offset 404b30
enter ec,0
inc bullet.distance
mov eax,bullet.distance
cmp eax,bullet.maxdistance
jle :working
mov bullet.inuse,0
push 0
push 3
push bullet.y
push bullet.x
call 40ac90
add esp,10
jmp :end
mov var1,0
;up & down check?
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,2
jz :check2
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,8
jz :check2
mov var1,1
:check2 ;left & right check?
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,1
jz :check3
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,4
jz :check3
mov var1,1
mov edx bullet.direction
test edx,edx
jnz :check4
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,1
jz :check4
mov bullet.direction,2 ;bounce right
mov eax,bullet.direction
cmp eax,2
jnz :checkafter
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,4
jz :checkafter
mov bullet.direction,0 ;bounce left
cmp var1,0
je :working2
mov bullet.inuse,0
push 0
push 2
push bullet.y
push bullet.x
call 40ac90
add esp,10
push 1
push 1c
call 420640
add esp,8
jmp :end
cmp bullet.wassetup,0
jnz :wasset
mov bullet.wassetup,1
mov eax,bullet.direction
cmp eax,3
ja :was
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]
mov bullet.movex,-400
mov bullet.movey,400
jmp :was
mov eax,Playerxvel
mov bullet.movex,eax
cmp dword playerxvel,0
jge :ur
mov bullet.direction,0
jmp :uc
mov bullet.direction,2
cmp directionfaced,0
jnz :facur
sub bullet.movex,80
jmp :facuc
add bullet.movex,80
mov bullet.movey,-5ff
jmp :was
mov bullet.movex,400
mov bullet.movey,400
jmp :was
mov eax,Playerxvel
mov bullet.movex,eax
cmp dword playerxvel,0
jge :dr
mov bullet.direction,0
jmp :dc
mov bullet.direction,2
cmp directionfaced,0
jnz :facdr
sub bullet.movex,80
jmp :facdc
add bullet.movex,80
mov bullet.movey,5ff
jmp :render
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,8
jz :nobounce
mov bullet.movey,-400
jmp :gravity
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,2
jz :stillnobounce
mov bullet.movey,400
jmp :gravity
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,1
jz :noleftbounce
mov bullet.movex,400
jmp :gravity
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,4
jz :gravity
mov bullet.movex,-400
;add bullet.movey,55
;cmp bullet.movey,3ff
;jle :yvelok
;mov bullet.movey,3ff
mov eax,bullet.movex
add bullet.x,eax
mov eax,bullet.movey
add bullet.y,eax
mov eax,bullet.collision
and eax,0f
jz :render
push 1
push 22
call 420640
add esp,8
inc bullet.framenum
cmp level,1
jnz :level23
cmp bullet.framenum,3
jle :finalrender1
mov bullet.framenum,0
mov eax,0
cmp bullet.direction,0
je :noadd1
mov eax,10
mov bullet.displayu,eax
add eax,10 ;wysokosc
mov bullet.displayD,eax
mov eax,bullet.framenum
mov edx,10
imul eax,edx
add eax,80
mov bullet.displayl,eax
add eax,10 ;szerokosc
mov bullet.displayr,eax
jmp :end
cmp bullet.framenum,2
jle :finalrender23
mov bullet.framenum,0
mov eax,10
mov bullet.displayu,eax
add eax,10 ;wysokosc
mov bullet.displayD,eax
mov eax,bullet.framenum
mov edx,10
imul eax,edx
add eax,c0
mov bullet.displayl,eax
add eax,10 ;szerokosc
mov bullet.displayr,eax
cmp level,2
jnz :level3t
push 100
push 0
push bullet.framenum
push -200
push 0
push bullet.y
push bullet.x
push 81
call 46efd0
add esp,20
jmp :end
:level3t ;level3trail
push 100
push 0
mov eax,bullet.framenum
add eax,3
push eax
push -200
push 0
push bullet.y
push bullet.x
push 81
call 46efd0
add esp,20
print :LEFT
print :UP
print :RIGHT
print :DOWN