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Show off your org music...

Oct 20, 2021 at 12:10 AM
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A transcription of Killer Queen from Deltarune in Organya. I think I nailed the instruments.
The beat sounds fine, although the instruments sound a bit off to me, so I'll assume that was sarcasm. They don't sound terrible, just a little bit off. Looks like it's incomplete, but not a bad start.
Oct 20, 2021 at 1:50 PM
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Yeah, I forgot to include 2 extra tracks in the beat!
The beat sounds fine, although the instruments sound a bit off to me, so I'll assume that was sarcasm. They don't sound terrible, just a little bit off. Looks like it's incomplete, but not a bad start.
Nov 25, 2021 at 4:03 AM
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Just a heads up, we discovered a minor authorisation issue with the ORG tags, which is why they weren't working consistently. It's now been rectified and they should be able to read direct links from most sites henceforth.
Dec 2, 2021 at 5:58 PM
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Remix of Lena Raine's Otherside from the new Minecraft update

My first track in OrgMaker!
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Dec 7, 2021 at 1:11 PM
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My forst ORG song. It is terrible, feel free to steal.


Dec 10, 2021 at 1:13 AM
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Whoops, fell kind of behind on this thread. Let's catch up.

Sounds pretty good, I like the fast, up-beat nature, it sounds like it would work well in an intense boss fight. Based on the picture of Peach, my first inclination was to assume that this was a remix of some song from a Mario game, but going to the song on Soundcloud, I wasn't able to see if this was a remix of some existing son, so if this was an original composition, then good job.

Just a heads up, we discovered a minor authorisation issue with the ORG tags, which is why they weren't working consistently. It's now been rectified and they should be able to read direct links from most sites henceforth.
Cool, glad that was fixed.

Remix of Lena Raine's Otherside from the new Minecraft update

My first track in OrgMaker!
Not bad. Sounds like a faithful transcription as far as notes go. Although this can be hard to do with chiptune music, I feel as if some of the tracks are a bit sharp sounding, and could be tweaked a bit to better mimic the "smooth and soothing" feel in the original song. This can be time-consuming, but I would recommend playing around with the volume fade feature with notes in your ORG. Some example ORGs that use this feature are my ORG remix of "In Dreams" from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and also GIRakaCHEEZER's ORG remix of Ikachan's theme.

My forst ORG song. It is terrible, feel free to steal.
Hey, ya gotta start somewhere. Sounds like you have something of a beat built there, it just struggled to take form. Probably the main thing that holds this song back from being better is that you have all of these one-beat notes. Playing around with notes of different length might help you take your song to the next level. Maybe the next level isn't very high up from where it is right now, but it's somewhere. Another thing that can help is adding low-pitched quiet long notes as background noise. This can go a long way toward making your song sound better.
Dec 10, 2021 at 2:54 AM
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Sounds pretty good, I like the fast, up-beat nature, it sounds like it would work well in an intense boss fight. Based on the picture of Peach, my first inclination was to assume that this was a remix of some song from a Mario game, but going to the song on Soundcloud, I wasn't able to see if this was a remix of some existing son, so if this was an original composition, then good job.
The Daisy pic is unrelated, its an original song. I kinda like making fast paced songs and yeah, that one is for a boss fight lol.
Dec 10, 2021 at 3:24 AM
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The Daisy pic is unrelated, its an original song. I kinda like making fast paced songs and yeah, that one is for a boss fight lol.
Cool, good job on the original composition then. Oh whoops, Daisy, no Peach. I knew I had seen that character and thought she might not have been Peach, even though it looked like her. A quick DuckDuckGo search helped me get updated on my Mario world lore.
Dec 10, 2021 at 3:33 AM
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Cool, good job on the original composition then. Oh whoops, Daisy, no Peach. I knew I had seen that character and thought she might not have been Peach, even though it looked like her. A quick DuckDuckGo search helped me get updated on my Mario world lore.
Smh get your Mario lore right
Thanks, Thanks.
Have another original org:
Its technically F# but whatever Idc
Dec 15, 2021 at 12:58 AM
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Not bad, I could picture this being played in some dark castle level or something like that. It has a medium-level speed that's neither too upbeat nor to slow-moving. Just kind of steady moving through a level that's probably somewhere mid way through whatever game it's in.
Dec 23, 2021 at 4:57 PM
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@Raymundo: I love how 'in-character' your orgs are. By which I mean you can really tell that they're made in Orgmaker. You didn't just use the program as something to make music with, you understood the instruments and quirks and stuff that give orgs their unique feel, and recreated that very well. If your songs were included in the original Cave Story, they wouldn't feel out of place!

It's been a while since I tried making something. It sounds a little 'muddy', so if someone could give some pointers that'd be cool!
Dec 23, 2021 at 5:40 PM
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It's been a while since I tried making something. It sounds a little 'muddy', so if someone could give some pointers that'd be cool!
I liked that ORG. It has a soft and somber tone at the beginning, and kind of builds into maybe having a glimmer of hope. I think you've gotten pretty good at making ORGs at this point, although I do get what you're saying that there's still room for improvement to make the whole thing sound a little bit smoother. I'm not the greatest source of musical advice, though, so I'm not really sure what pointers to give to make it better.
Jan 2, 2022 at 4:33 AM
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Haze - Org Cover
A faithful Org recreation of Haze, a track I composed for Lost Machine a few months ago

Google Drive Mirror

This was probably my most tedious org to make yet, taking a total of 4 hours to make compared to the original track's 2 hours to make.
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Jan 2, 2022 at 7:09 AM
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Haze - Org Cover
A faithful Org recreation of Haze, a track I composed for Lost Machine a few months ago

Google Drive Mirror

This was probably my most tedious org to make yet, taking a total of 4 hours to make compared to the original track's 1 and a half hours to make.
That's a great song! Hard to believe you made the original in only 1.5 hours. It sounds intense, yet subdued, like it could play while fighting a former ally who's gone rogue. The Org recreation seems to use a lot of clever tricks to make it sound more realistic, especially with how the volume for certain notes changes smoothly, I'm impressed!

I tried something a little bit experimental here. Short loop, not too sure of what I'm doing:

And here, for the first time, I tried recreating an existing song (this thing):

It doesn't sound quite right, can someone tell me how to make it better?
I don't quite have that 'ear for music', and had to resort to a fourier transform to help in several places (without much luck).
Jan 2, 2022 at 6:23 PM
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That's really good Aqua, you're really good both in Org mixing and also in original music composition, I always enjoy listening to what you put out.

I tried something a little bit experimental here. Short loop, not too sure of what I'm doing:
The instruments you're using there blend together really well. That ringy echo-ey feel is really good, and the tune and background drums fit well. I wouldn't describe the tone as sad, exactly, but not super exciting, either. The tone is sort of in between, although you probably could use that to express a somber tone if you wanted to.

And here, for the first time, I tried recreating an existing song (this thing):

It doesn't sound quite right, can someone tell me how to make it better?
I don't quite have that 'ear for music', and had to resort to a fourier transform to help in several places (without much luck).
The remix sounds okay, although I get what you mean that it's sort of missing that extra substance that makes it really feel impactful. Unfortunately that's not something that I'm real good at giving advice on.
Jan 13, 2022 at 3:12 PM
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Pandora Palace - Deltarune Chapter 2
That's a really nice cover! I'll admit I'm not too fond of the original song, but you've made a very faithful representation here. It can't have been easy getting it to sound accurate, in those places where you layer lots of long notes together, but the instruments blend very naturally. The volume editing on the notes is also just right, and each note lasts 'as long as it should'. What I thought was really impressive was the part with the blue notes a little bit into the song, where you make the pitch go smoothly up and down - it achieves exactly the effect you're going for, which was probably not very easy to pull off! I do hope to see you post more often around here :pignon:
Jan 14, 2022 at 12:28 AM
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That sounds pretty good! Some of the instruments are a bit hard to mimic, but for the most part, you've done pretty well in replicating the tune, beat, and feel of the original. It's especially hard to replicate that "woowoowoo" sound effect that plays some way through it before a moment of silence, but this sounds pretty decent.
Jan 15, 2022 at 6:45 AM
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File link

There's a lot I still need to learn.
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