Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Oct 16, 2009 at 3:57 AM
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Hey, I'm trying to make a block that appears (With a wisp of smoke) after you step on it. Is this possible? I haven't experimented with making blocks appear. Thanks.
Oct 16, 2009 at 4:03 AM
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goldenclaw13 said:
Hey, I'm trying to make a block that appears (With a wisp of smoke) after you step on it. Is this possible? I haven't experimented with making blocks appear. Thanks.

Here's what you should do: Put npc type 0 over the block you want to appear. Set this npc's flags to 100. Give it an event (flag 100 means if you touch the npc the event runs). In the event use the script function <CMP to change the tile underneath the npc to a solid block (it'll auto add smoke since that's what cmp does). You should prbbly use a <SOU in the event too because sounds are cool. At the end of the event have the npc delete itself so it doesn't try to retrigger the event.
Oct 16, 2009 at 4:16 AM
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How do I make it delete itself? With <DNP and then use the Objec'ts ID?

And which sound is the little poof sound like when the blocks appeared in the final boss?

EDIT: Ok I got it to work but sometimes if you don't hit the NPC exactly nothing happens and you fall :rolleyes:

Any solution to that as well is appreciated.
Oct 16, 2009 at 4:48 AM
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goldenclaw13 said:
How do I make it delete itself? With <DNP and then use the Objec'ts ID?

And which sound is the little poof sound like when the blocks appeared in the final boss?

EDIT: Ok I got it to work but sometimes if you don't hit the NPC exactly nothing happens and you fall :rolleyes:

Any solution to that as well is appreciated.

Use CE (i hope you already are) to change npc 0's hit box. Make it bigger. (if you're using SW you can use a hexadecimal editor to change the hitbox, it'll just be harder).
Oct 16, 2009 at 6:03 AM
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Umm how? Lol I'm not exactly experienced with this modding and stuff but I'm learning pretty fast, just need tips here and there...

And I still need that sound for the poof thing >.<
Oct 16, 2009 at 6:13 AM
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goldenclaw13 said:
Umm how? Lol I'm not exactly experienced with this modding and stuff but I'm learning pretty fast, just need tips here and there...

And I still need that sound for the poof thing >.<

First, add <SOU0022 to your event for the sound.

And if you're using CaveEditor (I recommend this editor for making mods :rolleyes:) then in the main menu just click the "Edit NPC table" button. Go to entity 0 (it's the first entity so it'll be the one that shows up first anyways) and make it's hit box bigger by editing the values under "Hit box (red)".

If you're not using Cave Editor, then you'll have to grab a hex editor and look at this http://spgardebiter.sp.funpic.de/CaveStory/FAQ/NPC.txt. It'll be hard to do if you don't have much experience with a hex editor, but it's probably best that you learn how to use one anyways.

Also you can't use Sue's Workshop with Cave Editor, since Cave Editor moves the map data around, and once Sue's workshop edits an executable edited by Cave Editor, the executable's pretty much toasted (you could fix it if you knew assembly though....).
Oct 16, 2009 at 3:58 PM
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Ok well luckily I'm using CE :rolleyes:

Hey I was able to get the collision box thing to work, but whenever I hit the npc it keeps playing the sound like a message box is typing, and also when I hit it I can't activate any of the Hor/Ver triggers...
Oct 16, 2009 at 11:47 PM
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goldenclaw13 said:
Ok well luckily I'm using CE :rolleyes:

Hey I was able to get the collision box thing to work, but whenever I hit the npc it keeps playing the sound like a message box is typing, and also when I hit it I can't activate any of the Hor/Ver triggers...

Use <DNP (the number that is used with DNP must be the entity's event number) to get rid of the npc once it's ran it's script once. And the typing thing I think might be from having a stray letter/character here or there in your script, make sure that there isn't or else the game will try to "print it out as text" which will produce the sound effect you're hearing.
Oct 17, 2009 at 1:27 AM
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Alright, it works now, thanks...

Hold on...ah, darn. Is there any way to make it so when I leave the room and enter, the blocks stay there? I think it involves flags - but I don't know much about them...

Also, I put a health capsule in the same room and I didn't open it but when I left and re-entered it dissapeared too... that's not supposed to happen D:
Oct 17, 2009 at 1:59 AM
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goldenclaw13 said:
Alright, it works now, thanks...

Hold on...ah, darn. Is there any way to make it so when I leave the room and enter, the blocks stay there? I think it involves flags - but I don't know much about them...

Also, I put a health capsule in the same room and I didn't open it but when I left and re-entered it dissapeared too... that's not supposed to happen D:

What you should do is set a flag (for an example<FL+1337) in the event where you jump on the blocks (it'll probably have to be different for each block, or else you could have them all set it, since it can only be set once). Then in your re-entry of the room event (events 91-94 normally) at the end have it check for that flag (<FLJ1337:0201 jumps to event 201 if 1337 is set) and have event 201 <CMP the desired blocks that you want to still be there when you renter.

As for the health capsule, it is likely that it's flags are set to kill it once it's flag id is set (flag 4000 in the entity's flags). What the hp capsule event is supposed to do is give you the hp upgrade, set it's flag id to on (using <FL+XXXX, where xxxx is the flag id of the npc) and then delete itself. Make sure it's doing that.
Oct 17, 2009 at 4:45 AM
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I'm not allowed to search for "how" "to" "use" :/

How do you get the spikes in a level that face away from the walls? All the spikes that I've put down keep facing left.
Oct 17, 2009 at 4:55 AM
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I think you change it's flag ID to 0000, 0001, 0002, or 0003. Also, you can change a number of different entities by changing their flag ID, such as:

Energy capsule (determines amount of energy)
Flowers (flag ID determines what flower is shown)
Hermit gunsmith (I think it changes whether he's sitting or standing when you enter)
Oct 17, 2009 at 3:56 PM
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Vercci said:
I'm not allowed to search for "how" "to" "use" :/

How do you get the spikes in a level that face away from the walls? All the spikes that I've put down keep facing left.

Well, it depends on what kind of spikes. For NPC spikes, do what Noxid said. For tilemap spikes, simply add another tile with a picture of the rotated spikes.

800 posts rawr.
Oct 17, 2009 at 6:09 PM
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What you should do is set a flag (for an example<FL+1337) in the event where you jump on the blocks (it'll probably have to be different for each block, or else you could have them all set it, since it can only be set once). Then in your re-entry of the room event (events 91-94 normally) at the end have it check for that flag (<FLJ1337:0201 jumps to event 201 if 1337 is set) and have event 201 <CMP the desired blocks that you want to still be there when you renter.

As for the health capsule, it is likely that it's flags are set to kill it once it's flag id is set (flag 4000 in the entity's flags). What the hp capsule event is supposed to do is give you the hp upgrade, set it's flag id to on (using <FL+XXXX, where xxxx is the flag id of the npc) and then delete itself. Make sure it's doing that.

Um ok I fixed the appearing blocks to my liking but I now figure out that the health capsule only dissapears once you activate the blocks and then leave the room and come back.

Flags : 6000
Event ID : 400

Entire Script for room:



<PRI<MSGWant to save?<YNJ0000<SVP<CLRGame saved.<NOD<END
<PRI<LI+1000<SOU0020<AE+<MSGEnergy replenished.<NOD<END




<MSGYou see something in the grass...<NOD<CLR<CMU0010<GIT1005<IT+0005
Got =Quote's Key=.<WAI0160<NOD<CLO

<MSG<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0003
Max health increased by 3!<NOD<END

Oct 17, 2009 at 6:22 PM
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goldenclaw13 said:
Um ok I fixed the appearing blocks to my liking but I now figure out that the health capsule only dissapears once you activate the blocks and then leave the room and come back.

The <FL+XXXX (where xxxx is the life capsules flag id) needs to be in the life capsule's script, not in the block's script. That way the life capsule won't appear later on once you get it (once the script was executed). So what you should do is add like <FL+1337 before the end of the life capsule event and use 1337 as the life capsule's flag id. Here's what the script event would look like.

<MSG<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0003
Max health increased by 3!<NOD<FL+1337<END
Oct 17, 2009 at 6:26 PM
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But the <FL+ in the blocks script is so that when I leave and come back it knows to set them to make them appear... AH IM SO CONFUZZLED >.<
Oct 17, 2009 at 6:33 PM
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goldenclaw13 said:
But the <FL+ in the blocks script is so that when I leave and come back it knows to set them to make them appear... AH IM SO CONFUZZLED >.<

Yes but the life capsule's flags and the blocks flags MUST run on different flags. You see, you can use flag ids to make entities appear/dissappear on rentry of a map, however blocks (tiles) do NOT work in the same way so you need an event for them. So just do as i sed, use a flag like 512 for the life capsule's flag id and <FL+0512 at the end of the life capsule's event. And also make sure the life capsule has flag 4000 set on (as well as flag 2000, which totals up to 6000).

I know this isn't easy to understand necessarily, but this is how modding works. It's just an algorithm.
Oct 17, 2009 at 10:44 PM
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Ah thanks a lot! I'm starting to understand flags and stuff, but I'm a bit too shaky still. Oh well, thanks again...
Oct 18, 2009 at 8:37 AM
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Here's a question.
How could I change the assembly of the nemesis so that when I get experience, it's not added on. Basically I want to make it so that the main weapon doesn't level up at all.

If anyone could then it would be greatly appreciated...
Oct 18, 2009 at 11:47 AM
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How good is your knowledge of assembly?