Bumperation Nation
Now With Extra Spoilers
From where I left off
last time...
-Nice animation thingy when you give the Greasemonkey the explosive, although I'm not sure that's the noise a door makes >_>
-Basils everywhere D: At first it looks a bit like you just slapped them around randomly, but it's actually a neat little jump-timing puzzle, and once I figured it out it wasn't that bad at all. Nice design!
-The spikes are pretty harmless at the moment... maybe a lower ceiling/higher floor would help?
-When did the mimigas get guns? And random lava pools? o_O Also, they only face in one direction for some reason, so it looks a bit silly getting caught by the guy staring at the wall

-When talking to the other robot in the cell, the event isn't saved, so it has to be re-done every time you die even if you save afterwards.
-Arthur looks kinda like a younger King ._.
-Ooh, Rolling puzzle in the Fortress! I likes. Doing it twice isn't so bad either, a little bit of challenge never hurt anyone.
-And now an air puzzle! Good design, and ditto that on the area with the Mannans (although the Fireball makes it a lot easier).
-It says that the power is shut down, but the power lights were never on in the first place... oh well, time for Curly to fight herself

-Aaaand that's year 2 done... wow, this is a lot of content O_o
-That's a lot of kids.. but you said you've already fixed it, so goodie. Poker!

-Jenka's text is cut off when she says "Mimiga Village".
-Sandcroc-jumping is a dangerous sport, best left to professionals and suicidal maniacs.
-Aaaaah, long time with no save... but it's not too hard. Also, the Map System doesn't work in the Sunken Ruins because they're too big. Also, Sunken Ruins!!! It's a quick run once you figure out you need to keep moving, but it's still pretty intense.
-The Pyramid... more good level design! More tricky jumps, then a maze with the armadillo thingies, then HOLY SHIT I DIED. That last area is evil, but again, all you gotta do is trust your map. And then the ruins decide to collapse on me

-Hahaha, nice IWBTG moment after the save point

It's possible to see them spawn the second time though, so you might wanna have them spawn higher and drop earlier.
-Omega is pretty easy, and the next area is just RUN (not hard, but very fun to watch

), so unless you wanna change things up you could remove that save point altogether.
-Can't reach those platforms yet I guess... nor can I get through the Sand Water (TM), so I guess this is where the mod ends for now.
Other notes: Curly's new facepics are nice, spelling and grammar is occasionally patchy, story so far is pretty good. The level design is really excellent and well thought out, even the old areas are fresh and interesting because they keep changing. The maps are huge and expansive, the puzzles are intuitive, and it's a good challenge too. I seem to remember your first mod having similar traits, so you gots talents man

As per usual, sorry if I'm treading old ground, but I'm glad I got around to playing this. Now, to get back to the Wrath of Richardstarkey >_>