JacobX891 said:
What? You didn't know you could fuck Chaco? Well........... yeah. Quote has a metal shaft
What he's trying to say (albeit in a less eloquent way) is that when you first enter Chaco's house, if you sleep in her bed, you will wake up with her in it (along with some of her lipstick in your inventory). Some people speculate that Chaco actually had sex with Quote (JacobX891 in particular

) but whether you agree with him is entirely up to you.
As long as I'm here, I may as well share my first experience of Cave Story with you...
I actually discovered this game by accident. You see, during my summer holidays, in the year of our lord, 2006, my mum was going out to the shops to buy goodness knows what (I forget) and I ask her to buy my gaming magazine (PC Gamer) while she was there. Lo and behold, when she returned, I discovered that she'd bought the wrong sodding mag! (Typical. If it ain't anything, its your mother.) Anyways, I decided to flip through the mag and check out its cover discs, and one of the games that caught my eye was a game called "Cave Story". So I loaded it onto my computer (along with some other crappy freeware titles) and started playing it.
My first impressions were along the lines of "Hmm...a retro platformer. Should be interesting." I continued playing getting more immersed in this strange setting until I came across Kanpachi (the fishing mimiga) who said "Sue? Yeah, I know her. That's the cute girl who stays cooped up in Arthur's house all the time, right?" Cute eh? I'll be the judge of that! So I continued playing, witnessing Toroko's kidnapping, visiting Arthur's grave, reaching the Egg Corridor, then I saw her. The first thing that entered my mind was "Bugger me, she IS cute!"
I won't bore you with the rest of my first play through, but I liked this game so much I didn't stop playing it until tomorrow afternoon! (OK, so I ate and slept between that period.) Needless to say I enjoyed every bit of it. And as my love for this game grew so did my infatuation for the character Sue. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I'm her biggest fan (even more so than S.P.

Looking back at these past years, visiting the forum, playing the mods, and of course playing the game itself, I can safely say I do not regret it. Not one bit. (Except for all that time before I discovered Cave Story...all those wasted years
