I found out about cave story via a dude who i used to play tf2 with back in '07.
It went something like this :
Oh look, a heart box and a DOS floppy disk, okay I asume this must be the save. *Goes through door* The right is blocked so i'll go left. *a short trip later* Oh look, a tube with a heart, reminds me of metroid. *picks it up* EPIC. *steals polar star* Yay for petty theft! *kills some bats* This is awesome! *Picks up experiance* Oh wow, an upgrade

! *makes his way to the exit, gets hit* level down? Bullshit! *tries to exit the door, gets hit* :c.
*Egg Corridor*
Hey look, a cute looking robot, i'm going to ignore him for now and go check out that white thing at the- Baaah!.
*Balrog Toad Boss* Oh god! This is going to be tough, *shoots with his fireball gun* Well this is freaking useless (if only i knew) *pulls out polar star* I'm going to own you with my polar star! *dies*
*Labyrinth Core*
That robot looks f'ed up :I. I wonder what's over here... *walks right* oh cool a tow rope, I wonder what it's for.
*after the battle* Oh so now i get the bubble Curly has been using all this time, Awesome. *talks to curly* *takes her with him* Okay so now i'm carrying her around. *The fan section* Hey! There was a door on that platform! *Curly's life force has been terminated* >:C *reload* *reaches the door* Oh cool a save point. *reads the bookshelf* *Does everything to drain the water from Curly and takes her with him* Maybe she'll wake up and help me again! *fights the fish boss* *Curly floats away* ALL DAT WERK FOR NOTHIN?!?!
So, I think you guys get the idea.