I liked how everything came together. Maybe too good for a small mod! Like having those songs that you'll never hear completely, unless you take your time to enjoy the atmosphere instead of charging through. Kinda wished there was double the map areas to take in the sights longer and explore...
My playthrough led me to the summit first, then the abyss... A bit anti-climatic lol, but as Hayden said, it fit the tone of the mod. One year too late, as they said! lol Makes you wonder what CAve Story 1 year too late would have been like... If Quote overslept his awakening lol. Ahem... getting off track. So, after the "good" ending, I loaded again, and made my way back to the empty village looking for anything new and returned to the start point and quit.
So again, great balance with the mod. Just wanted a bit more to explore, or more story to give me an excuse to hang around.
Least favorite part was the Summit I guess? Thought it was odd the summit was made of stone building blocks. Maybe just me? Also the enemy colors didn't match the aesthetics, or at least that was my impression last night. Probably need to see it again to confirm. The flying birds and drolls fit the area well though imo! (And seeing skeleton enemies... does that mean they died?) Loved the music again btw.
Favorite part... hmm... Not sure... Everything else besides the Core? (Though, after your explanation on the quake in the above post, I like it more... Seemed a bit ambiguous at the time. Did, I just awaken and chase the thing outside to rampage? lol) Well, if you pin me down I'll say the Grassy cave as #1? Village is a close second, robot graveyard third, and dark caves next. But in reality. liked them all!
PS on an unrelated note: I still haven't finished that map for 100 worlds, ran into some minor irl injuries >< Probably should try continuing