PM
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sorry, I am a bit annoyed w/ weapon hacking myself, and that didn't give anything useful to me.
Jun 27, 2009 at 5:10 AM
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can someone help me,i know the hex value of the weapons are like 0x95ce3 or somthing like that,but i need it in binary,cuz the Dam Scientific Calculator isnt very helpful
Jun 29, 2009 at 12:56 PM
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why would you want it in binary?
Jul 1, 2009 at 7:03 PM
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Nick The HedgeHog said:
can someone help me,i know the hex value of the weapons are like 0x95ce3 or somthing like that,but i need it in binary,cuz the Dam Scientific Calculator isnt very helpful
Well, the value{s} of Offset x95CE3 is/are a bunch of 00's, :confused:;

Anyways, I don't think you're using your Calculator correctly.
Assuming you're using the one on your computer {Which is best}, and you've set the view to Scientific, you can swap values from Decimal to Hex to Binary to Oct instantly by clicking those top left bubbles right below the display....
For instance, 47 in Decimal would be 2F in Hex and 101111 in Binary.
Got that all from the Calculator...

And....why do you need the values in Binary...?
Oct 25, 2009 at 3:43 AM
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Just was lurking a bit and noticed your FAQ link in the first post is now broken. Sad day.
Oct 25, 2009 at 1:56 PM
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weird, it was working last week.
the only thing I have on my drive is the asm values, so soz.
that's these:
0x047B0 - Polar Star (all levels)

0x04B30 - Fireball (all levels)

0x05120 - Machinegun (all levels)

0x055A0 - Missile Launcher (all levels)

0x05F30 - Bubbler level 1
0x09190 - Bubbler level 2
0x064D0 - Bubbler level 3

0x068B0 - Bubbler level 3 shot
0x075E0 - Blade level 3 slash
0x078A0 - [unused]

0x06BB0 - Blade level 1
0x06E60 - Blade level 2
0x07110 - Blade level 3

0x07910 - Super Missile Launcher (all levels)

0x08230 - Nemesis (all levels)

0x08710 - Chargeless spur (all levels)

0x08AE0 - Non moving spur (all levels)

0x08230 - Spur level 1
0x08F40 - Spur level 2
0x08F90 - Spur level 3
Nov 27, 2009 at 7:22 PM
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PLS fix the link. i need this.

if anyone has a copy of it, could they at least post it on here or in a new thread or somethin. it would be a big help for me.
Aug 4, 2010 at 7:42 PM
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Sorry for the 1 year (oh my) bump but can anyone give me a copy of the tutorial or another tutorial ? I just want to know what value is what.
Aug 4, 2010 at 9:36 PM
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This thread might be of more use to you than this old thing.
Aug 5, 2010 at 3:14 AM
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Maybe you should put thins link in the index of useful thread.
Thanks anyway.
Aug 5, 2010 at 12:03 PM
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Noxid said:
This thread might be of more use to you than this old thing.

Actually, they're quite different, and the free hacks! thread doesn't cover anything in here, although cave editor's weapon editor does cover some of it, there are still some things that need this to be edited.

Maruhai said:
Maybe you should put thins link in the index of useful thread.
Thanks anyway.

That's a good idea.:rolleyes:

I'll probably add some more weapon modding stuff in a few months, as I still have a lot of work ahead of me, and I'm a little lazy (I also have to type it up).

EDIT: I noticed that the original link is down, so here's the one off of the tribute site:
Feb 15, 2012 at 6:41 AM
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It's not really doable, there is one unused slot for weapons in the game, but it's glitchy and not fun to mess with.
Feb 15, 2012 at 2:16 PM
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It's not really doable, there is one unused slot for weapons in the game, but it's glitchy and not fun to mess with.

Actually, you can add as many weapons as you want. You just have to know how to handle the projectiles, because the weapons are not stored as a list of weapons, but rather as a list of bullets - each attributed to a level of a weapon. The function that handles weapon selection doesn't have a set limit, so it's not too hard to code a weapon to have three different 'bullets', but only take up a single slot in the list. It just needs to be coded efficiently. Granted, doing this will work perfectly find in-game, and the player is unlikely to notice the changes, but editing the different weapons in CE (or any other editor) becomes rather tricky. For instance, here is my version of the Polar Star's weapon entry:
CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump					 Command								  Comments
0041DE60  /$  55					   PUSH EBP
0041DE61  |.  89E5					 MOV EBP,ESP
0041DE63  |.  83EC 1C				  SUB ESP,1C
0041DE66  |.  8B45 08				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.1]
0041DE69  |.  8945 F8				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.2],EAX
0041DE6C  |.  83C0 03				  ADD EAX,3
0041DE6F  |.  8945 FC				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.1],EAX
0041DE72  |.  6A 02					PUSH 2
0041DE74  |.  E8 87680700			  CALL 00494700							; (Count WPN ID shot occurances)
0041DE79  |.  83C4 04				  ADD ESP,4
0041DE7C  |.  83F8 02				  CMP EAX,2
0041DE7F  |.  7E 05					JLE SHORT 0041DE86
0041DE81  |.  E9 32010000			  JMP 0041DFB8
0041DE86  |>  8B0D 14E24900			MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E214]
0041DE8C  |.  230D 14364900			AND ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[493614]
0041DE92  |.  0F84 20010000			JE 0041DFB8
0041DE98  |.  6A 01					PUSH 1								   ; /Arg1 = 1
0041DE9A  |.  E8 0141FEFF			  CALL 00401FA0							; \Cave_Story_-_Redesign10.00401FA0
0041DE9F  |.  83C4 04				  ADD ESP,4
0041DEA2  |.  85C0					 TEST EAX,EAX
0041DEA4  |.  75 11					JNE SHORT 0041DEB7
0041DEA6  |.  6A 01					PUSH 1								   ; /Arg2 = 1
0041DEA8  |.  6A 25					PUSH 25								  ; |Arg1 = 25
0041DEAA  |.  E8 91270000			  CALL 00420640							; \Cave_Story_-_Redesign10.00420640
0041DEAF  |.  83C4 08				  ADD ESP,8
0041DEB2  |.  E9 01010000			  JMP 0041DFB8
0041DEB7  |>  A1 54E64900			  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E654]
0041DEBC  |.  8945 F4				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],EAX
0041DEBF  |.  A1 58E64900			  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E658]
0041DEC4  |.  8945 F0				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4],EAX
0041DEC7  |.  A1 40E64900			  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E640]
0041DECC  |.  8945 EC				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],EAX
0041DECF  |.  A1 44E64900			  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E644]
0041DED4  |.  8945 E8				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6],EAX
0041DED7  |.  A1 48E64900			  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E648]
0041DEDC  |.  0345 E8				  ADD EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6]
0041DEDF  |.  8945 E4				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.7],EAX
0041DEE2  |.  837D E4 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.7],0
0041DEE6  |.  74 4C					JE SHORT 0041DF34
0041DEE8  |.  837D EC 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],0
0041DEEC  |.  74 0D					JE SHORT 0041DEFB
0041DEEE  |.  8B45 F4				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]
0041DEF1  |.  05 00020000			  ADD EAX,200
0041DEF6  |.  8945 F4				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],EAX
0041DEF9  |.  EB 0B					JMP SHORT 0041DF06
0041DEFB  |>  8B45 F4				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]
0041DEFE  |.  2D 00020000			  SUB EAX,200
0041DF03  |.  8945 F4				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],EAX
0041DF06  |>  837D E8 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.6],0
0041DF0A  |.  74 14					JE SHORT 0041DF20
0041DF0C  |.  C745 EC 01000000		 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],1
0041DF13  |.  8B45 F0				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]
0041DF16  |.  2D 00100000			  SUB EAX,1000
0041DF1B  |.  8945 F0				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4],EAX
0041DF1E  |.  EB 35					JMP SHORT 0041DF55
0041DF20  |>  C745 EC 03000000		 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],3
0041DF27  |.  8B45 F0				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]
0041DF2A  |.  05 00100000			  ADD EAX,1000
0041DF2F  |.  8945 F0				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4],EAX
0041DF32  |.  EB 21					JMP SHORT 0041DF55
0041DF34  |>  8B45 F0				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]
0041DF37  |.  05 00060000			  ADD EAX,600
0041DF3C  |.  8945 F0				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4],EAX
0041DF3F  |.  837D EC 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5],0
0041DF43  |.  74 09					JE SHORT 0041DF4E
0041DF45  |.  C745 F4 000C0000		 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],0C00
0041DF4C  |.  EB 07					JMP SHORT 0041DF55
0041DF4E  |>  C745 F4 00F4FFFF		 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],-0C00
0041DF55  |>  8B45 EC				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]
0041DF58  |.  50					   PUSH EAX								 ; /Arg4 => [LOCAL.5]
0041DF59  |.  8B45 F0				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]		   ; |
0041DF5C  |.  50					   PUSH EAX								 ; |Arg3 => [LOCAL.4]
0041DF5D  |.  8B45 F4				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]		   ; |
0041DF60  |.  837D E4 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.7],0			 ; |
0041DF64  |.  75 06					JNE SHORT 0041DF6C					   ; |
0041DF66  |.  0305 54E64900			ADD EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E654]			; |
0041DF6C  |>  50					   PUSH EAX								 ; |Arg2
0041DF6D  |.  8B45 FC				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.1]		   ; |
0041DF70  |.  50					   PUSH EAX								 ; |Arg1 => [LOCAL.1]
0041DF71  |.  E8 0A60FEFF			  CALL 00403F80							; \Cave_Story_-_Redesign10.00403F80
0041DF76  |.  83C4 10				  ADD ESP,10
0041DF79  |.  6A 00					PUSH 0
0041DF7B  |.  6A 03					PUSH 3
0041DF7D  |.  8B45 F0				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.4]
0041DF80  |.  50					   PUSH EAX
0041DF81  |.  837D E4 00			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.7],0
0041DF85  |.  75 0F					JNE SHORT 0041DF96
0041DF87  |.  8B45 F4				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]
0041DF8A  |.  0345 F4				  ADD EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]
0041DF8D  |.  0305 54E64900			ADD EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[49E654]
0041DF93  |.  8945 F4				  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3],EAX
0041DF96  |>  8B45 F4				  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.3]
0041DF99  |.  50					   PUSH EAX
0041DF9A  |.  E8 F1CCFEFF			  CALL 0040AC90
0041DF9F  |.  83C4 10				  ADD ESP,10
0041DFA2  |.  6A 01					PUSH 1								   ; /Arg2 = 1
0041DFA4  |.  837D 08 03			   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.1],3			   ; |
0041DFA8  |.  75 04					JNE SHORT 0041DFAE					   ; |
0041DFAA  |.  6A 31					PUSH 31								  ; |
0041DFAC  |.  EB 02					JMP SHORT 0041DFB0					   ; |
0041DFAE  |>  6A 20					PUSH 20								  ; |
0041DFB0  |>  E8 8B260000			  CALL 00420640							; \Cave_Story_-_Redesign10.00420640
0041DFB5  |.  83C4 08				  ADD ESP,8
0041DFB8  |>  89EC					 MOV ESP,EBP
0041DFBA  |.  5D					   POP EBP
0041DFBB  \.  C3					   RETN

This revision is significantly smaller than the original, but does the exact same thing. Thus, clearing up tremendous room for additional weapons. The same sort of thing can be done with the polar star's bullets, although I have not had any need to do so yet.
Feb 15, 2012 at 3:25 PM
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What I was saying is that to a basic level modder (not you), adding new weapons as it stands would require a tremendous amount of work for someone of their level. It's possible, but if you have to basically clean up Pixel's mess to do it. Hence the "not really doable," instead of "impossible."
Feb 16, 2012 at 4:30 PM
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It's not really doable, there is one unused slot for weapons in the game, but it's glitchy and not fun to mess with.

Yeah I'm looking at the Bullet Data with Cave Editor and there ALOT of unsed wepons so let me rephrase that for you!

It's not really doable, there is ALOT of unused slots for weapons in the game, but it's glitchy and not fun to mess with.
Feb 16, 2012 at 9:48 PM
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Actually there aren't a lot of unused weapons, the data you are looking at is just poorly explained.
I really don't like it when people spread false information based on a lack of knowledge.