Apr 8, 2011 at 1:21 AM
Join Date: Jun 28, 2009
Posts: 70
Age: 32
WoodenRat said:If I was to be isolated I could live with it as long as I had internet.
WoodenRat said:If I was to be isolated I could live with it as long as I had internet.
she was all around me weeks so couldn`t get her off my back. Wanted to get attention all ways imaginable. Quarrel, watching me all the time embarrassing herself...She wanted to get me in an empty hallway like this (I was reading a book unaware of her approaching):
<she>: What are you doing here...
<me>-I`m just reading this...
<she finishes her sentence>...alone?
--she hugs me and start to pet me--
I don`t react and froze, pretend nothing happened to save her dignity. Started to talk about some neutral things like:
<me>What do we have to learn for the practical class of infectious diseases for next week? - my desperate attempt to save her pride so everything looks like it was only a friendly hug - in case anyone saw us. The hallway was empty though
She answered something briefly, smiled and walked away. She avoided me from that time and never talked to me again...
Other occasion a beautiful girl started to cry in front of me after rejection (it was a really polite and sensitive rejection) for long...I felt so sorry
WoodenRat said:Beautiful women tend to be extroverts and act spontaneously. I think you just emphasise their actions too much, since they probably do that stuff to everyone - not only you.
WoodenRat said:Hah, I doubt I'd mind if I was foreveralone.jpg. If I had an activity that truly made me happy, whether it's drawing funny pictures online or jumping off cliffs and opening your parachute at the last second - as long as it gave me happiness and fulfillness.
Captain Fabulous said:No. That's still social interaction.
WoodenRat said:Depends on what you mean when you say loneliness. As in does it count if you interact online?