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[not a]MOD - Release 3, Incomplete Revision

May 23, 2013 at 7:15 AM
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Ooh, look! Someone finally replied to my thread! :D

And not just anyone, but EnlightenedOne with an awesome little review thingy!

So happeh. :debug:

(Once again, replies/comments are in BOLD for ease of reading.)
HerobrineBuddah said:
So I finally took some time to play the modification. Here is my harsh criticism:

  1. i REAlly Think Ti seXiySTety. No exceptions.
    ★Well, it didn't. So ha. :p
  2. With Ultima rockets, the objective is a bit simple: Kill them all?
    ★Yeah, it is a little simple...but I think, if there is a whole regiment of creatures trying to kill you for no good reason and you have an infinite-ammo hyper-powerful Rocket Launcher, it is a moral obligation to blow 'em all to surface come.

    Also, I was thinking of this picture...
    ...so yeah ^_^;
  3. 3.
    <TRAdie <- Well.. thats definitely a way to crash the game.
    ★It was the easiest way I could think of, really. And it gave room for creepy messages. ^_^ In an earlier version it simply quit to the title screen, but that's boring.
  4. You have an excellent taste in what music to put in the (Currently) limited jukebox
    ★Thank you! :)

    Right now, most of the mod is quite peaceful, so I picked my favorite fitting songs. Later on, I'll add in all of the songs...minus the small, dumb ones like Run, Access and Charge.
  5. Keep practising. Frequent Practise makes clever mods.
    ★I will, don't worry. Practice is pretty much the reason the mod exists, after all. Are you implying my mod isn't clever? D;
  6. I don't know what to say on chacos house and the silent bridge... maybe when they get further on to completion.
    ★Chaco's House and Silence Bridge are pretty much done at the moment...I might add a new detail here and there, but for the most part, what you see is what you get.

    Though I might add something to Chaco's house...;)
  7. charm necklace is Ultimate swag neat.
    I'm glad you like it! I personally think the Charm Necklace is one of the cooler things I've done so far, and it can only get awesomer. ;3
The quirky / totally not random events made it fun. I almost wish I had gone into hoppy domain without knowing what to expect, because irony is my favorite thing. I'll be watching this [NOT A]MOD.
★Thanks again! I know the events are a little random, but that's just how it is. And yes, Hoppy's Domain is more fun blind. :) And I'm glad you'll be watching it. It makes me smile to know there's someone who's waitin' for another update. :D
It also makes me feel slightly pressured, but hey. ^_^

Oh... and I made a few simple edits to make hoppy ambush more... "advanced"
Try it with these events... see if you like it...
#0092<AMJ0010:0420<MNA<FAI0002<KEY<FON0600:0016<WAI0016<PRI<MSGCat:COME,MY MINIONS!<NOD DESTROY THEROBOT! RAILGUN FORMATION!<NOD<CLR<FOM0016Ohhhhhh crap.<NOD<CLO<CMU0034<BSL0600<END#0420<MNA<FAI0002<PRI<SAT<MSGThere is an army of 400+ hoppies.<NOD<CLRKill them all.<CMU0032<WAI0070<CLO<BSL0600<END#0600<PRI<BSL0000<CLO<MSGHa...<NODthere...<NODare many othergenerals...<NODwe will be...<NODe...<NODter...<NODnal...........<NOD<WAI0050<CLO<FLA<SOU0017<DNA0213<END
★Alright, I'll try these sometime. Thanks!

Although you made a few small errors, this might prove useful. :)
Thanks for checking it out, Enlightened. :D


I haven't gotten much done recently due to lotsa work and general procrastination. Sorry!

Nevertheless, I made some small edits here and there, and I'm starting the Shooting Range and other things. Woo!

Also, could anyone with a little drawing experience go look at Mod Art Help? Thanks. :3



So, so boring. :(

But oh well.

I'm getting back into the swing of things a bit, so that's good. .u. I added a fireplace to Chaco's Summer House, and that fireplace goes somewhere...but perhaps not the place you expect.

I'm dying to say more but I'm really against spoilers so :/

Anyway, I also added another bed to the house, which would presumably be Santa's. They're sharing the house, after all...

In related news, I've decided to try something. Instead of my usual work style of "make an area, polish the heck out of it, make warp to another area, repeat", I might try a sort of rough trail. I could perhaps make the warp, then make a rough map, then make another warp, etcetera, without adding details. Right now, the mod has plenty of polish but an absurdly low amount of area. Silence Bridge I and II are pretty much the only large maps I have at the moment. I'm pretty good at adding details everywhere, but my main weakness is the simple act of makin' the maps themselves and chaining them together. Waiting to add detail until the maps are finished might help out in this regard. Possibly. I'll have to try it.

That said, though, there are still lots of things I need to add to the maps that are already there - adding lines to Misery, adding alternate dialog if you're wearing the Charm Necklace, figuring out how to handle the problem of players going past Outer Wall into the regular game. I guess the priority is this:

0} Eat a chocolate pop.
1} Make rough maps and warps, up to a reasonable ending point for the next demo.
2} Add small details to new maps.
3} Start to add to old maps a bit.
4} When at least a few niggling old details are added, add more to new maps.
5} When a fair amount of polish is added to new maps, start polishing up the whole thing.
6} When polishing is finished and everything seems good, share new demo.

And of course, you can't forget

0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5} Procrastinate a lot. Eat a vanilla pop.


I'm in for a ride. ^_^
May 23, 2013 at 1:33 PM
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Seems like you have a great plan. NEVER go a full day of work without a vanilla pop to compensate.

With my parody mod (which actually changes more than some think...), I actually did the sanctuary first.
Then I went back to the start and have been going in chronological order from there.

I guess I'm the type of person who polishes a map and its submaps completely before moving on to the next, but I can see how spreading it out can keep someone from having to work on a boring/complicated map.

...I'm not sure if that made any sense. But remember: quality over quantity. Nobody wants to play 100 crappy maps. 5 awesome and unique maps are always better.

And sorry for any possible pressure.
May 28, 2013 at 6:17 PM
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No, no, iz fine. In balance, pressure is a good thing. :D

And I can see what you mean with the whole Quality>Quantity thing, and that's true. Of course, I wouldn't be dumb enough to release a demo with 7 brand-new crappy maps, I prefer to polish the heck out of everything. Sadly, however, if a game has lotsa polish but lacks some substance underneath, you have a problem. Of course I want to make my maps awesome and unique, but I think I should have something at the bottom to layer the polish on, you know?


Actually that doesn't make much sense. Oh well.

Strawberry pops are pretty good too.

Also, I thought I friended you earlier. :confused:

Oh well. :mrgreen:

The Original Post has finally been updated. Huzzah. :mahin:
May 29, 2013 at 2:13 AM
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Will there be a mirror anytime soon?
May 29, 2013 at 4:34 AM
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A...a mirror? O_O

What, is the Dropbox link down or something?
May 29, 2013 at 7:12 PM
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Yeah, I've heard that term for quite a while now and I have a vague definition of what it is, but I never knew the actual definition. So... what is a mirror, exactly(I'm guessing it's like a compilation or pack of some kind?)?
May 29, 2013 at 7:43 PM
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Ultimate Nerd-meister said:
So... what is a mirror, exactly(I'm guessing it's like a compilation or pack of some kind?)?
This type of mirror is a download link that is not hosted by the site the link is on. For example, most if not all mod downloads here are not hosted by this forum. The download links to mods here would properly be referred to as mirrors because they link to other file hosting sites, such as Dropbox, Mediafire, or... *shudders* 4Shared. If files were hosted by this forum, then the download links would not be properly referred to as mirrors.

Either Fadoink doesn't know what this type of mirror means, or he didn't notice the download link in the OP.
May 29, 2013 at 9:55 PM
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I've always thought that a mirror simply meant an alternative to the existing download, like making a mediafire link because esnips doesn't work well or something.

Anyway, I don't think I'm making a mirror, since to my knowledge, Dropbox doesn't have any problems.
May 29, 2013 at 10:02 PM
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Yeah but some people might have unforeseeable troubles with dropbox. Like the site being blocked. I'm not saying that's the case but it could happen.
You don't really have to make really frequent mirror updates though if you don't want to probably.

edit why the hell did I say dropped I'm listening to too many wubs
Jun 20, 2013 at 10:59 PM
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I guess I'll have to consider making some sort of mirror in the future, but I'm kind of scared of upload sites, so :/


Please note that I've been a mite busy lately, but there IS stuff being done behind scenes. However, I'd like to keep it mostly under wraps at the moment, so that's why I haven't made any progress reports. Sorry!

But anyway, I'm still working on an area with a bunch of NPCs to try my hand at large scale dialogue, as well as adding a few new graphics via a new tileset. It looks pretty bad at the moment. ^_^


Um, hai.

So I'm just sorta here to apologize. I'd like to release new content, but you see...STUFF is happening. Grand, important STUFF that has nothing to do with Modding or the internet. I have to draw my priorities somewhere, sadly. :(

This is among a few other grievances you've all no doubt heard before, so I'll spare you. Point is, I haven't done much and that makes me sadface.

I do have some things to say, though. I've noticed that I've started acting like this is a "real" mod, which isn't really true! Who needs spoilers or plot, anyway? No, this is a mod created mainly for fun and practice, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not going for A Lost Land here.

Granted, there *are* little hints of a story beyond the silliness, but I don't think it should be in focus.

I'm also starting up the Progress Reports again. They'll mostly focus on the actual stuff I do and the shenanigans that follow, like they did before. Even though I don't have much time for anything at the moment, due to the STUFF, if I find a bit of time to mod and get something done, you'll be sure to get at least a mini-report of what happened. :3

Hope none of you mind my mildly-insecure rant here. I just felt like things weren't going the way I wanted them to. A reset button was in order. ^_^

Anyway, the Progress Report is in the next post! Go look for it!
Jun 21, 2013 at 2:48 AM
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Experimenting with
Jul 15, 2013 at 11:19 AM
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I was waiting for someone to post ^_^;

Anyway, here's the thingie! I hope you enjoy it!


Progress Report 4!
Laziness, drama, and idealism abounds!
Allo' there.

There isn't much added, but what's there is kinda cool!

★I've been editing Sacred Grounds.

Chaco's new fireplace leads there. Just like the Prefab House...but this isn't the Sacred Grounds you remember!

As soon as you fall in...a fresh breeze blows through you, raising your HP to 10.

Yup, Hell is no longer hellish! I basically removed all of the spikes, and slightly changed the place so that it looks like Quote's already been through it. The Deleets are missing, it no longer quakes, some of the SN blocks are missing, etc. Although it took a while, I had a bunch of fun going through and making the hardest level in the game...harmless. :p

You can even go through without a Booster, because I added some pillars to B1. There are no enemies, the music was changed to Safety, and Heavy Press is gone.

Speaking of Heavy Press, I had some trouble removing him. I didn't realize at first that I was supposed to change the "special boss" type. >_<

In the space Heavy Press was in, I added a sort of block corridor that will lead to a sparkle eventually. Probably a certain item I'm thinking of adding...but I'm not sure yet.

Right now, it's all really empty, so I'll add some angel Npcs to talk with. Not sure how I'm going to do that yet, but we'll see.

The statue room has little messages if you inspect the statues of the heroes, but otherwise it's rather standard. Oh, and you still can't go to Plantation, of course.

Ballos' chamber was edited to remove all of the bones, replacing them with cave textures. And I changed Ballos himself to have Blue eyes. Though, they pretty much evoke the same reaction due to being crazy-bright. I'll have to edit Misery's eyes, too.

I've also been mucking with my homemade Tileset, PrtWut. It's not just black anymore, it comes with crazy, psychedelic tiles I made myself via stupid methods. :3

PrtWut will be used in a new area I'm adding that you can access via an included thingie. It's supposed to be a strange, reference-filled spiritual area that ends in a bonus item.

This also marks my first time experimenting with <ANP cutscenes! It's supposed to be a simple cutscene, but I had difficulties anyway. Don't worry, though. I'll get through it! >:3

That's about it for now. I'll add screenshots later!

Bye. Until next time!

Just a little thing here. I have a question for you all.Would you be okay with a new demo if that demo came with not significant progress?

I'd love it if someone actually answered this time. Looking at you, MagicDoors. ;)
Jul 15, 2013 at 3:37 PM
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I like your 'little' progress. I'd love to see that Ballos. I want to see the Hell.

Psycho-tiles? Ohh, sounds great! Do they have any hypnotic side effects?

Umm, I have replied here, hue hue, so... You have full permission to release the new demo.
Jul 15, 2013 at 6:51 PM
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Randolf said:
I like your 'little' progress. I'd love to see that Ballos. I want to see the Hell.
Heh...it's not that exciting, really.

But I'm glad you do, because it gives me a self-esteem boost I like seeing people interested in stuff I'm doing. :)

Mixer said:
Psycho-tiles? Ohh, sounds great! Do they have any hypnotic side effects?
I wish. :p
I'm not quite THAT lucky with the effects of Paint.NET.

I like to think that they look pretty odd and aesthetically pleasing, though. It kinda fits the nature of the bonus area...assuming I get said bonus area to work, anyway.

Wayne said:
Umm, I have replied here, hue hue, so... You have full permission to release the new demo.
Why thank you!

I'll release it as soon as I have it. .___________________.

Um...I'm sorry if I mislead you into thinking I actually had the demo done. Because, uh...yeah. Not happening.

However, I will work at it and hopefully, I can release a crappy new demo in a week or two or three! ^_^

Thanks for believing in me, anyhow. I know I'm not the most awesome of mod developers.
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:23 PM
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Polaris said:



Heh...it's very exciting, really.

But I'm glad you do, because everyone likes seeing people interested in stuff they're doing. :)

I like to think that they look pretty odd and aesthetically pleasing, though. It kinda fits the nature of the bonus area...assuming when I get said bonus area to work.

Why thank you!

I'll release it as soon as I have it. .___________________.

Um...I'm sorry if I mislead you into thinking I actually had the demo done. Because, uh...yeah. Not happening, yet.

However, I will work at it and will release a great new demo in a week or two or three! ^_^

Thanks for believing in me, anyhow. I know I'm not the most awesome of mod developers, but we all start somewhere.
Fixed Your post.
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:36 PM
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, EnlightenedOne!

You're all so kind when not being complete assholes, that's what I like about this forum. ~^_^~
Jul 15, 2013 at 9:24 PM
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I must say, that was pretty good for a start! Keep up the good work!
Jul 16, 2013 at 5:23 PM
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Sadly, I can't play your mod, what with my can't-use-my-laptop-cause-it-crapped-out-on-me situation, but I say you keep working on your mod and, hopefully sometime soon, I'll be able to play it... hopefully.