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Show off your org music...

Sep 7, 2016 at 12:31 AM
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Hey, you've made some nice improvements! Your original version wasn't terrible, but the change in quality was definitely noticeable. I really enjoy the newer version, it gets the drums right and the background tracks blend in really well.

I enjoyed listening to this as well. It seems like it would fit well with a level that's maybe 80% of the way through a game where you've recently lost some of your friends but you're not ready to face the final boss yet. The loop was also really seamless so I would probably take a while to get tired of it.
Thanks, HaydenStudios! I am actually using it a bit earlier in my mod
You get sucked into a computer
, but I might reuse that track later in the game.
Sep 14, 2016 at 1:13 AM
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Sep 14, 2016 at 1:55 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Okay, so first I have an original ORG that I believe is finished:
Crystal Caverns
Gotta say I'm really impressed with this. Great atmospheric background details, nice buildup, appropriate single channel echo, and just a very solid, standard cave song (in the same vein as Gestation, but more "adventurous" sounding). Definitely the best song I've heard from you, and honestly it would be a shame if this doesn't make it into a mod at some point. Keep up the good work man.
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Sep 14, 2016 at 10:39 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Gotta say I'm really impressed with this. Great atmospheric background details, nice buildup, appropriate single channel echo, and just a very solid, standard cave song (in the same vein as Gestation, but more "adventurous" sounding). Definitely the best song I've heard from you, and honestly it would be a shame if this doesn't make it into a mod at some point. Keep up the good work man.

Aw thanks man. I'm glad that you liked it!
Sep 20, 2016 at 12:06 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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@CeruleanReaper requested a transcription of A Cruel Angel's Thesis, the opening theme to Neon Genesis Evangelion, a while back. I finally have it finished (not that I've been working on it this whole time, I just finally got around to it because I saw the anime) (and the movie) (and the other movies) (can't wake up).

Anyway, here it is.


I'm not sure if this is a "double-post" or not, the last post I made was long enough ago (last week) that I feel like this warrants another post, especially since it's intended to get the attention of the person who requested it.
Sep 30, 2016 at 3:38 AM
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Did the Ikachan theme. I tried to be as exact as possible-did I succeed?


Oct 2, 2016 at 3:22 AM
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Here's a song I made, I sent it for some private criticism but they never replied, so here's some public criticism. What do ya'll think of it?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/99dl2upmz30akf8/Aquatic rush.org?dl=0

here's my bad opinions.

measure 4 to 10 definitely needs work. the volume on instruments 1 and 2 NEEDS to be lowered.

speaking of those 2 instruments in the previously mentioned 4- 10 measures, there seems to be no melody, just frantic sound with no rhythm. could work, but it could use some sort of pattern in the sound.

in my opinion, the best part of the song was meas. 14 and on. the 3rd instrument was utilized well, it sounded...i guess distressed?? idk...

the section in measures 5 - 6 went on too long. should've ended at meas. 5

and i think instrument 1 and 2 should have been placed an octave or two lower.

other than those things, I think the org is pretty good.
Oct 2, 2016 at 3:34 AM
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here's my bad opinions.

measure 4 to 10 definitely needs work. the volume on instruments 1 and 2 NEEDS to be lowered.

speaking of those 2 instruments in the previously mentioned 4- 10 measures, there seems to be no melody, just frantic sound with no rhythm. could work, but it could use some sort of pattern in the sound.

in my opinion, the best part of the song was meas. 14 and on. the 3rd instrument was utilized well, it sounded...i guess distressed?? idk...

the section in measures 5 - 6 went on too long. should've ended at meas. 5

and i think instrument 1 and 2 should have been placed an octave or two lower.

other than those things, I think the org is pretty good.
Ok thank you for the criticism Phyxis, I'll try my best to improve my skills, and I agree measure 14 and on is the section I like more than the other, and I do agree with what you mean about there being no true melody from instruments 1 and 2 during measures 4-10, I guess that was the point, to have a frantic like ish-melody, but I see where you're coming from.
Oct 2, 2016 at 2:58 PM
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I haven't made a complete org in a long time so I just thought I would make one for the heck of it.

I call it No time for napping.
Oct 2, 2016 at 11:47 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Here's a song I made, I sent it for some private criticism but they never replied, so here's some public criticism. What do ya'll think of it?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/99dl2upmz30akf8/Aquatic rush.org?dl=0

CRAP I'm an ass, sorry @ColdCallerLoopy I've been crazy busy lately with some preparations for the upcoming holiday season. I'll review it now.

You keep using a monochromatic scale. Going up and down by one half note (one row on the program) doesn't make for good music. Don't be afraid to jump around and make a catchy melody.

Additionally, there is a lot of dissonance between tracks. Certain notes do not sound good when played with other notes. Notes should "harmonize" or synch with each other. Notes typically sound best when they're within three, five, or eight notes of each other. Anything in between sounds dissonant and unpleasurable to the ears.

Your instrument choice is very poor. The music sounds whiny at the best of times and is harmful to the ears at the worst.

Finally, you need to actually arrange a melody and bass with supporting instruments. For the most part this ORG just sounds like noise, there's no rhythm to it. I suggest reading about music composition.

I will say that this is some degree of improvement over earlier ORGs you've made but... you've got a long way to go.
Oct 3, 2016 at 3:13 AM
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CRAP I'm an ass, sorry @ColdCallerLoopy I've been crazy busy lately with some preparations for the upcoming holiday season. I'll review it now.

You keep using a monochromatic scale. Going up and down by one half note (one row on the program) doesn't make for good music. Don't be afraid to jump around and make a catchy melody.

Additionally, there is a lot of dissonance between tracks. Certain notes do not sound good when played with other notes. Notes should "harmonize" or synch with each other. Notes typically sound best when they're within three, five, or eight notes of each other. Anything in between sounds dissonant and unpleasurable to the ears.

Your instrument choice is very poor. The music sounds whiny at the best of times and is harmful to the ears at the worst.

Finally, you need to actually arrange a melody and bass with supporting instruments. For the most part this ORG just sounds like noise, there's no rhythm to it. I suggest reading about music composition.

I will say that this is some degree of improvement over earlier ORGs you've made but... you've got a long way to go.
Ok thank you I really appreciate the help, I'll try my best to keep improving on my songs, and I didn't know that 3, 5 , and 8 notes go better, I'll mess around with that and see what happens, and I'll try more to mess around with a melody that isn't consistent of a monochromatic scale.
Oct 3, 2016 at 5:04 PM
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Here's a song I made, I sent it for some private criticism but they never replied, so here's some public criticism. What do ya'll think of it?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/99dl2upmz30akf8/Aquatic rush.org?dl=0
I...actually kind of dig this. It's got a beat; it's got flow. The intro reminds me so much of "Oppression" too. I also really love the way you pan your drums. Sure, the balancing is a bit iffy, but this could make for a boss theme or a cutscene with an intense moment. I do feel like to add that extra punch, you could introduce a low held note as a bassline starting at bar 4 and have it ascend up the chromatic scale.

aquatic rush bassline suggest.png

Additionally, try playing around with the HiClose more. At that high of an octave, it sounds great if you just spread a bunch of them across a barline, randomise their volumes and panning:

aquatic rush repeated hiclose suggest.png

Additionally, there is a lot of dissonance between tracks. Certain notes do not sound good when played with other notes. Notes should "harmonize" or synch with each other. Notes typically sound best when they're within three, five, or eight notes of each other. Anything in between sounds dissonant and unpleasurable to the ears.

Well, it's more about understanding dissonance - and, like you said, knowing which notes are perceived to be pleasurable and which ones add tension. It really depends on what you're making music for. Certain harmonies - or sequentially played intervals - may produce the sound you're looking for. Also, can @ColdCallerLoopy read music? Because I thought you were referring to intervals on the staff, but based on your note suggestions, it seems like you're referring to minor 3rds, perfect 4ths and minor 6ths.

Just to clarify that you don't want too many "pleasure" intervals, if I may call them that. Too many and the song becomes boring. You'd probably have to delve more into theory/composition, but most people find it pleasurable to the ears when tension resolves. However, you could choose to make music where that is not the case.

Finally, you need to actually arrange a melody and bass with supporting instruments. For the most part this ORG just sounds like noise, there's no rhythm to it. I suggest reading about music composition.

Melody and accompaniment is one of the more favoured textures of the classical era... but you don't NEED a melody and bassline to make good music. Arguably. But a good number of people do like melodies. Again, it's all about the kind of music you want to make, atmospheres you want to convey. Sometimes you do want homophonic textures or even parts where there are octaves in parallel. Though I've never tried to make a choral myself in ORG Maker.
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Oct 3, 2016 at 10:10 PM
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I...actually kind of dig this. It's got a beat; it's got flow. The intro reminds me so much of "Oppression" too. I also really love the way you pan your drums. Sure, the balancing is a bit iffy, but this could make for a boss theme or a cutscene with an intense moment. I do feel like to add that extra punch, you could introduce a low held note as a bassline starting at bar 4 and have it ascend up the chromatic scale.

Additionally, try playing around with the HiClose more. At that high of an octave, it sounds great if you just spread a bunch of them across a barline, randomise their volumes and panning:

Well, it's more about understanding dissonance - and, like you said, knowing which notes are perceived to be pleasurable and which ones add tension. It really depends on what you're making music for. Certain harmonies - or sequentially played intervals - may produce the sound you're looking for. Also, can @ColdCallerLoopy read music? Because I thought you were referring to intervals on the staff, but based on your note suggestions, it seems like you're referring to minor 3rds, perfect 4ths and minor 6ths.

Just to clarify that you don't want too many "pleasure" intervals, if I may call them that. Too many and the song becomes boring. You'd probably have to delve more into theory/composition, but most people find it pleasurable to the ears when tension resolves. However, you could choose to make music where that is not the case.

Melody and accompaniment is one of the more favoured textures of the classical era... but you don't NEED a melody and bassline to make good music. Arguably. But a good number of people do like melodies. Again, it's all about the kind of music you want to make, atmospheres you want to convey. Sometimes you do want homophonic textures or even parts where there are octaves in parallel. Though I've never tried to make a choral myself in ORG Maker.

Okay I looked at it all, I appreciate everything you guys have been giving me, I'll try to apply it more and see what I can come up with. I've been playing Trombone in band for over 6 years, if that makes a difference, and I guess I never caught on to what makes a song, a good song. And also I appreciate the minor edits you made @Random-storykeeper, is there a way you can give that to me so I can listen to it and see how it sounds? And yes I made a boss song, I named it 'Aquatic Rush' because I felt like the 3rd instrument had a very "Flowing" and "Aquatic-ish-like" sound to it (if that makes any sense)? And I ended up liking the way the 2nd half sounded after measure 14 so the name stuck.
Oct 7, 2016 at 6:25 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Let's give Cave Story Wii some love. It actually has quite the exceptional soundtrack, but the instrumentation doesn't do it justice. I think the vanilla instruments make it better (not to mention the added percussion, a huge weak point in the Wii soundtrack).
Oct 7, 2016 at 4:28 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Let's give Cave Story Wii some love. It actually has quite the exceptional soundtrack, but the instrumentation doesn't do it justice. I think the vanilla instruments make it better (not to mention the added percussion, a huge weak point in the Wii soundtrack).

Wow, that's... amazing. Very well done. If only I could make transcriptions as good as that, especially with what was probably by ear.
Oct 7, 2016 at 5:19 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Wow, that's... amazing. Very well done. If only I could make transcriptions as good as that, especially with what was probably by ear.
Thanks man! Believe it or not, I've been trying to hunt down the CSWii MIDIs and soundbank for quite some time now... and just recently I managed to get my hands on them. It's basically the whole reason I made the transcription in the first place (cuz I sure as hell wasn't gonna do that by ear lol).
Oct 9, 2016 at 5:29 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Thanks man! Believe it or not, I've been trying to hunt down the CSWii MIDIs and soundbank for quite some time now... and just recently I managed to get my hands on them. It's basically the whole reason I made the transcription in the first place (cuz I sure as hell wasn't gonna do that by ear lol).

I didn't even know those existed LOL. I need to buy/download the CS+/CS Wii soundtrack...