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Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Nov 27, 2010 at 9:08 PM
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Does it matter if I copied it from a different data folder? Because it's not even loading the map because of it.
Nov 27, 2010 at 9:16 PM
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Ollie said:
Does it matter if I copied it from a different data folder? Because it's not even loading the map because of it.

It shouldn't as long as it's in the correct file format and still has prt in front of the name. Did you remove the read only status from the games files? You can't do alot in cave editor untill you do.
Nov 27, 2010 at 9:51 PM
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Actually, I think that one Prt____ was read-only. I think the file it came from was read-only. I think that I've got it fixed now. I think you helped me, so thanks! :J
Nov 28, 2010 at 6:47 AM
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Can anyone please give me assistance on how to make a Cave Story mod please? For example, what editors to use, etc. I'm not the lazy kind, and I hope to make a mod sometime. I have cave story editor and Sue's Workshop, but I am not sure if these are the most suitable. Anyone help?
Nov 28, 2010 at 7:43 AM
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Shadow Major said:
Can anyone please give me assistance on how to make a Cave Story mod please? For example, what editors to use, etc. I'm not the lazy kind, and I hope to make a mod sometime. I have cave story editor and Sue's Workshop, but I am not sure if these are the most suitable. Anyone help?

Go look up this thread: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/2046/

All answers should be in here.
Nov 29, 2010 at 2:24 AM
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Nov 30, 2010 at 4:08 AM
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Carrotlord said:
Specifically, he should be looking at the 2nd link under "Other Resources", which contains Noxid's Beginner modding guide. The other stuff is just assembly docs, which won't be too important if he's just starting out.

Also, DB's guide has tons of useful info:

Yeah, thanks. I'm not like, new to this whole modding stuff, but there are a few things I'd like to know. Also, I've read DB's guide and it helped me lot, so thank you very much for that!
Dec 1, 2010 at 8:51 PM
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So I've been trying TSC for a bit and I managed to get an apparently fine script.
It was supposed to run in the game's first room. Technically, the game loads the room with the cutscene with Kazuma, then transports to room 95 and run the event, 101.
I put this script on Room 95; it is supposed to start after the room has loaded via #0094 :
"<MNA<CMU0008<FAI0004<EVE0101<END" after , but 1.Else it doesn't works and does nothing, or 2.The room doesn't load.
The script is there :

(I replaced text with "message"s to prevent spoiling and because it's in french etc).

What doesn't work ? And how do I prevent it from running every time I enter the room again ?
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:01 PM
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Hmm, assuming I understand your explanation, you mean that after the kazuma cutscene bit you want to transport to map 95 and run that script there. For one, the game actually starts in First Cave [0013], runs event #200, which transports to Grasstown Storage, then transports back to First Cave. Anyway, if you don't want it to run multiple times I suggest you set a <FLJ before the <EVE0101, and in event 0101 itself you have a corresponding <FL+. As for the map not loading, well most likely that just means a <FAI was forgot somewhere, make sure any maps that <TRA to 0095 go to an event that includes <FAI. It looks like your <TRA there is going straight to 0101, which will of course bypass the <FAI in 0094.

EDIT: I'm numbah one!
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:01 PM
graters gonna grate
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Since your <TRA command goes straight to event #0101, event #0094 isn't even getting run at all. Change <TRA0095:0101:0005:0009 to <TRA0095:0094:0005:0009. And to make it not run every time you enter the room, you'll need to use a flag. For example, change "<MNA<CMU0008<FAI0004<EVE0101<END" to "<MNA<CMU0008<FAI0004<FLJxxxx:0000<FL+xxxx<EVE0101" where xxxx is some flag number (make sure it's one that's not already being used, or bad things happen). Also, having <END immediately after <EVE is unnecessary, since <EVE automatically makes the code jump to a new spot. Having the <END doesn't hurt, but you don't need it.
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:07 PM
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Uh, if I understand it right, you used EVENT 94? The events under 100 don't work like that, I don't think. The ones under 100 are supposed to be in Head.tsc. I think you should change the event number and see if it works. Also, to make it not run every time you enter the room, it's pretty simple. Event #0101 should have a <FLJ at the beginning. And a <FL+ at the end. These have to do with flags. <FL+ sets the flag at the end of the event. When it tries to run the event again, <FLJ checks for the flag that was set at the end of event #0101, and jumps to the event that's specified in <FLJ. Basically, it would look like this:

<FLJ0100:0102[Other TSC stuff]

<KEY<MSGThis is the event that plays when you come back to the room.<NOD<END

Do you get it?
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:15 PM
graters gonna grate
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Actually, ones under 100 don't have to be in Head.tsc. In fact, in Cave Story, 90-94 are not in Head.tsc and are in each individual map. Ones under 90 are in Head.tsc. Really, the important thing is that events outside of Head.tsc must have a higher event number than events inside Head.tsc, but where to draw the line is up to you.
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:51 PM
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..Those posts weren't there before... Anyway, it's just that those events never really worked for me, so I never used them. Also, I don't think that Pixel ever used 90-94, they were just there to what I've seen. I think they might have something to do with fading in, but I dunno.
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:54 PM
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Pixel used 90-94 as sort of generic-entrance scripts that he copypasted onto every map, changing the music as necessary. Each corresponds to one of the five <FAI directions.
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:54 PM
graters gonna grate
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Pixel used 90-94 for entering the map (fading in, changing music, displaying map name).

edit: lol missed noxids post
Dec 1, 2010 at 9:57 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Noxid said:
Pixel used 90-94 as sort of generic-entrance scripts that he copypasted onto every map, changing the music as necessary. Each corresponds to one of the five <FAI directions.

I assumed this.

Wedge of Cheese said:
edit: lol missed noxids post

As did I when you two somehow posted before me. (Even though AFTER I posted, they still weren't there.)
Dec 1, 2010 at 10:08 PM
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Under 90 doesn't necessarily need to go in head.tsc, and over it doesn't need to be out. The only reason it glitches sometimes is that the whole tsc shabang for any given map looks like this:


ie, it appends head and armsitem on either side. Of course, event nums always have to go in order, so si hay an event in head larger than one in the normal tsc, it breaks. Same w/ current map and armsitem, or god forbid, head and armsitem (you'd have to be one skank of a coder to do that).
Dec 1, 2010 at 10:12 PM
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So then putting event #9999 in Head.tsc should just make it so that the game cannot load any events from the map, right?
Dec 1, 2010 at 10:15 PM
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I think so - I've had the error before, but I forget the exact one that happened.
Dec 2, 2010 at 12:37 AM
graters gonna grate
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Lace said:
Under 90 doesn't necessarily need to go in head.tsc, and over it doesn't need to be out. The only reason it glitches sometimes is that the whole tsc shabang for any given map looks like this:


ie, it appends head and armsitem on either side. Of course, event nums always have to go in order, so si hay an event in head larger than one in the normal tsc, it breaks. Same w/ current map and armsitem, or god forbid, head and armsitem (you'd have to be one skank of a coder to do that).

Not true; armsitem is separate. It's like its own map; you can't <EVE from a local map script to an armsitem script or vice versa.