Hina Nov 7, 2014 Oh, so you're still around here! ^_^ Nice to see you again. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
Oh, so you're still around here! ^_^ Nice to see you again. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
ElecMaw Apr 10, 2014 Can you please remind Fab that April Fools is over, i think he forgot and we all totally miss him
Polaris Mar 31, 2014 This is out of the blue, but I hope you're doing okay, Dinny. Is life treating you well?...
Polaris Dec 17, 2013 Funny how that "Under the Sea" location you've been carrying around all year will actually become relevant once that fin and your underwater cameraman get to you. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />
Funny how that "Under the Sea" location you've been carrying around all year will actually become relevant once that fin and your underwater cameraman get to you. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />
Polaris Jan 24, 2013 Hi, 43501. I forgive you for the bread puns, by the way. You honestly seem pretty nice. ^_^
GIRakaCHEEZER Dec 22, 2012 <span rel='lightbox'><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/mom.png' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span></span>
<span rel='lightbox'><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/mom.png' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span></span>
Sue Sockymodo Dec 15, 2012 hey I miss you <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> stop having a life
hey I miss you <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> stop having a life
Noxid Nov 17, 2012 as a student of the law could you perhaps give some input on <a href="http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3893-boosters-lab-beta-bitches/page__st__160">this</a>?
as a student of the law could you perhaps give some input on <a href="http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3893-boosters-lab-beta-bitches/page__st__160">this</a>?
Noxid Nov 9, 2012 <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/csfaceevolution.gif' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c...ceevolution.gif" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c...ceevolution.gif</a></a> <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/conspiracy.gif' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c.../conspiracy.gif" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c.../conspiracy.gif</a></a> <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/Curly04.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c...emp/Curly04.png" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c...emp/Curly04.png</a></a> random crap you weren't on irc to see
<a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/csfaceevolution.gif' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c...ceevolution.gif" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c...ceevolution.gif</a></a> <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/conspiracy.gif' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c.../conspiracy.gif" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c.../conspiracy.gif</a></a> <a href='https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42853625/Temp/Curly04.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="https://dl.dropbox.c...emp/Curly04.png" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://dl.dropbox.c...emp/Curly04.png</a></a> random crap you weren't on irc to see
For me. Because the subject matter is actually not too exciting for any sane person. Basically I'm making a transit app that Doesn't Suck (tm).
We just got 20k in funding and are getting ready to start beta-testing the app. The city I live in is all on-board for it and if it works out here we're gonna expand as soon as we can.