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The first time you played Cave Story...

Sep 15, 2010 at 1:59 AM
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Malpercio said:
just remember that no matter HOW much you lurk, it's never enough
you can always lurk moar. always.

You get ANOTHER 1/1,000,000 of a half of a cookie for getting this statement right.:p
Nov 26, 2010 at 4:55 AM
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Man I fucking love Curly Brace.
Dec 2, 2010 at 8:00 PM
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First time I played I only got up to Monster X.

Got the Machinegun (of course).
Missed every optional item up to that point.

Started it up again after months and months.
Knew of Ballos, knew it's possible to save Curly etc. etc., but still missed all the optional stuff and the Best Ending.

Third playthrough, got everything (Spur and Nemesis as well), and am currently doing Hell. Whoop.

Dunno. I can't really remember why I found Monster X that hard, getting rid of it's purple bullet things mainly consists of running left and right between it's legs while using
Dec 4, 2010 at 2:33 AM
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sinophile said:
Man I love fucking Curly Brace.

also yeah, you're not supposed to know about saving curly/getting into Hell on your first run so you don't win the game and then go get your ass royally owned several thousand times in Hell
Dec 10, 2010 at 9:07 PM
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Okay, so the first time I played .
Got it.

So in the first cave I saw the water and was like, let's drown things!
I drowned myself a few times, and then left the first room.
I died on the spikes a million times, but finally passed it.

Before leaving the first cave I leveled up my gun to level 3.
Fought Balrog. Cake. Got to the Egg Corridor and stayed the hell away from that zappermagjig. Got to Igor and whipped his butt. Went back to Arthers house, and went to Grasstown. Got santas key, died in his death pit, and got fireball. Whipped Balrog fight 2's butt and had a bit more trouble with Balfrog.

Went to sandzone, beat curly, and rejected her Machine Gun.
Did the rest of sandzone, and had a hell of a time with Frenzied Toroko.

Labyrinth time! Beat Pooh Black, and had no trouble at all with Monster X. Beat him with 28 hp left. I laughed at him because he was so easy. WAY easier then Toroko. Took jetpack, beat balrog a 4th time, and got to the core.

Core was flippin hard! Had a lot of trouble, but beat him with 5 HP left.

Got through the sewer part and killed the monster. Now I had the booster I decided to visit the gun smith again and I got the Spur. (on my first game!)

Uh yeah. And then I gave up because my computer wouldn't let me go to egg corridor again. I got some kind of error message.
Dec 18, 2010 at 1:15 PM
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I first played it after someone recommended it to me. I was 14 maybe. I wasn't good at it, ended up cheating to get past a few of the bosses.
I still can't beat it without cheating. :D
Dec 18, 2010 at 10:49 PM
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...I died three times on the first spikes.
Dec 20, 2010 at 8:12 AM
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I first heared of Cave Story from the Wiiware demo.
I thought it was such a brilliant game and wanted to continue it (the demo ends after Quote defeats Igor).
I played through the game and found it so fun!

The gameplay and music was great but the one thing that kept me bringing me back was the vivid characters and captivating plot!
I actually got the bad ending and thought it was the ONLY ending! :momo:
I was like, ''So....that's how it ends......Quote and Kazuma escape and spend their life living together........that sucks.''

Of course later I found out that you had to climb up the Outer Wall (thanks Game FAQs).
Then I speeded through the game with little difficulty until it came to Undead Core (I got killed about 3 times).

I escaped with Sue and lived hapily ever after!

A few days later...
Huh? There's a place called Sacred Grounds.....I can actually save Curly......there is a booster v2.0........Professor Booster doesn't need to die.......Ballos.......ok I think I'm gonna play this game again.

Here we go again!

Two days later...
OMG! Sacred Grounds is soooooo hard!

About four days later...
I owned Ballos!
My best runthrough is about 14:00:00, I'm so proud of myself!
........what do I do now......restart?
I wish there was a sequel.
Dec 23, 2010 at 3:56 AM
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I first played Cave Story when I was 15. I thought Curly was hot. (Still do). Got the Machine Gun. Got stuck at Monster X and died there at least 15 times.
Dec 26, 2010 at 8:08 PM
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...Was when i was watching my older brother play it (didn't have a comp at that time) He died by spikes in first cave and gave up.
A few years later... i rediscovered it.:D
Dec 27, 2010 at 3:58 AM
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My first time playing cave story was in fifth grade or something, my cousin who LOVES freeware games recommended it to me and I seriously believed it was about fifty years old due to the graphics. I hated the first cave to death because I had difficulty remembering the right time to jump. I had a Level One Polar star when I fought Balrog for the first time ... I was scared of the white thing (Basil?) in the egg corridor and skipped that one life capsule.

I found Sue pretty darn ungrateful ... I did just kill a Mimiga for her ... Grasstown was insanely easy, but Sand Zone was the most annoying part for me because I kept falling all the way down with the beetle area and with the weird sun-egyptian spinny thing -- I didn't trade for the Machine gun because I thought the hermit-guy would be mad. Jenka's one creepy old lady.

T-t-toroko and King? Awwh, they were seriously my favorite characters. That's depressing. The Labrynth was awesome :D I ate all those Gaudi with the knife. Monster X was beastly, died about twenty different times and couldn't go on any further so I just asked my sister to beat it for me.

Ironically first time playing through I got the Booster 2.0 due to my want to attempt to skip past all bosses. I figured Prof. Booster would go all possessed on me and fight me ... so I just jumped past. Curly's the BEST sidekick in the world, 'xcept for with the Core. After she gave me her air tank I was freaking out so I just refought the Core to save her :pignon:

This is a freakishly long post, so I'll stop here ... I guess that just shows my insane love for Cave Story, no?
Dec 27, 2010 at 7:29 AM
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The first time I played cave story, I thought that dark line on the bottom of King's facepic was a shadow, not a mouth.
Dec 27, 2010 at 8:13 AM
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cultr1 said:
The first time I played cave story, I thought that dark line on the bottom of King's facepic was a shadow, not a mouth.
that's a mouth?
oh shit
Dec 27, 2010 at 3:10 PM
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I thought Quote was facing entirely sideways instead of slightly forward, and that his eye that is closer to the player was a bit of hair.
Dec 27, 2010 at 4:37 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I thought the lines in Toroko's facepic were sad eyebrows, not tufts of fur
Dec 28, 2010 at 11:39 PM
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When I first played CaveStory, I had no idea what to do when I got atleast to the egg corridor. Then I beat the egg corrider and went to Grasstown. After that, I got stuck on grasstown. I couldnt fiugre how to get Kazuma out of the prison.
Dec 29, 2010 at 12:10 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
I thought Quote was facing entirely sideways instead of slightly forward, and that his eye that is closer to the player was a bit of hair.

That's what I thought too! I was seriously wondering why Quote was all speshul and facing forward while other characters weren't.

. . .

It still looks that way to me, actually, unless I'm purposely looking for it.
Dec 29, 2010 at 4:07 PM
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My first time playing Cave Story was actually only a few days a go (lol). I had gotten some Nintendo points for Christmas and decided to use them. While looking through the DSIware library I noticed Cave Story and thought 'haven't I seen that somewhere before? I remember someone saying it was a good game somewhere.' So I got it, and immediately fell in love with it. My first time through, I got stuck in Grasstown and found a FAQ, but only to help me out when I was stuck. Only after when I decided to read it the whole way through then I realized I screwed up horribly. I had gotten the machine gun and was actually missing a couple of Life Capsules. I got the booster v0.8 (and I dunno what anyone says, but it's possible to get to the first cave with the 0.8, its just harder) and felt a little ashamed that I had left Curly behind, but not that much. Got stuck on The Sisters and decided to start over. That night I stayed up the whole time playng to catch up. I am currently in Hell (with the Spur). The closest I've ever gotten is Ballos lv1 (I keep getting owned by his lightning attack rofl) I beat Monster X on my second or third try, and the Undead Core I killed on my first try. I also didn't get the Map System until I was going to get Ma Pignon XD
Dec 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Everyone's gonna say this to you but, I suggest you try the original.
Dec 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM
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I agree with WD, but only because I like the PC translation better.

Although, the DSi version of Cave Story is much better than the Wii version, if I had a DSi I would buy it o: