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Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

Jan 10, 2009 at 10:48 PM
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Thank you Kaeso, your Demo made me want to join :). Oh BTW Is there any idea when there will be another update and could there be a a profile.dat already in it so we don't have to go through the entire game again?
Jan 10, 2009 at 10:57 PM
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Zetablack said:
Thank you Kaeso, your Demo made me want to join :). Oh BTW Is there any idea when there will be another update and could there be a a profile.dat already in it so we don't have to go through the entire game again?

It's hard to say when the next demo will be. I sometimes take lengthy breaks from modding like before I released this demo I hadn't worked on it for a few months. But the next demo will probably be the last before the full mod is released so maybe around chapter 6 or something.. so yeah it's probably gonna be a while.

I could keep the profile.dat if you really want it but there might be some things changed at the start you'd miss.
Jan 10, 2009 at 11:09 PM
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I really like this mod, Kaseo. I've just gotten to the pyramid and got killed past the warning sign.

I think it would be absolutely perfect so far besides spelling errors and all of the things that other people have mention.

I can't wait for the next demo. :)
Jan 10, 2009 at 11:16 PM
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Kaeso said:
It's hard to say when the next demo will be. I sometimes take lengthy breaks from modding like before I released this demo I hadn't worked on it for a few months. But the next demo will probably be the last before the full mod is released so maybe around chapter 6 or something.. so yeah it's probably gonna be a while.

I could keep the profile.dat if you really want it but there might be some things changed at the start you'd miss.

That is true i might miss stuff...oh its so tough to decide i don't want to go through all the 100's of times of dieing but if i must i will!
Jan 11, 2009 at 2:53 PM
graters gonna grate
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Kaeso said:
Hey I loved the song as soon as I figure out how to add custom music I'm putting it into pyramid.

To add custom music, you first need to download Resource hacker. If you're using Sue's Workshop, then you will need to wait until right before you're ready to post the demo on the forum before you add the music. Sue's Workshop won't work right if you try to edit games that have custom music, so you'll have to make a copy of your mod and add the music to the copy, while leaving the original alone. Unfortunately, you cannot increase the number of songs in the game, so each new song you add must replace a song from the original Cave Story that you never use. In your map scripts, when you want to play a new song, use <CMU with the song number of the song that the new song is replacing (it will then play the old song until you add the new one).

To replace a song...

1. Open your game *.exe using Resource hacker
2. Expand the folder labeled "ORG"
3. Expand the folder labeled with the name of the song you wish to replace (most of the song names are obvious, but some aren't, for example, ANZEN=Safety, BALLOS=Seal Chamber, CURLY=Cave Story, GINSUKE=Balrog's Theme, GRAND=Geothermal, IRONH=Oppression, KODOU=Pulse, LASTBT3=Charge, MURA=Mimiga Village, REQUIEM=Hero's End, VIVI=Gestation, WANPAK2=Scorching Back, WANPAKU=Mischievous Robot)
4. Click on the text "1041" with the gear next to it.
5. Right click on the text and select "Replace Resource"
6. Click "Open file with new resource"
7. Select the new *.org file you wish to add.
8. Enter "ORG" into resource type, enter the resource name exactly as it appears in the list, and leave resource language blank.
9. Click replace
10. File --> Save/Save As

Kaeso said:
Btw did you make that just then?!

Lol, yes, I've got skeellz! :)
Jan 11, 2009 at 5:17 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
If you're using Sue's Workshop, then you will need to wait until right before you're ready to post the demo on the forum before you add the music. Sue's Workshop won't work right if you try to edit games that have custom music, so you'll have to make a copy of your mod and add the music to the copy, while leaving the original alone.

...seriously? SW won't recognize a game with different orgs?

Well that's a new 1-up for CaveEditor then, because CaveEditor will open games with new orgs.

Gawsh that must suck to have to add the songs every new release. No wonder we don't see too many mods with new music.
Jan 11, 2009 at 6:47 PM
graters gonna grate
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Sue's Workshop will open games with custom orgs, but it won't save changes you make to the *.exe. It will save changes you make to maps, scripts, and tilesets though.
Jan 11, 2009 at 6:51 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
Sue's Workshop will open games with custom orgs, but it won't save changes you make to the *.exe. It will save changes you make to maps, scripts, and tilesets though.

So it won't save map name changes then? or other editable data that's stored in the .exe? (what can SW edit that is stored in the .exe anyways?)
Jan 11, 2009 at 8:16 PM
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That's right (SW can edit map attributes, window title, and starting map/location/event, all of which are stored in the *.exe)
Jan 11, 2009 at 11:20 PM
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Looks a great idea.
Gonna try it sometime.

This appens before cave story?

EDIT: I tried it.

The games a bit unbalanced but, it's looks a great idea.
continue with a good work :D

I don't know how far go your story, but if you need some Quote's faceboxes, you know where to find them, Kaeso :p
Jan 24, 2009 at 2:32 PM
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This mod is kinda tough...
But good! I got stuck after the pyramid though. You should have more weapons and/or more health.
Feb 10, 2009 at 6:27 AM
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Now With Extra Spoilers

From where I left off last time...
-Nice animation thingy when you give the Greasemonkey the explosive, although I'm not sure that's the noise a door makes >_>
-Basils everywhere D: At first it looks a bit like you just slapped them around randomly, but it's actually a neat little jump-timing puzzle, and once I figured it out it wasn't that bad at all. Nice design!
-The spikes are pretty harmless at the moment... maybe a lower ceiling/higher floor would help?
-When did the mimigas get guns? And random lava pools? o_O Also, they only face in one direction for some reason, so it looks a bit silly getting caught by the guy staring at the wall :p
-When talking to the other robot in the cell, the event isn't saved, so it has to be re-done every time you die even if you save afterwards.
-Arthur looks kinda like a younger King ._.
-Ooh, Rolling puzzle in the Fortress! I likes. Doing it twice isn't so bad either, a little bit of challenge never hurt anyone.
-And now an air puzzle! Good design, and ditto that on the area with the Mannans (although the Fireball makes it a lot easier).
-It says that the power is shut down, but the power lights were never on in the first place... oh well, time for Curly to fight herself :p
-Aaaand that's year 2 done... wow, this is a lot of content O_o
-That's a lot of kids.. but you said you've already fixed it, so goodie. Poker! :D
-Jenka's text is cut off when she says "Mimiga Village".
-Sandcroc-jumping is a dangerous sport, best left to professionals and suicidal maniacs.
-Aaaaah, long time with no save... but it's not too hard. Also, the Map System doesn't work in the Sunken Ruins because they're too big. Also, Sunken Ruins!!! It's a quick run once you figure out you need to keep moving, but it's still pretty intense.
-The Pyramid... more good level design! More tricky jumps, then a maze with the armadillo thingies, then HOLY SHIT I DIED. That last area is evil, but again, all you gotta do is trust your map. And then the ruins decide to collapse on me :(
-Hahaha, nice IWBTG moment after the save point :p It's possible to see them spawn the second time though, so you might wanna have them spawn higher and drop earlier.
-Omega is pretty easy, and the next area is just RUN (not hard, but very fun to watch :D ), so unless you wanna change things up you could remove that save point altogether.
-Can't reach those platforms yet I guess... nor can I get through the Sand Water (TM), so I guess this is where the mod ends for now.

Other notes: Curly's new facepics are nice, spelling and grammar is occasionally patchy, story so far is pretty good. The level design is really excellent and well thought out, even the old areas are fresh and interesting because they keep changing. The maps are huge and expansive, the puzzles are intuitive, and it's a good challenge too. I seem to remember your first mod having similar traits, so you gots talents man :) As per usual, sorry if I'm treading old ground, but I'm glad I got around to playing this. Now, to get back to the Wrath of Richardstarkey >_>
Feb 21, 2009 at 7:04 PM
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New Demo release


This one only finishes off chapter 3 since I messed it up last time. I know there isn't much new but I've added in a crap load of story development. You meet the main antagonist in this chapter. Unfortunately you will have to start a new file though because I screwed up the flags in the other demo. This will be the last time I promise.

Anyway hope you like the tower it was a pain in the ass to make. The background is from MMX: Boomer Kawanga's stage. (For anyone else making a mod MMX is a goldmine for backgrounds) I had it better at one point but thanks to cave story's limitations I couldn't use the bigger background so I made it smaller.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the facepic and sprite for the mentioned main antagonist I made. I think I did pretty damn good but that's just me.

Also using sshsigi's sound editing tool, I made the noise when you get hit 'girlier'

Most bugs people have mentioned have been fixed but if you see any more let me know.
Feb 22, 2009 at 2:07 AM
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When I saw Curly die on my first Cavestory run

I saluted while crying manly tears

After I beat the game I heard of Hell
Which then It took me 10 attempts (saving after messing up at places)
Where i had to restart

And the only thing
that kept me going
to get the GOOD ending

Was saving Curly.


I hope this mod reaches my expectations, starting it now.
Feb 22, 2009 at 2:25 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Linknight said:
I saluted while crying manly tears
"Pine Mushroom" said:
A tasty fall treat. Ittojou said: the taste is so sublime, it makes me cry manly tears.
Has linknight been playing Dream of Mirror Online, wasting his time Farming?
Feb 22, 2009 at 4:04 AM
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First of all

Great job on the challenging part. The sad part is if I wanted to make the game a 3 hp run, I wouldn't get any life ups.

I'm at year 3 and I've only seen 1 life upper, which kinda is annoying. Since now everything does 8ish health.
That's good though in a way. Means CURLY IS A MANLY MOTHER F'ER!

No criticism so far. Nice squeak for curly getting hit.

Only thing I can say is, the 2 year old mimigas heads are to...square.

No wonder Curly can't die on your team in cavestory, and this also explains why monster X doesn't fight her.
After going through all this, she's probably considered a GOD.

I lawled at the poker bit too =3

This mod seems like the prologue to Cavestory, starring curly


Here are some thing I believe you should add to your Mod

A.) Quote: When she sees Quote for the first time, I believe she should cry. But she doesn't know why.
"Oh, it seems he's dead. What a shame to die so young. ...Tears? Why am I crying? I don't know who this is yet...I feel overwhelmed by sadness. I mean...it's sad to see such a young one die but... why do I feel this sad? It's not like I know this person....right?"
She should also find the Iron bond on him, like he was keeping it on him to remember her since they were already friends I believe, and say since he's dead might as well take it for usefulness later. It could also protect a bullet or something in the future during a cut scene or something.

B.) Santa should be in this mod, and he should be holding a fireball. He should be something like a commander or general for Author or something. That would explain how he has one when he hands it to Quote.

C.) Curly should make the polar star into the machine gun. Like one year she'll be like
"Finally! Took a couple years of planning and several months to finally finish...but It's done! Now I can protect myself a lot easier!"
Since she obviously doesn't have one in Cavestory, yet knows exactly what it is. So that shows, in the real cavestory, she held a polar star before but no longer has one. That's what I think you could do with her part of getting the Machine gun, but if you don't like the idea no matter.

D.) She should start out with the Air tank in my opinion. Since that "greecemonkey" saids "All robots have one" but Curly doesn't, yet Quote does? That explains how Quote lost his, but not how Curly lost hers. Kinda doesn't make sense in my opinion, but hey...that's just me being picky for details.

E.) Crowbar should replace sword. She should lose all of her weapons at one point and when being attacked she could be like
"No! Get back! Im warning you! STAY BACK!"
then throws it and kills him and be like.
"It worked? Wow...I should have used this thing years ago!"

It's level 3 could be just like a GIANT CROWBAR like a swordlv2+1 in power since the soul of the king wouldn't make much sense.

F.) Author should hand on his sword to the King, not to curly, which would explain my last one. So she at least still has the weapon, just not the same.

E.) If you're going to make this go to where you're also seeing curlys side of the story AS Quote is awake then she should lose every weapon she has in the game when she has amnesia and find the nemesis somehow. Which would explain her having it in sacred grounds. It would also explain how she got there. That is, if you're going to see curly side in this game as cavestory would be going on.

(I'm stuck at year 3 sandwaterofyoucantgetpastlawl. Guess that's the end of the mod?)
Feb 23, 2009 at 9:35 PM
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Is this actually supposed to be Curly's side of Cave Story, or at least part of it?

Linknight said:
B.) Santa should be in this mod, and he should be holding a fireball. He should be something like a commander or general for Author or something. That would explain how he has one when he hands it to Quote.
I dunno, I get the impression that the fireball is the only weapon of its kind. Not sure why though...

Linknight said:
C.) Curly should make the polar star into the machine gun. Like one year she'll be like
"Finally! Took a couple years of planning and several months to finally finish...but It's done! Now I can protect myself a lot easier!"
Since she obviously doesn't have one in Cavestory, yet knows exactly what it is. So that shows, in the real cavestory, she held a polar star before but no longer has one. That's what I think you could do with her part of getting the Machine gun, but if you don't like the idea no matter.
No. The polar star and the machine gun are totally different models. She should start with a Polar Star, perhaps, and find the machine gun later. Or just start with the machine gun.

Linknight said:
D.) She should start out with the Air tank in my opinion. Since that "greecemonkey" saids "All robots have one" but Curly doesn't, yet Quote does? That explains how Quote lost his, but not how Curly lost hers. Kinda doesn't make sense in my opinion, but hey...that's just me being picky for details.
Yes, she should start with the air tank.

Linknight said:
It's level 3 could be just like a GIANT CROWBAR like a swordlv2+1 in power since the soul of the king wouldn't make much sense.
Nor would the crowbar suddenly tripling in size make sense.

Linknight said:
F.) Author should hand on his sword to the King, not to curly, which would explain my last one. So she at least still has the weapon, just not the same.
Author? You mean Arthur? This is logical yes.

Linknight said:
E.) If you're going to make this go to where you're also seeing curlys side of the story AS Quote is awake then she should lose every weapon she has in the game when she has amnesia and find the nemesis somehow. Which would explain her having it in sacred grounds. It would also explain how she got there. That is, if you're going to see curly side in this game as cavestory would be going on.
Yes. Agreed.
Feb 23, 2009 at 10:43 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Starting with the MG would heavilly over-power the player.
Just saying.
Feb 24, 2009 at 12:25 AM
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I dunno, I get the impression that the fireball is the only weapon of its kind. Not sure why though...
Well then why does she get one? I don't think any weapon is one of a kind, I mean look at the nemesis. There's clearly not 1 of those, since Curly and Quote seem to have one. It could be a rare weapon, but I don't see him having the only one. Plus that cockroach in the labyrinth he has to have seen BOTH the polar star and the fireball before since I don't think you could just half ass make a weapon like that so perfectly and so randomly.

No. The polar star and the machine gun are totally different models. She should start with a Polar Star, perhaps, and find the machine gun later. Or just start with the machine gun.
I like starting off with the machine gun idea. Yet that would take out most of the Challenge of Curlys dungeons, especially the sandzone. Besides, she seemed to know in cavestory what a polar star was, even with her amnesia, so I'm not going to bitch on her having one, but then again I got to thinking on the thing that one cockroach thing did in cavestory. It turned your fireball and polarstar into the snake, so I didn't think upgrading the polar star into one would be bad. Maybe when she fights that one robot in grasstown she could take his machine gun, but it's broken, then like use the core of the polar star's power (I mean if it has infinate bullets that thing must have some kind of energy core instead of ammunition) could be used to power it back up. That means she loses the polar star but gets that machine gun. As stated, this is just me thinking out my ass in a way.

Nor would the crowbar suddenly tripling in size make sense.
Well the sword doubling in size from level 1 to level 2 didn't make much sense either. Then again that was just something I thought in the back of my head. Since I think she should get a weapon "Like" the blade, just not the blade itself. It could always go as far as the level 1 sword while not stopping when it hits something at level 3, so it drills and destroys everything in its path.
Feb 24, 2009 at 3:24 AM
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DragonBoots said:
Starting with the MG would heavilly over-power the player.
Just saying.
Not if you designed all the other areas with that in mind. Or you could depower the machine gun, though I'd prefer the other option. Alternatively, she can start with a broken machine gun and has to fix it...

Linknight said:
Well then why does she get one?
In this mod? A mod is not canon for the main game. If she gets a fireball in a mod, it's probably just because it's already an available weapon.

Linknight said:
I don't think any weapon is one of a kind, I mean look at the nemesis. There's clearly not 1 of those, since Curly and Quote seem to have one. It could be a rare weapon, but I don't see him having the only one.
Some weapons could definitely be one of a kind. The Nemesis certainly isn't. The Fireball and Bubbler could be – they're unusual enough. The Snake almost certainly is.

Linknight said:
Plus that cockroach in the labyrinth he has to have seen BOTH the polar star and the fireball before since I don't think you could just half ass make a weapon like that so perfectly and so randomly.
Not necessarily. It could be that he's never seen either weapon before, but happens to understand how they both work once he sees them.

Linknight said:
I like starting off with the machine gun idea. Yet that would take out most of the Challenge of Curlys dungeons, especially the sandzone. Besides, she seemed to know in cavestory what a polar star was, even with her amnesia, so I'm not going to bitch on her having one,
It would certainly make sense for her to have a Polar Star at some point.

Linknight said:
but then again I got to thinking on the thing that one cockroach thing did in cavestory. It turned your fireball and polarstar into the snake, so I didn't think upgrading the polar star into one would be bad.
The machine gun is nothing at all like the polar star. This is like suggesting that you upgrade your washing machine to a dryer. They're just not similar enough for such an upgrade to make sense.

Linknight said:
Maybe when she fights that one robot in grasstown she could take his machine gun, but it's broken, then like use the core of the polar star's power (I mean if it has infinate bullets that thing must have some kind of energy core instead of ammunition) could be used to power it back up. That means she loses the polar star but gets that machine gun. As stated, this is just me thinking out my ass in a way.
Now, this almost makes sense... however, the machine gun is almost certainly a projectile weapon, so an "energy core" from the polar star would be useless to it (assuming the polar star is even an energy weapon in the first place; it's likely, though).

Linknight said:
Well the sword doubling in size from level 1 to level 2 didn't make much sense either.
I... don't remember this happening...

Linknight said:
Since I think she should get a weapon "Like" the blade, just not the blade itself. It could always go as far as the level 1 sword while not stopping when it hits something at level 3, so it drills and destroys everything in its path.
Why does she need a weapon like the blade? Just because Quote had a certain weapon, doesn't mean that Curly must've had a similar weapon.