I first heared of Cave Story from the Wiiware demo.
I thought it was such a brilliant game and wanted to continue it (the demo ends after Quote defeats Igor).
I played through the game and found it so fun!
The gameplay and music was great but the one thing that kept me bringing me back was the vivid characters and captivating plot!
I actually got the bad ending and thought it was the ONLY ending!

I was like, ''So....that's how it ends......Quote and Kazuma escape and spend their life living together........that sucks.''
Of course later I found out that you had to climb up the Outer Wall (thanks Game FAQs).
Then I speeded through the game with little difficulty until it came to Undead Core (I got killed about 3 times).
I escaped with Sue and lived hapily ever after!
A few days later...
Huh? There's a place called Sacred Grounds.....I can actually save Curly......there is a booster v2.0........Professor Booster doesn't need to die.......Ballos.......ok I think I'm gonna play this game again.
Here we go again!
Two days later...
OMG! Sacred Grounds is soooooo hard!
About four days later...
I owned Ballos!
My best runthrough is about 14:00:00, I'm so proud of myself!
........what do I do now......restart?
I wish there was a sequel.