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The first time you played Cave Story...

Oct 12, 2008 at 7:12 PM
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The Blade is the perfect weapon for the Gaudis, though, because it kills them in one hit even at Level 1.
Nov 1, 2008 at 10:47 PM
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I only started playing quite recently- DC, that, and having heard it come up SEVERAL TIMES, And while watching the movies I thought:- "Oh. My. God. DO WANT!" So I got it, Played the game for a while (Getting hurt by the chin-fish xD) and when I found the fisherman, I thought "She can't be THAT cute." and naturally, I was wrong.

To make a Long story short, Went to grasstown, Saved Kazuma, Slept in Chaco's house (That was hilarious), Felt bad when Sue was trapped, Went to the sand zone, turned down the Machine gun (Knowing one way or another Curly would need it) Saved the puppies, Murdered Toroko (I felt a little bad- But couldn't help myself laughing at the fact I slaughtered her.), Got to the Labyrinth, Killed Monster-X (I FRIGGING HATED HIM. Also, why was he a cat?),
Saved Curly, Got the booster 2.0, Got the Spur, Got to the plantation, Met Momorin, Went to the end, Beat the Doctor/Undead core (I felt kinda bad I had to hurt Sue while she was Frenzied), Followed sue, Rejoiced as a I beat the game saying "Yay! I got caught by the dragon! I've beat the game! But, what about Curl-"

Damn. Loaded previous save, Beat Doctor/Core AGAIN, and helped curly, I killed Ballos, and won, But as I sat there watching the Credits I thought; "But What of Sue and Kazuma, They don't know I survived, do they?"

I don't remember much else, But The games amazing, And It'd take pages to show how much I love it and its amazing Plot.
I hope the Wii version has a Play as Sue feature.
Nov 24, 2009 at 2:59 PM
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First time i played and reached the "love letter" part, whe Mahin asked "what was it? a love letter?" i said "yeah, it's for you, Sue likes chubby boys like you", i wonder what Mahin would have answered lol
Nov 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM
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Lawl, Sue is a chubby chaser.

Anyways I don't remember if I ever posted in this thread, I'll go back and check and if I haven't, I shall.
Nov 24, 2009 at 4:43 PM
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Well, you kinda have now, lol...
Nov 24, 2009 at 6:23 PM
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A response to the original topic, I meant.
Nov 24, 2009 at 6:36 PM
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Did you know, you can find out how many posts you have in a thread by hovering your mouse over the little animated icon thingy in the forum list or list you get when you click "New Posts". I for one found that I hadn't a post in this thread yet.

Anyways, the first time time I played Cave Story was after watching DC's Let's Play, so I was somewhat misfortunate in that I didn't get to experience things like Curly's death and King's sacrifice for myself for the first time (Although, I'm man enough to admit that when I saw King and Toroko die for the first time in the video, I damn near cried. I remember going through the "What? no... What? no..." loop for a while.)

The videos prompted me to download the game and play it for myself, and I think I beat it over the next few days, although I was stuck on Hell for a bit after that. After that, I started poking through all the extra features in the deluxe package, and I discovered Sue's. I was eventually taken up with a grandiose plan to make a CS prequel from King's viewpoint.

As I began prodding around the net, I started to learn more and more about the Creator, Pixel. The more I found out, the more I admired him. Humble, talented, dedicated, the man had single handedly breathed new life into a genre I had thought to be forgotten by the world. And he did it all for free. The man was, in my eyes, a hero. A shining beacon of hope in the shallow capitalist swill of humanity, where even Mr. T. sells out to a snickers commercial.

That's my first experience and impressions of Cave Story. After that, I joined teh frums, learned what a furry was, and have had a jolly good time all around.
Nov 28, 2009 at 12:52 PM
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I have found Cave Story by accident and didn`t know that it is a great game.
Besides that I almost deleted it when I died at First Cave because of a spike! I AM SO GLAD NOW I DIDN`T!

It`s now quite interesting and unbeleivable to me how I could beat Monster X at the first time WITHOUT DYING, but DIED MANY-MANY TIMES from Curly, who is a much easier boss. More than that I could defeat her ONLY after first fighting Omega and getting the life capsule on the way there.
Jun 28, 2010 at 11:56 PM
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The first time i saw it, my sister was playing it. She found it from here nerdy friend. I wanted to play so badly, I delted her save file and started to play. It was awesome. I was much better then my sis.

But then she found out, and I recived a beating from her. This argument went on and on, causing one of our old computers to return so i could play. My sister wouldn't tell me how to set it up, like applying the english patch or extracting the folder, but cave story was too awesome to give up.

I went to her nerdy friend and asked him how to set the game up, and he did, as well as to get the booster v2.0 and the spur.

I played and beat it a month before my sister, and accidently fround the sacred grounds. I was like 7 or 8 then and patience was not my skill, so i never made it though.

Now, just a day ago, i beat it for the first time. I was like crap, don't die, when ballos used that dirty wall trick. Then ballrog came in and i was like YAY!

I fought for this awesome game and will always love it, and demand a true sequel:D
Jun 29, 2010 at 12:15 AM
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I played Cave Story as an experiment actually. I was getting into screenshot let's play's and decided to do a blind run of the game, I just heard from a friend it was a cool freeware game, I wasn't really expecting much, but I was impressed by what I saw, then on the thread where it was made some one said it was made by one person, and then I was like "lmao, you trolling?" and he was like "no srsly" then he sent me a link and I was like "jesus christ :eek:" after the LP I was kind of disappointed, even after all the tedious copy and pasting of images, it was a really fun game (even though I only got the decent ending). It is one of my favorites, funny because I went into it not expecting much but a simple freeware game.
Jun 29, 2010 at 12:35 AM
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I had been hearing about Cave Story for a while before I actually tried it. I had simply been too lazy to try and download the game myself. Upon watching one of my subscribers upload a video relating to Cave Story back in October of '09 and having the downloads and whatnot linking to cs.org, I downloaded and played.

To be honest, I don't remember many specifics. I remember by the first day I was at Chaco's house. Then, the next day, needed to free Kazuma from his inprosonment. However, I got stuck her for literally an hour, because I didn't know you had to go to the room with the robot in it. THEN I got stuck AGAIN for about 20 minutes after the Balrog fight, then discovered I had to pull the robot out of the ground. Fail me O.o

Moving to the Sand Zone, I recall getting stuck on Curly's fight for a while. No rocket spam = ;) Then traded in for the machine gun. I discovered the hovering ability of it after the sunstones were moved. Toroko and King dying didn't really bug me. But the Blade made me :(

Labyrinth, got the booster v.08. Didn't really care that Booster had died, he was an old fart anyway :/ Then the Core fight. FUGGIN. EPIC. Even though I drowned like 15 times and used the Machine Gun lvl 3 to go get air up top >_> Then Curly gives you her air tank and I'm like Meh. Then you leave and the door shuts behind you. ;_________;

At the Egg Corridor? at Kazuma, didn't even consider taking the bad ending. Immediately answered "NO".

Nothing else eventful until the "Meh" ending. Saw the island falling, then I saw Curly. I ALMOST CRIED D:
Jun 30, 2010 at 4:20 AM
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<supercompressed reminiscent thought mode>
lah dee dah dee d- oh cra- *boom*
(ran down the ramp in first cave and scored my first death/epic fail.)
*get polar star*
then i jumped at the door saw the eye, went whut? blew it up etc...
spent a good hour wandering around the Mimiga village until i finally found the locket. fought balrog with my switch stuck on n00b for some reason.actually finally get something to think about. first thought: she said she wasn't this "sue" person. why did neither that walking-talking-toaster called Balrog or the witch-looking-b**** misery pay any attention. hmm. do i wanna fight? duh.

*goes to egg corridor* O_o wow. big eggs. wonder what's inside. get to Sue. go "wtf you thinking" when she provokes the giant ugly white thing. get missile launcher. go "no duh it has limited ammo. when do you ever get a missile launcher that DOESN'T have limited ammo." beat Igor after awhile. find sue. say i saved her. get response, go "suuuuuuure you would." -> back to mimiga. Sue gets locked up. knowing nothing of the story of the game, i go "well, the reason is cold, but logical." go to grasstown -> help moron Santa. get cool fireball, leveled straight to 2 by killing stuff with Polar Star.
Chaco (didnt rest in bed, had no need) -> Kazuma -> balrog 2 (back for more, eh?) -> jellies, again. -> Execution chamber. "hey wutrthose? *bang* *whoosh**boom* ow. ->puzzle out life capsule -> Balfrog (thanks Metroid for giving me the very obvious idea to "SHOOTITINTHEMOUTH! NAOW" -> explosive (cooooool, a bomb.) -> meet Booster, go "and what do you know, eh?" when i see the shifty-ish response.

Mimiga village, sue explaining doctor, go "oh, so that's why this "village" consists of like 7 people." -> sand zone -> spot curly -> wtf moment -> fight (she doesn't like listening much, does she? otherwise, she would ask why you're there in the first place, eh?) -> beat -> get machine gun (faster shot=better [remember: no knowledge of snake or spur at this point) -> omega -> jenka -> walkthrough use to get puppies ->continue -> die at Toroko like 10 times :( -> labyrinth -> moar labyrinth -> yet MOAR labyrinth using walkthrough b/c too lazy not to at this point -> talk to booster -> Balrog AGAIN (i mean come on! demon crown or not, this guy is worse than even RIDLEY at just not dying) -> yet MOAR labyrinth.

Core -> damnit, i cant save curly. -> waterway -> mimiga village -> egg corridor redux (oh, so THAT's what was in the eggs. fun fun.) -> Kazuma -> cop out for bad ending to just get it over with, start over.... much the same course, saving curly this time -> tell Kazuma and his escape plan to tick off -> outer wall -> mimiga village for Mr. Little -> outer wall -> meet Itoh (ha. retard.) -> Plantation -> Mimiga Village AGAIN for Ma Pignon -> restore Curly's memory -> get pissed off enough at Last Cave (Hidden) to resort to a trainer -> keep trainer going through boss fights -> screw up and miss hell entrance thinking it was a menu unlockable/dropped there after seeing meh ending. -> go back and kill bosses again -> go directly to HELL! -> oh hai der Curly! -> cheatzoring through hell -> Ballos (woah. seen bigger, tho.) -> best ending, minus sense of fufillment normally obtained when finally accomplishing that impossibly hard task of the game, you know, the one that kills you about 12 dozen times.
</supercompressed reminiscent thought mode>
as for how i got hooked, i'm a semi-regular face at http://forum.metroidconstruction.com (shameless advertise is shameless) and one of the guys there got me hooked on a game called Iji about a year ago. a month later, hear about Cave Story -> go what's that. takes me about 6 more months to download it, but i did. beat it -> put it down -> come back, then i REALLY get hooked. in fact, as i'm posting, i'm listening to the orchestral tribute to cave story thing on my mp3 player. also tripped upon these forumz. trying to learn how to mod the game, but CaveEditor (0.98e) is being a buggy little jerk. and that brings us to now.
Jun 30, 2010 at 11:08 AM
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I was still a small girl when I had first played this game. I actually made it to grasstown without in the jap version, untill my brother told me there was an english one.
Jun 30, 2010 at 7:47 PM
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I played, i saw curly died, almost cried, then beat game (took 6 hours total)
next day, saved curly and beat hell.
Jun 30, 2010 at 7:49 PM
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I took about 15 hours to beat game. couldn't beat core.
dead-ended at sand zone until I realized fighting Curly wasn't optional. etc, etc, n00bish mistakes. I sucked!
Aug 3, 2010 at 9:18 PM
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I Skype screen-shared the experience with Fire, who got to watch my noobishness. Yes, I tried to open the door. And yes, lulz were had at my expense.
Aug 4, 2010 at 12:18 AM
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It was all thanks to Yakkers :D And I spent most of my weekend playing it.
Aug 25, 2010 at 3:55 AM
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Well I remember the primary reason I tried the game out was because of the tremendously positive criticism so many other people seemed to have for it. When I first played through it(I think I reached the Balcony in two or three days) I felt sort of indifferent about it and then lost interest before attempting to beat it. But after a few more days, I guess an impression sort of sunk in because I started feeling a serious need to play it some more. The one thing I could admit at the time, was that the gameplay was pretty addictive so maybe that was why. xD And thinking back to how much people seemed to love the game, I decided to give it a complete second chance and started over from the beginning. For some reason, I always tend to enjoy games more the second time through. Knowing what to expect makes it more fun for me, dunno why. Aaanyhow I eventually beat it, got the normal ending and by the time it was all over, I was hooked and found myself replaying it again and again.
Sep 1, 2010 at 7:54 AM
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Damn... the first time I played CS was like March of 2010. I got so pissed off because everyone knew what this game was, and I LOVE the game, btw. So one day i just said, FUCK IT, I'M SEARCHING FOR CAVE STORY!!! Then, when I found it and watched DeceasedCrab's walkthrough, I knew I HAD to start playing. When I got to the Core, I was stuck for 2 days. Then, when I beat the Undead Core, and started Hell, I could NOT beat it without cheating, and can't to this day. Then I remembered Rules 34, 35, and 36 (which I had previously learned about from my sister) and looked up Cave Story hen... well, you know.
Then, out of nowhere, I developed a fetish for Curly. If I ever get the chance to go into Curly's House *wink wink nudge nudge* I would be ECSTATIC!

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And I would cum a million timesSorry, perverted side showing:D
