Negativity Thread.

How much wood could a 43501 chuck if a 43501 could chuck wood?

  • Negativity thread!

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • About 100 kilograms.

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • She would chuck my wood if u kno what I mean HAW HAW

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • You can't chuck wood? Are you armless? How are you typing?

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • Go away.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Let's go eat, hongh.

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters
Dec 14, 2012 at 8:23 AM
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Jeez sexpy, why do you have to be so negat

Dec 15, 2012 at 9:37 AM
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Ambient_Malice said:
"Time for some SUPER-NEGATIVITY!"

*Dances to J-pop melody*

*removes inappropriate schoolgirl outfit*

Ahem. So. You know how you've all had bad things happen to you? How your puppy died? How you broke that Xbox 360 game trying to take the DVD out of the shittily designed packet? How you were the number one Modern Warfare player in the world before New Zealand special agents stormed your house without a proper search warrant because in addition to being super awesome at pwning noobs, you also ran Megaupload? How you violently assaulted a female soldier, decided you wanted to be a woman, stole government secrets via a fake Lady Gaga CD and gave them to Julian Assange - now you're in solitary confinement because you're a violent nutcase who gets inexplicable sympathy from Wikileaks fanbois? I mean, this kinda stuff happens to all of you. And it happens for one simple reason...

That money in your wallet has whatchacallit magnetism. It attracts misfortune. Spending your money attracts even more misfortune. Your money is poisoning your mind, your soul, and the very fabric of the space time continuum. But there is a solution. If you give your money to a person immune to the effects of money, they can spend it without harm. It just so happens that I am one of these blessed few. Give me your money, and I will spend it wisely on things beneficial to all mankind.


Here ends the lesson.
This reminds me a quote. Money is one of the things that make a man go insane. The other is women...

I have neither of those ;_;
Jan 20, 2013 at 7:03 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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I try to stay chipper, but lately I've been clingy, over-emotional, and overthinking absolutely everything I say to people. Probably because womanly problems, but I'm still paranoid about how others perceive me and if I'm bothering them.

So, to release this anger, I smashed and chopped a some rotten pineapples with an axe. Neighbors probably think I'm nuts but it felt good. \( '-')/
Jan 20, 2013 at 9:10 PM
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Wild Desu said:
So, to release this anger, I smashed and chopped a some rotten pineapples with an axe. Neighbors probably think I'm nuts but it felt good. \( '-')/
That sounds like the absolute best possible way to relieve stress
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:00 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Wild Desu said:
So, to release this anger, I smashed and chopped a some rotten pineapples with an axe. Neighbors probably think I'm nuts but it felt good. \( '-')/
I read this as I am drinking a bit of pineapple soda.
Feb 3, 2013 at 5:00 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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God damn it. I just want my stupid exam to be over so I can play Guild Wars 2 and hang out on IRC without feeling insanely, stupidly, intensely worried about it. I hate how school forces me to be a shut-in.

Christ. I feel so fucking lonely/isolated. It's bullshit. And I've been trying to make more friends on GW2 so I have more people to actually play with, but things are not going so well. Virtually everything I say or do is met with hostility and backlash.

EDIT: To give an example from today: today, the people I'd been casually chatting to for the past week discovered that I am female offline. The context was that we were talking about sex/sexy things and somebody assumed I was a gay guy. I mentioned that I was not a gay guy, but in fact female. Cue everyone losing their shit and being all "oh man I'm a gamer grill and look at my boobs u silly bois" over me making that correction. The backlash lasted a good 10 minutes, during which I didn't say anything because I was aware that by that point, anything I said would only inflate the situation. It was only defused by another known girl commenting on it and a respected guy talking about how utterly ridiculous it was that people were getting their panties in a twist over it and asked them to settle down.
Feb 3, 2013 at 8:31 PM
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My Little Pony crossover avatars of things I enjoy make me sad.
Feb 10, 2013 at 5:26 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Gonna be a bit too open. Hope there are no hard feelings towards anyone #yolo
43501 said:
God damn it. I just want my stupid exam to be over so I can play Guild Wars 2 and hang out on IRC without feeling insanely, stupidly, intensely worried about it. I hate how school forces me to be a shut-in.

Christ. I feel so fucking lonely/isolated. It's bullshit. And I've been trying to make more friends on GW2 so I have more people to actually play with, but things are not going so well. Virtually everything I say or do is met with hostility and backlash.

EDIT: To give an example from today: today, the people I'd been casually chatting to for the past week discovered that I am female offline. The context was that we were talking about sex/sexy things and somebody assumed I was a gay guy. I mentioned that I was not a gay guy, but in fact female. Cue everyone losing their shit and being all "oh man I'm a gamer grill and look at my boobs u silly bois" over me making that correction. The backlash lasted a good 10 minutes, during which I didn't say anything because I was aware that by that point, anything I said would only inflate the situation. It was only defused by another known girl commenting on it and a respected guy talking about how utterly ridiculous it was that people were getting their panties in a twist over it and asked them to settle down.
Dinny I'm not sure how exams are but I'm hoping they are going well. And I hate that I always pressure you to come into IRC since it seems you can't much anymore, but treatment like that from people online just makes me want to pressure you even more because that's just downright stupid.

Just gonna throw it out there: You're one of the few people I enjoy talking to anymore, and you make IRC a tolerable and open place. I usually have trouble talking about personal stuff without feeling a bit self-conscious about the others around me, but with you around I have no worries whatsoever. I've been gratuitously pissed off at everyone and everything on the internet lately and you seem like the only person who doesn't do that to me. I'm not saying you should come around more often just for my sake though, don't get me wrong. We all love having you around, and we respect you.

Whatever situations you're dealing with, I hope they get better. We worry about you a lot.
Feb 10, 2013 at 9:17 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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I need a haircut but I'm afraid to get one because they're always awful
Feb 10, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Professional Whatever
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Haircuts are the absolutely worst thing ever
Feb 14, 2013 at 9:20 PM
Been here way too long...
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I will disagree with that statement
Feb 15, 2013 at 5:28 PM
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A fitting haircut can make anyone look good.
Feb 15, 2013 at 7:47 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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MagicDoors said:
Haircuts are the absolutely worst thing ever
I agree to rephrase: haircuts are one of many absolutely horrible things ever.

My last haircut was sometime in 2010, although I can't remember when exactly.
Was painful, too, the scissors "accidentally" fell out of his hand and cut my right arm.



Anyway, negativity...
Does getting a fine for just existing count as negativity or insanity?

I ask because this happened:

The municipality of my hometown fined my family R1,289.55 on 11 February 2013, threatening to disconnect the electricity and water supply on 24 February 2013, and the reason? Just because I exist. I got very mad and broke three pens simultaneously.

In other words, if that's actually going to happen and the bill doesn't get paid, I may as well not have a birthday, ever.
I don't get anything for my birthdays anyway, and I don't even get any presents ever (not even on Christmas)...
Feb 15, 2013 at 11:14 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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That seems illogical and also very illegal. Are you sure that's the case?
Feb 16, 2013 at 8:05 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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Dunc said:
That's just complete bullshit. Just, absolute bullshit. I honestly cannot get over how retarded that is.
Well, so say many others from other fora as well.

That seems illogical and also very illegal. Are you sure that's the case?
Yep, that's what it said on the note that they sent.
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:29 PM
Professional Whatever
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Note? That seems a little sketchy. Are you absolutely sure it's not fake?
Feb 16, 2013 at 4:29 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Dead certain, it came with the water bill. In the same envelope, as far as I know, since I only found out about it one or two days ago.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:27 PM
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Even my country doesn't have laws that fucked up.

Where are you from?
Feb 16, 2013 at 7:46 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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